Science chapter
Physics chapter
The computational law of reachable optimality[28] is established as a general form of computation for ordered system and it reveals complexity computation is a compound computation of optimal choice and optimality driven reaching pattern overtime underlying a specific and any experience path of ordered system within the general limitation of system integrity.
The computational law of reachable optimality has four key components as described below.
1.Reachability of Optimality Any intended optimality shall be reachable. Unreachable optimality has no meaning for a member in the ordered system and even for the ordered system itself.
2. Prevailing and Consistency Maximizing reachability to explore best available optimality is the prevailing computation logic for all members in the ordered system and is accommodated by the ordered system.
3. Conditionality Realizable tradeoff between reachability and optimality depends primarily upon the initial bet capacity and how the bet capacity evolves along with the payoff table update path triggered by bet behavior and empowered by the underlying law of reward and punishment. Precisely, it is a sequence of conditional events where the next event happens upon reached status quo from experience path.
4. Robustness The more challenge a reachable optimality can accommodate, the more robust it is in term of path integrity.
There are also four computation features in the law of reachable optimality.
1. Optimal Choice Computation in realizing Optimal Choice can be very simple or very complex. A simple rule in Optimal Choice is to accept whatever is reached, Reward As You Go (RAYG). A Reachable Optimality computation reduces into optimizing reachability when RAYG is adopted. The Optimal Choice computation can be more complex when multiple NE strategies present in a reached game.
2. Initial Status Computation is assumed to start at an interested beginning even the absolute beginning of an ordered system in nature may not and need not present. An assumed neutral Initial Status facilitates an artificial or a simulating computation and is not expected to change the prevalence of any findings.
3. Territory An ordered system shall have a territory where the universal computation sponsored by the system will produce an optimal solution still within the territory.
4. Reaching Pattern The forms of Reaching Pattern in the computation space, or the Optimality Driven Reaching Pattern in the computation space, primarily depend upon the nature and dimensions of measure space underlying a computation space and the law of punishment and reward underlying the realized experience path of reaching. There are five basic forms of experience path we are interested in, persistently positive reinforcement experience path, persistently negative reinforcement experience path, mixed persistent pattern experience path, decaying scale experience path and selection experience path.
The compound computation in selection experience path includes current and lagging interaction, dynamic topological transformation and implies both invariance and variance characteristics in an ordered system's experience path.
In addition, the computation law of reachable optimality gives out the boundary between complexity model, chaotic model and determination model. When RAYG is the Optimal Choice computation, and the reaching pattern is a persistently positive experience path, persistently negative experience path, or mixed persistent pattern experience path, the underlying computation shall be a simple system computation adopting determination rules. If the reaching pattern has no persistent pattern experienced in RAYG regime, the underlying computation hints there is a chaotic system. When the optimal choice computation involves non-RAYG computation, it's a complexity computation driving the compound effect
Each component of the Fatou set of a rational map can be classified into one of four different classes.[5]
The four division algebras R, C, H, O,
The challenge of widespread communication of the pattern of four attractors might be usefully associated with the symbols characteristic of widely used sets of playing cards. There is even a case for recognizing their degree of resemblance to the fold, cusp, swallowtail and butterfly catastrophes. This would respect popular legends according religious or metaphysicial significance to four-fold systems of fundamental categories through playing cards (cf International Playing-Card Society, History of Playing-Cards, 2000). A case might then also be made for recognizing the "court cards" as representing the umbilic catastrophes (hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic) of catastrophe theory. The four "suits" might then conveniently represent the contrasting perspectives on the "higher order" umbilic catastrophes.
In mathematics, catastrophe theory is a branch of bifurcation theory in the study of dynamical systems; it is also a particular special case of more general singularity theory in geometry.
Potential functions of one active variable[edit]
Fold catastrophe[edit]
Stable and unstable pair of extrema disappear at a fold bifurcation
At negative values of a, the potential has two extrema - one stable, and one unstable. If the parameter a is slowly increased, the system can follow the stable minimum point. But at a = 0 the stable and unstable extrema meet, and annihilate. This is the bifurcation point. At a > 0 there is no longer a stable solution. If a physical system is followed through a fold bifurcation, one therefore finds that as a reaches 0, the stability of the a < 0 solution is suddenly lost, and the system will make a sudden transition to a new, very different behaviour. This bifurcation value of the parameter a is sometimes called the "tipping point".
