Chapter 3: Definitions of terms: thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming
Now I want to define terms. Before we define contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing, let’s define thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming.
Thinking: Thoughts are shaped by the ego, which is an essential ingredient of identity. Identity shapes thoughts. Those who identify as African Americans cultivate thoughts about a subject that are different from the thoughts of those who identify themselves as European Americans. Thoughts are affected by identity. Members of the upper class have thoughts about a subject differing from those who are members of the lower class. Males have thoughts concerning a certain subject different from those of females. Those who identify themselves as homosexuals have thoughts that may be different about a certain subject than those who idenitfy as heterosexual. A senior citizen will have thoughts about certain subjects that may differ from those of young adults.
For example, members of the upper class will have thoughts about taxes affected by their economic status and obligations. These thoughts may be different for a member of the lower class. An African American's thoughts about the OJ Simpson incident may be affected by their identifying with him, and likely will think that the jury did a good job in acquitting OJ of the murder charges. These thoughts may be affected differently if one identifies as European American, perhaps leading them to be more likely to think that OJ Simpson was guilty, and was acquitted just because he is an African American. Many after the trial thought that Simpson got off because the jury was mostly made up of African Americans. So thoughts are shaped profoundly by the ego, by one’s identity.
Emotion: Emotions also are shaped by the ego--by one's identity. Telling an African American that African Americans are stupid will elicit an emotional upset of anger, sadness and tears, or depression. One whose identity is European American may respond with totally different emotions, perhaps even with pleasure. Also emotions are used to manipulate people. An expression of anger may be an attempt to manipulate others to change their behavior. One who is sad may be sad in order to encourage others to make themselves feel better. Those who are crying because of a deflated ego may be more likely to influence others to approach them to try to make themselves feel better, or may cause others to give them space. Emotions profoundly affect others, and are often used to manipulate. Emotions are the second square, associated with relationships and affecting others in the group.
Doing: Doing is exclusively a physical activity. What one does is shaped largely by the ego, or one's identity. Identifying as a doctor elicits actions performed by doctors, such as operations or prescribing medications. What one does is very much shaped by the physical--
a seven-foot tall person may be more likely to play basketball, and be a post-up player. Doing is the third square,and the third square is always the most physical.
Dreaming: When dreaming one is disconnected from the body, disconnected from the physical. In the dreaming state the body is paralyzed. Doing, thinking, and emoting occur during dreaming, but because of the paralyzed status the dreamer does not act out (except in occasional sleep-walking) what is done in the bed. Instances of kicking in bed are examples of doing while dreaming. Dreams are also very much shaped by the ego. When dreaming there is a disconnect from the physical body, a sort of paralyzed state of being. But in the dream one is still a body. The dream body is not real; it is a product of imagination. The mind creates the dream body, which exists in addition to the physical body.
However, the ego still operates in the dream. The dream can try to protect the ego as well as the body. The ego and the body remain very connected. A dream may include being chased by, and running away from a monster. The dream may include a fight against the monster in an attempt to protect the dream body, even though it is not real; it is a pure figment of imagination. But nonetheless doing is designed to try to protect it. Dreaming of being naked may conjure up emotions and doings of embarrassment, leading to not wanting to be seen naked, for fear of being laughed at. The dream can fabricate a strategy for protecting the ego.
Other examples of protecting the ego in dreaming is of being called “ dumb, which can lead to emotions of being upset and doing in the form of hiding. Dreams can also include having sex, or killing people. Having sex is ego-based because the purpose of sex is to give the body pleasure. Also sex enhances the ego because, especially for men, having sex with an attractive person can increase prestige among peers. People have sex in order to procreate, and this is ego-based because, in procreation the genes regenerate in future generations. Killing is often ego centered because people mainly kill others who hurt their feelings, or people who threatened them. People kill also in order to steal from others.
Sigmund Freud saw dreams as very much shaped by the ego, and dominated by having to do with sex. Freud believed that people subconsciously want to have sex with their Moms and kill their Dads. He said that everything in dreams is metaphorical of one having sex with his Mom. For instance, shooting a basketball in a dream is metaphorical of having sex with the mother. The basketball would be the penis, the rim the vagina. Essentially Freud thought that dreams were very shaped by the ego.
Chapter 4: Definition of terms- Contemplation, Passion, Flowing, Knowing
The quadrant below the thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming quadrant is the contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing quadrant. Here are the definitions.
Contemplation: When contemplating the focus of attention is on eternal, dimensionless qualities such as Goodness, Truth, Beauty, God. The focus is on qualities that are beyond rational resolution. In contemplation one is thinking very deeply, abstractly, even a sort of non-thinking thinking. The focus is on considering the oneness of things, and in so doing the ego-identity is transcended. Thoughts center around how things are connected, seeking patterns and connections, looking for the unity of things. When contemplating one is attempting to understand completely. In order to see the oneness of things one, in a sense, one must die to the ego. Interest in the individual ego must be set aside in order to see something as it really is. Remembered and repeated thoughts are shaped by the ego. As a result thoughts are always shaded by the ego. Contemplation requires transcending the ego. Seeing the unity of things releases one to die to the self, by recognizing that “I am” only and wonder-fully a part of that unity. When seeing how things are connected, the illusion or image of the separate ego dies.
Passion: Passion is the byproduct of being a part of something beyond and larger than the self. When passionate about something “you lose your self” in it, often willing even to die physically for it. Passion connotes suffering. Compassion means to “suffer with”. When Jesus is crucified he is put on the cross, an occasion called the “passion event”. The duality is contemplation and passion, both of which occasion a transcendence of the ego and complete immersion in something.
Flowing: Flowing is also described as “being in the zone”. When in the zone there is no awareness of the body. When flowing the ego is transcended. All doing is pure, perfect, effortless; it occurs as if on automatic pilot. There is no awareness of the doing. The movements are not planned out, but are spontaneous. What is done is better than it could be planned. It is as if there is a connection to a higher, even transcendent harmony. When in the zone there is no awareness of what is to happen next. There is often some degree of nervousness because no steps have been planned. Yet what is done is consistently better than could have been planned. You are completely in the moment. Such flow experiences are often transitory to most people.
Unanticipated but welcomed surprises occur when one is flowing. Michael Jordan talked about being in the zone, describing how he experienced a different impression of time and space. Dreaming, contemplating, and passion, as well as flowing all point to what is to follow, namely knowing.
Knowing: The fourth square is knowing. The only reality one can really know is the quadrant model pattern. Existence is the manifestation of the quadrant model pattern. The Form of existence is the cross. Everything is one. Everything is manifested in order to reveal
this form, which is the only thing that can be known; everything but the pattern is an illusion.
Chapter 4: Defining terms- Sensation, Perception, Response, and Awareness
So I put thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming in a quadrant. Below thinking, emotion, doing and dreaming, The day after I made the discovey of the quadrant model pattern I drew another quadrant with contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing. Then to the left of the thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming quadrant, I placed a quadrant with sensation in the first square, corresponding to thinking, perception in the second square, corresponding to emotion, response in the third square, corresponding to doing, and awareness in the fourth square, corresponding to dreaming. Here are the definitions.
Sensation: Sensation occurs in the five sense faculties of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. Sensation is the gathering of electrical and chemical data from the environment by these sense faculties. Electrical and chemical stimuli from the environment is transduced by these senses and transferred into perceptions by the mind.
Perception: Perception is the interpretation of electrical and chemical sense stimuli from the environment. Information from the environment, interpreted by the mind is perception. For instance, if pricked by a needle, the perception might be of pain. However, there can be different perceptions from the same stimuli. Being shot in a war zone can be perceived differently than being shot while grocery shopping. The pain in the former situation is not so intense as in the latter because of the context of the situation. When shot at war the person thinks that this may make him a hero, enabling him to go back home and be decorated with a medal, thus the experience of pain is lessened. When shot at the grocery shop the subjective perception is often more intense because there is no distracting promise of reward.
Perceptions cannot be completely trusted. This is illustrated by the phenomena of illusions. Sometimes things may appear a certain way, but in reality they are very different. For instance, one line is drawn with arrows on each end pointing outward; the other line has arrows pointing inward. The first is typically perceived as longer than the latter. Also the same things can be perceived by different people in multiple ways. Perception is the second square of the first quadrant. The first quadrant has a quality of being untrustworthy; it is not very solid. The third quadrant and the third square are the most solid. The first square and first quadrant are dynamically opposed to the third.