Cusp catastrophe[edit]
Diagram of cusp catastrophe, showing curves (brown, red) of x satisfying dV/dx = 0 for parameters (a,b), drawn for parameter b continuously varied, for several values of parameter a. Outside the cusp locus of bifurcations (blue), for each point (a,b) in parameter space there is only one extremising value of x. Inside the cusp, there are two different values of x giving local minima of V(x) for each (a,b), separated by a value of x giving a local maximum.
Cusp shape in parameter space (a,b) near the catastrophe point, showing the locus of fold bifurcations separating the region with two stable solutions from the region with one.
Pitchfork bifurcation at a = 0 on the surface b = 0
The cusp geometry is very common, when one explores what happens to a fold bifurcation if a second parameter, b, is added to the control space. Varying the parameters, one finds that there is now a curve (blue) of points in (a,b) space where stability is lost, where the stable solution will suddenly jump to an alternate outcome.
But in a cusp geometry the bifurcation curve loops back on itself, giving a second branch where this alternate solution itself loses stability, and will make a jump back to the original solution set. By repeatedly increasing b and then decreasing it, one can therefore observe hysteresis loops, as the system alternately follows one solution, jumps to the other, follows the other back, then jumps back to the first.
However, this is only possible in the region of parameter space a < 0. As a is increased, the hysteresis loops become smaller and smaller, until above a = 0 they disappear altogether (the cusp catastrophe), and there is only one stable solution.
One can also consider what happens if one holds b constant and varies a. In the symmetrical case b = 0, one observes a pitchfork bifurcation as a is reduced, with one stable solution suddenly splitting into two stable solutions and one unstable solution as the physical system passes to a < 0 through the cusp point (0,0) (an example of spontaneous symmetry breaking). Away from the cusp point, there is no sudden change in a physical solution being followed: when passing through the curve of fold bifurcations, all that happens is an alternate second solution becomes available.
A famous suggestion is that the cusp catastrophe can be used to model the behaviour of a stressed dog, which may respond by becoming cowed or becoming angry.[1] The suggestion is that at moderate stress (a > 0), the dog will exhibit a smooth transition of response from cowed to angry, depending on how it is provoked. But higher stress levels correspond to moving to the region (a < 0). Then, if the dog starts cowed, it will remain cowed as it is irritated more and more, until it reaches the 'fold' point, when it will suddenly, discontinuously snap through to angry mode. Once in 'angry' mode, it will remain angry, even if the direct irritation parameter is considerably reduced.
A simple mechanical system, the "Zeeman Catastrophe Machine", nicely illustrates a cusp catastrophe. In this device, smooth variations in the position of the end of a spring can cause sudden changes in the rotational position of an attached wheel.[2]
Catastrophic failure of a complex system with parallel redundancy can be evaluated based on relationship between local and external stresses. The model of the structural fracture mechanics is similar to the cusp catastrophe behavior. The model predicts reserve ability of a complex system.
Other applications include the outer sphere electron transfer frequently encountered in chemical and biological systems[3] and modelling Real Estate Prices.[4]
Fold bifurcations and the cusp geometry are by far the most important practical consequences of catastrophe theory. They are patterns which reoccur again and again in physics, engineering and mathematical modelling. They produce the strong gravitational lensing events and provide astronomers with one of the methods used for detecting black holes and the dark matter of the universe, via the phenomenon of gravitational lensing producing multiple images of distant quasars. [5]
The remaining simple catastrophe geometries are very specialised in comparison, and presented here only for curiosity value.
Swallowtail catastrophe[edit]
Swallowtail catastrophe surface
The control parameter space is three-dimensional. The bifurcation set in parameter space is made up of three surfaces of fold bifurcations, which meet in two lines of cusp bifurcations, which in turn meet at a single swallowtail bifurcation point.