Another example of how perception does not necessarily correspond to reality is that humans perceive only a very narrow spectrum of light. There are other wavelengths of light, including infrared and ultraviolet, which humans do not see. It does not mean that these wavelengths do not exist. It means that humans do not perceive them. So perceptions cannot be trusted completely; they do not correspond precisely to the true nature of reality. However perceptions can be helpful, and should not be completely discounted. They can be useful for meeting survival needs. Perception of a car coming head on necessitates an appropriate reaction.
Response: Response is the third square. Response corresponds to the doing square. Responses are reactions to sensory stimuli. Sensation and perception comprise the duality. Sensation and perception are the first two squares. After a perception of sensory stimuli there is normally a response. Responses are shaped and driven by the stimuli from the environment that produced them. Automatic responses usually facilitate survival. For instance, movement of a hand quickly toward another's face evokes a blink reaction. The blink protects eye from injury. This response is automatic and cannot really be controlled; it is a hardwired impulse. Another hardwired impulse is evident in a gerbil. Touching a female gerbil’s back triggers its back to arch. The reason the gerbil does
this is to prepare itself for penetration by the male. The touch stimulus signals to the female that it is being mounted for sexual penetration, so it arches its back to prepare for this. The first quadrant is survival; automatic responses are geared toward survival.
Awareness: Awareness is separate from sensation, perception, and response, yet it encompasses them. The fourth is always separate from, but includes the previous three. The content of awareness includes sensations, perceptions, and responses. But also awareness is different from the previous three. Awareness affects sensations, perceptions, and responses. But people are arguably aware of more than just sensations, perceptions, and responses, and awareness, changes sensations, perceptions, and responses.
A familiar example is the face/vase illusion. It can be seen as either two faces looking at each other, or as a vase. The viewer can be influenced by others to see it either way. It has been said that we can see only what we are looking for. There is that popular illustration of this where people say that the American Indians could not perceive the ships of the European Christians coming to America because they had no awareness of what a ship was.
Another example of this is the Egyptian pyramid. There were x-ray pictures done of the pyramids indicating the existence of internal cavities. At first no one paid attention to the cavities because they had never been considered to be significant features of the pyramids themselves. An architect trying to figure out how the pyramids were built saw the pictures, and realized that they were built with internal channels. Because he was an architect, and was aware of architectural principles of construction of the pyramids through internal channels, he perceived the cavities as significant features of the pyramids. The channels were always there in the pictures, but nobody previously perceived them as being important because nobody had the awareness of the architect. We can only see what we are looking for...; while not entirely true, there is truth to that statement. Awareness does affect perception. But also perceptions affect awareness. Sometimes stimuli from the environment impinge upon awareness, even when one is not looking for them.
Chapter 5: Defining terms- Belief, Faith, Behavior, and Belonging.
A week after producing the first three quadrants, below the sensation, perception, response, and awareness quadrant I put belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. Now the first square, sensation, perception response and awareness, represents the first stage of consciousness instinctual consciousness. My Grandpa had taught me about Ken Wilber’s stages of consciousness. Sensation and response are instinctual and impulsive, and primitive. The second quadrant, belief, faith, behavior, and belonging represents magical, religious, group oriented consciousness. Quadrant three, thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming is rational interpersonal ego driven consciousness. As I discussed, thoughts, emotions, and what you do, and dreams are driven by the ego. The fourth quadrant, contemplation, passion, flowing, and knowing is transpersonal, transrational, transcendent consciousness. Now let’s define belief, faith, behavior, and belonging.
Belief: Belief glues communities together. When people say they believe something there is usually an emotional quality to it. Beliefs are often associated with strong feelings; people often believe something based on feeling alone. There is therefore an association with beliefs being irrational, and often wrong. Belief has the word “lie” in it; beliefs are often lies. It is not unusual to believe something because of wanting it to be true, perhaps to give comfort. There is also a mental aspect to beliefs; they are often cemented by empirical evidence and rational thinking. Beliefs can be further strengthened by the support of authority figures, or the group to which one belongs.
The second quadrant is the magical level of consciousness, therefore, it has a connotation of being irrational. The second quadrant is very related to feeling. Belief is the first square of the second quadrant, so while it is associated with feeling, as is the first square, it has a mental quality to it. The first and fourth squares are the most mental.
Belief, faith, and behavior create order and structure, and glue groups together. Groups often are shaped to promote the survival of preferred genes. Often people believe things not because they are true, but because it is advantageous for their own and their group’s survival. Beliefs can serve a function of helping genes to survive. It is not uncommon to believe that getting cancer is unlikely. Optimistic beliefs have survival benefits, according to psychologists. Sometimes it does not matter what you believe, but what you tell people you believe. Pessimism on the other hand, could lead to depression and lessen the length of survival, according to evolutionary psychologists. False beliefs can thus be beneficial for survival.
Pessimistic beliefs can also be beneficial. For instance, excessive fears of spiders are based on a belief that they are extremely dangerous, when in reality, most spiders are not. But this belief that all spiders are dangerous may, according to evolutionary psychologists, be ingrained in the humans psyche due to evolutionary programming. Fear of spiders helped
human ancestors to survive, because those who did not believe that spiders were extremely dangerous did not survive to pass on their genes.
There are many things that people are aware of, which can become overwhelming. One's awareness is solidified in beliefs. When burdened by an overwhelming spectrum of awareness, the world of awareness can be narrowed to make it easier to handle. Life can be simplified and consolidated in belief systems.
Faith: Faith is the second square, corresponding to the perception square of instinctive consciousness, the emotion square of rational consciousness, and the passion square of trans-rational consciousness. Faith is a willingness to submit to orders or a higher authority, and a trust in orders and a higher authority. Faith also glues together groups and creates order and harmony. Faith is associated with a feeling, and is a lot of times seen as irrational. For example, people may say that they have faith that something is true because they feel that it is true, and this may be in spite of evidence. But faith does not always exist in spite of evidence. Evidence can strengthen faith.
Faith can occur in the form of the placebo effect. When a doctor gives a patient a sugar pill, and tells the patient it is medicine that will help a headache, or whatever is making the patient not feel good, the patient often has the impression of feeling better, and may in fact feel better. This is known as the placebo effect. If the patient has faith that the medicine will help, the medicine will help, even if there is nothing in the medicine that should help. So the patient's’ beliefs and faith in the doctor and in the medicine will influence whether he does or does not get better. The second square is related to healing and homeostasis.
Behavior: Behavior is a consequence of faith, like flowing is a consequence of passion. Behavior is action in accord with orders. Behavior is action in accord with a higher authority. Whereas flowing is unplanned, behavior is scripted and in compliance with given orders. Behavior is determined by instructions given. For instance, groups that are behaving are following a prescribed system that is given by a higher authority.
Belonging: Psychologists postulate that belonging is elemental to being. Belonging encompasses the previous three squares. Having the correct beliefs, the right faith, and the correct behavior, determines that you belong. But belonging is also different. Belonging has to do with the physical. For instance, if one's genes produce the look of a Mexican, then belonging to a Mexican gang is a possibility. The opposite is also true. Belonging can depend largely upon the genes. High levels of intelligence can be by-products of the genes, often making high levels of monetary wealth a possibility, thereby determining qualifications for specific group membership. The argument has been made that in a tribal society in Africa, it may be more conducive to be able to track animals, and those who are very good at it may be seen as highly intelligent and better qualified to belong. In a different culture, tracking animals may not be a premium. On the contrary many psychologists say that tests, like IQ test intelligence and culture do not make a difference in belonging to specific groups.
Chapter 6: The Four Stages of Consciousness According to Wilber, Instinctual, Magical religious, Rational interpersonal, Transrational transpersonal.
In this chapter I discuss relationships between the four quadrants; the fourth square encapsulates that which comes before and its nature indicates the nature of what comes after it in a new quadrant. The fourth square always encapsulates the previous three squares, and points to, or indicates what comes after it. The fourth square always reveals the fifth. And the fifth becomes the first square of a new quadrant.