As the parameters go through the surface of fold bifurcations, one minimum and one maximum of the potential function disappear. At the cusp bifurcations, two minima and one maximum are replaced by one minimum; beyond them the fold bifurcations disappear. At the swallowtail point, two minima and two maxima all meet at a single value of x. For values of a>0, beyond the swallowtail, there is either one maximum-minimum pair, or none at all, depending on the values of b and c. Two of the surfaces of fold bifurcations, and the two lines of cusp bifurcations where they meet for a<0, therefore disappear at the swallowtail point, to be replaced with only a single surface of fold bifurcations remaining. Salvador Dalí's last painting, The Swallow's Tail, was based on this catastrophe.
Butterfly catastrophe[edit]
Depending on the parameter values, the potential function may have three, two, or one different local minima, separated by the loci of fold bifurcations. At the butterfly point, the different 3-surfaces of fold bifurcations, the 2-surfaces of cusp bifurcations, and the lines of swallowtail bifurcations all meet up and disappear, leaving a single cusp structure remaining when a>0
The Mandelbrot Set, a unique recursive geometry that joins the Julia Set into a closed figure, represents the precise point where chaos is balanced with order.
This geometry is actually harmonic.
The horizontal x-axis represents exponentially decreasing circular regions while the vertical y-axis represents the symmetrical products of positive and negative even numbers. In effect, the Mandelbrot Set is a sine wave that has been phi-damped into three circular regions of cubic powers, thus attenuating the vertical resonance of the even squares of the harmonic series. As a result, the human heart twists (or implodes) itself according to cubic powers of phi as a natural recursive rhythm.The interesting thing for me about this is the heart actually reflects off of the end of the Mandelbrot Set as if reflecting off an infinite mirror.
The Venus Blueprint –
To the reader the importance of the Mandelbrot Set and Julia Set will become apparent later in the blog.
Thank you Richard Merrick especially for this quote:
“The Mandelbrot Set, a unique recursive geometry that joins the Julia Set into a closed figure, represents the precise point where chaos is balanced with order.
This geometry is actually harmonic.”
Richard Merrick the author of the Venus Blueprint has also said this:
“Note that the prime symbol of this cosmology was the Vedic swastika – the geometry of orthogonal spacing of these planetary eggs.”
16 is the squares of the quadrant model.
The Vatican SS, a.k.a. the Sweet Sixteen – note how both St. Peter’s compass rose indicates 16 winds and the Mandelbrot fractal (the most famous fractal of all and the one which Merrick says has a harmonic swastika underpinning) has 16 rays converging/emanating out from the center, indicated by the red dots
Regulus (α Leo, α Leonis, Alpha Leonis) is the brightest star in the constellation Leo and one of the brightest stars in the night sky, lying approximately 79 light years from Earth. Regulus is a multiple star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. The spectroscopic binary Regulus A consists of a blue-white main-sequence star and its companion, which has not yet been directly observed, but is probably a white dwarf.[5] Located farther away is the pair Regulus B and Regulus C and D, which are dim main-sequence stars.
Regulus is a multiple star system consisting of at least four stars. Regulus A is the dominant star, with a binary companion 177" distant that is thought to be physically related. Regulus D is a 12th magnitude companion at 212", which shares a common motion with the other stars.[20]
Regulus A is a binary star consisting of a blue-white main sequence star of spectral type B7V, which is orbited by a star of at least 0.3 solar masses, which is probably a white dwarf. The two stars take approximately 40 days to complete an orbit around their common centre of mass. Given the extremely distorted shape of the primary, the relative orbital motion may be notably altered with respect to the two-body purely Keplerian scenario because of non-negligible long-term orbital perturbations affecting, for example, its orbital period. In other words, Kepler's third law, which holds exactly only for two point-like masses, would be no longer valid because of the highly distorted shape of the primary. Regulus A was long thought to be fairly young, only 50 - 100 million years old, calculated by comparing its temperature, luminosity, and mass. The existence of a white dwarf companion would mean that the system is at least a 1,000 million years old, just to account for the formation of the white dwarf. The discrepancy can be accounted for by a history of mass transfer onto a once-smaller Regulus A.[12]
Regulus BC is 5,000 AU[21] from Regulus A. They share a common proper motion and are thought to orbit each other taking several million years.[4] Designated Regulus B and Regulus C, the pair has Henry Draper Catalogue number HD 87884. The first is a K2V star, while the companion is approximately M4V.[19] The companion pair has an orbital period of about 600 years[4] with a separation of 2.5" in 1942.[19]
Rēgulus is Latin for 'prince' or 'little king'. The Greek variant Basiliscus is also used. It is known as Qalb al-Asad, from the Arabic قلب الأسد, meaning 'the heart of the lion'. This phrase is sometimes approximated as Kabelaced and translates into Latin as Cor Leōnis. It is known in Chinese as 轩辕十四, the Fourteenth Star of Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor. In Hindu astronomy, Regulus corresponds to the Nakshatra Magha ("the bountiful").