Awareness points to belief. Awareness, the fourth square of the first quadrant, so it encompasses sensation, perception, and response. Awareness affects how you perceive and respond and sense. Awareness also indicates what follows. Awareness is consolidated into beliefs, and is related to self-awareness. Some animals like dolphins have self-awareness, which is the capability of seeing oneself as a separate, individual entity. Some apes have self-awareness.
Humans have self-awareness, but it is crucial to realize that the impression of being a separate self exists only within a cultural setting. The self does not exist without a cultural setting to distinguish and confirm it as separate and unique. Self-awareness entails cultural awareness. Culture is the belief, faith, behavior, and belonging quadrant. Emerging self-awareness evokes and sustains a desire to belong . The self does not yet belong, but it wants to belong. Self-awareness points to cultural awareness. Self-awareness points to belief, which becomes the first square of a new quadrant, the second quadrant. So the first quadrant, leads to the second quadrant.
Belonging encapsulates belief, faith, and behavior. But it also indicates what comes after it. After belonging comes the persistent desire to belong, and then the “longing to be”, thereby establishing a kind of dual connotation to belonging. The longing is to be an individual, which can lead to longing not to be in the group, a longing to break out of the consensus established and sustained cultural norms.
The content of awareness is of sensations, perceptions, and responses; that is why awareness involves the previous three squares. Awareness is solidified into beliefs, the first square of the Quadrant 2--belief, faith, behavior, and belonging. The full spectrum of awareness is cemented into beliefs.
Belonging is the fourth square of Quadrant 2. Belonging depends upon conforming to group beliefs, faith, and behavior. The group also affects beliefs, faith, and behavior. Belonging is separate from the previous three, yet it engulfs them. Belonging is separate because sometimes beliefs, faith, and behavior are not sufficient to belong. Belonging also depends on physical characteristics you have and status you have. The fourth square is always separate from the previous three squares, while including them. The dual connotation of belonging is longing to be. After belonging to a group one can then be an individual and think for himself. Belonging points to thinking. The belonging quadrant, quadrant 2, is the second level of consciousness, which is group/cultural oriented, magical-religious consciousness. After instinctive/self consciousness, which is quadrant 1, there is group oriented, cultural religious consciousness.
Belonging points to the fifth square, namely thinking, the first square of Quadrant 3, and is the ninth square in the sequence of squares. The fourth square of the previous quadrant contains the qualities of all of the previous squares, and indicates the nature of the quadrant that will follow it. The group affects the thoughts of those who belong, and therefore belonging contains everything before it, and points to what follows, namely thoughts.
Quadrant 3 is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming. The dreamer thinks, has emotions, and engages in doing. Dreaming encompasses the previous three squares, and also transcends them; the fourth square always transcends the previous three. When dreaming the dreamer is paralyzed and separated from the physical body; the body is paralyzed, preventing the dream from being acted out. Doing occurs in dreams, but not physically. So dreaming in effect represents a transcendence of the body. Thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming are very much shaped by the ego/body. For instance, thoughts, and emotions regarding things are affected by physical/body phenomena like the brain and hormones. Also somebody’s physical appearance and physical characteristics affect what he does, his thoughts, and emotions. Dreaming kind of signifies a simultaneous transcendence of the ego/body. People are bodys/egos in their dreams, and they protect their bodies/egos, but the dream body is simultaneously illusory, and thus the body/ego is in a way transcended. The third quadrant represents the third level of consciousness, which is rational, interpersonal, egoistic consciousness. After belonging to a group, you can then break free of the group and become an individual.
Dreaming, the fourth square of the third quadrant, points to the square that comes after it, namely contemplation. In contemplation the oneness of things is discerned, and the focus of attention is on what resides beyond rational resolution and ego-identity. In order to contemplate, a transcendence of the ego/body must occur, which is why dreaming points to contemplation. The dual characteristic of dreaming is dreaming involves the ego/body and simultaneously involves a transcendence of the ego/body. Contemplation represents a quality of transcendence of the ego/body, which dreaming points to. Dreaming contains the squares before it, yet indicates the quality of the square that follows. Quadrant 4 is contemplation, passion, flowing and knowing. The fourth quadrant represents the fourth level of consciousness, which is trans rational, transpersonal, transcendent (transcending the ego-flowing) consciousness.
Chapter 7.5: God - Quadrant 5; Being, Non-Being, Becoming
It was stated in Chapter 4 that only the quadrant model pattern can be known; all other phenomena are mere representations of this pattern. The quadrant model pattern is the Form of Existence. In order to know one must recognize that everything other than the quadrant model pattern is an illusion, only a re-presented manifestation of the pattern. Each individual person is only an expression of this pattern. Human existence is merely, and wonderfully, one manifestation of this pattern. It follows that “when you know you die”. Knowing has a dual connotation--it is “know-ing”, and “no-thing”. In order to know one must recognize that there is no thing-- everything is one. Everything is a representation of one Form. In order to know one must not only transcend the ego/body, but also transcend reality. In order to know one must die. In contemplation, passion, and flowing the ego/body is transcended; that is the nature of the fourth quadrant. The fourth quadrant is the trans-rational, transpersonal state of consciousness.
Knowing includes and transcends contemplation, passion, and flowing. Contemplation, passion, and flowing, yield knowing. And knowing points to what follows, namely the fifth quadrant. Being is the first square of the fifth quadrant; it is the seventeenth square. Being is God. Being itself is God. To know is to be dead to the ego-body identity and the ego-reality, which is to become one with Being. Being is manifest through the quadrant model pattern. Reality is a representation of the pattern that emerges from the cross. This is the nature of Being. To die to the ego and the body is to be open to the possibility to be—the possibility of being.
After Being is Non-Being, which is a form of duality. Non being is the 18th square. There is no thing. There is not even one thing. There really is no thing. The cross is a representation of no thing. The 19th square is ephemerality-- becoming, or being coming, which is Being coming in and out of existence. This is the process of going in and out of Being. This is the nature of existence. Existence is ephemeral. All is constantly going in and out of existence. Sub-atomic particles are constantly going in and out of existence, constantly in flux. Physicists say that the Universe itself goes in and out of existence, theorizing that big bangs and big crunches are constantly occurring happenings. The nature of Reality is ephemeral.
Nietzsche spoke of the eternal recurrence, suggesting that an individual's life is lived the same way over and over again, forever. The quadrant model pattern corroborates this theory, because there can be only one thing, namely that which manifests the pattern deriving from the cross, or the Form of Existence. There cannot be no thing, and there can be only one thing, therefore nothing else can exist. There can be no other existence, and nothing can not exist. So what exists now must be eternal. Because there cannot be no thing, that which exists must exist eternally. I exist. So I must exist eternally. I have to repeat this existence eternally, over and over again. This is where the logic of the quadrant model leads.
Chapter 7: Examples of the Quadrant Model Pattern in Physical Reality with a Fifth Element; The Five Fundamental Forces of Physics, The Five Orbitals of Chemistry, and the Five Senses
Let’s go back to the quadrant model examples that I gave earlier in Chapter 2, but this time I am going to add a fifth component to some of them. Recall the fourth square contains the previous three squares, and also indicates the nature of what comes after it. I will also show some additional examples of the quadrant model with five elements contained in it. There are the four forces of nature, the strong force, weak force, electromagnetism, and gravity. There is a possible fifth, called dark energy. The fifth square always seems questionable. The fourth always has a transcendent quality in that it seems like it does not belong with the other three. It points to the fifth,indicating what follows. The fifth is extremely transcendent, and always seems questionable. The first two form the duality--the strong force and the weak force. Electromagnetism, which is the third square, is always the most physical. The fourth is gravity; as is characteristic of the fourth square, it does not seem to belong with the other three. The first three can be explained with quantum mechanics, but gravity can be explained only with general relativity. Physicists say all forces possibly were once one force, so they were all connected. All of the squares in the quadrant model are very interconnected. They represent a sort of continuum, but there is sections within the continuum. There is differentiation within the unity.
In a similar fashion thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming are separate and different, but are all interconnected. Gravity, the fourth, seems very different from the previous three. The first three are always the most connected. Gravity, the fourth, points to the fifth; the fourth always indicates the fifth. The fifth force is possibly dark energy, which is called the quintessence force; the word quintessence means fifth. Dark energy is very strange; some physicists even question the very reality of a fifth force. The fifth is always questionable. Many physicists say that dark energy is only an aspect of gravity, theorizing that gravity, being not completely understood, may include dark energy. The fourth, gravity, points to the fifth, dark energy.
Square one: strong force; Square two: weak force; Square three: electromagnetism; Square four: gravity; Square five: dark energy.
Strong force
Weak force
Dark Energy
The orbitals in chemistry are S, P, D, and F, with G as a possible fifth. S, the first, and P, the second form the duality. The D orbital builds upon the first two, becoming more solid. Being a holistic model, each square builds upon the previous squares. Each envelopes the qualities of the previous squares, but adds to them. The fourth orbital is the F orbital, and is very different from the previous three. It is very strange and different, typical of the fourth square, it seems not to belong. The fifth orbital is the G orbital; the fifth is always questionable. While it apparently exists in principle, some chemists claim that it definitely exists. The mathematics worked out by chemists and physicists postulates that there must be a G orbital. But it has never been produced. Chemists say that if a G orbital is to be produced it would need to happen in a laboratory under unnatural conditions. The fifth is always questionable. It exists, but is questionable. It’s qualities are very like the F orbital qualities; the fourth always points to the fifth. This is the pattern of the quadrant model.
Square one: s; Square two: p; Square 3: d; Square four: f; Square 5: g.
Now let’s look at some more examples of the quadrant model with five elements that we have not touched before. One is the five senses. There are five primary sensory capabilities in the human body. In the first square is sight. Seeing occurs as light photons are reflected onto the retina. This input is processed by the mind into information as images. The second square is hearing, forming a duality with seeing. Ear cells vibrate due to oscillating airwaves that come from the surrounding environment. These vibrations are interpreted by the mind as sounds. The sense of hearing is used to glue together social relationships. The second square is associated with glueing together communities. The third square is touch, which is the solid, doing square. Touch is related to the body; the third square is always the most physical square. Mechanoreceptors in the body send electrical signals to the mind, which interpret how objects in the environment feel to the touch. The fourth sense is the sense of taste, which being characteristic of the fourth square, is always different from the previous three.
The first three sense faculties are called mechanoreceptors. These three interpret mechanical information from the environment. Taste, however, is very different from the others; it is a chemical perception occurring in the mouth. There is always an opposition between the second square and the fourth square, yet they are always connected. Words cannot be heard (which is the second square- the ears) if there are no words spoken (which is the fourth square- the mouth).
Taste, being the fourth, characteristically is separate from the first three squares, but encapsulates them. Ingested food or drugs affect seeing, hearing, and touching. For instance, carrots affect eyesight, certain drugs alter the sense of touch and hearing, like hallucinogens. While on the one hand taste is separate from the previous three, it does influence them. The fourth square is separate yet intricately connected to the previous three. Drugs and food can also be ingested through the nose. These sense faculties are literally connected; ear canals connect to the mouth, and a canal connects to the nose.
The fifth primary sense is the sense of smell; it is the fifth square. The fourth always points to the fifth. The fourth, the sense of taste, and the fifth, the sense of smell, are both chemical perceptions. The first three perceptions are mechanical perceptions. The fifth sense, the sense of smell, is a chemical perception. The fourth indicates the nature of the fifth. Smell and taste are very connected. They are both chemical. The nose is located immediately above the mouth, and they are physically connected. The smell of things affects the taste of things. The smell can anticipate the taste of things. The fourth and fifth squares are always very connected. The fifth square is the extremely transcendent square. The fourth square is different from the first three squares in that it is somewhat transcendent of the previous three. The nature of the fourth square points to the nature of the fifth, revealing its nature. The fifth square is the beginning of a new quadrant.
Quadrant 1:
square 1: sensation
square 2: perceptions
square 3: response
square 4: awareness
Quadrant 2:
square 5: belief
square 6: faith
square 7: behavior
square 8: belonging
Quadrant 3
square 9: thinking
square 10: emotion
square 11: doing
square 12: dreaming
Quadrant 4:
square 13: contemplation
square 14: passion
square 15: flowing
square 16: knowing
Quadrant 5
square 17: being
square 18: nonbeing
square 19: becoming (ephemerality)
The Whole Quadrant Model
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