Babylonians called it Sharru ("the King"), and it marked the 15th ecliptic constellation. In India it was known as Maghā ("the Mighty"), in Sogdiana Magh ("the Great"), in Persia Miyan ("the Centre") and also as Venant, one of the four 'royal stars' of the Persian monarchy
This next image is essentially chronicling the LIfE cycle of all STARS, even the ALL-Stars like Jesus Christ Superstar.
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram showing the main sequence as a black line and various other areas where variable stars of different types are found. The green lines indicate the paths of evolution followed by typical stars in the solar mass range when they have exhausted their hydrogen supply in the core. They migrate into the region M type stars and long period variables of the Mira type (farthest right). After spending some time in this region, they ultimately shed their outer layers as planetary nebula and the stars enter into the white dwarf region.
So does it make TOO MUCH sense that the all important first letter of the Hebrew alephbet ALEPH is a symbol representing the LIfE cycle of the sun hELIos?
Did you know Jesus grandfather was called hELI?
Maybe that is why the LEvI tribe was put in charge of the the Ark of the Covenant and the safekeeping of I37?
Noah’s Ark was 300 cubits >> 450 feet which converts to I37 meters long!
Wait it gets even more unifying!
hELIos the sun as you know does not stand still.
(or does it?)
The experts tell us that the sun/hELIos rotates about its own axis and it orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy too.
It travels at the speed of 220 kilometers per second which just happens to be 137 mILEs per/second!
And at I37 mILEs/sec it is estimated that it takes hELIos the sun about 220 – 225 years to complete one orbit of the galactic center.
…oy vey are we there yet?
Yes the engine/horsepower that our earthly chariot is attached to is taking us for a ride and the sun or
I already discussed in a previous book the four parts of the Hertzberg Russell diagrams
4chan is one of the first English image-board that became popular, it was inspired by a Japanese image-board called futaba channel. So chan is probably a shortened version of channel. "-Chan" is also a Japanese honorific for young female so it could also be referencing that since 4chan has Japanese roots.
Neptune's innermost four moons—Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea—orbit close enough to be within Neptune's rings. The next-farthest out, Larissa, was originally discovered in 1981 when it had occulted a star. This occultation had been attributed to ring arcs, but when Voyager 2 observed Neptune in 1989, it was found to have caused it. Five new irregular moons discovered between 2002 and 2003 were announced in 2004.[118][119] A new moon and the smallest yet, S/2004 N 1, was found in 2013. Because Neptune was the Roman god of the sea, Neptune's moons have been named after lesser sea gods.[34]
The fifth is always a lot different than the previous four. It was not discovered until 1981 and it is outside of Neptune's rings.
Many or all of the Chumashan languages originally used a base 4 counting system, in which the names for numbers were structured according to multiples of 4 and 16 (not 10). There is a surviving list of Ventureño language number words up to 32 written down by a Spanish priest ca. 1819.[1]
The Kharosthi numerals have a partial base 4 counting system from 1 to decimal 10.
Hilbert curves[edit]
Quaternary numbers are used in the representation of 2D Hilbert curves. Here a real number between 0 and 1 is converted into the quaternary system. Every single digit now indicates in which of the respective 4 sub-quadrants the number will be projected.
Parallels can be drawn between quaternary numerals and the way genetic code is represented by DNA. The four DNA nucleotides in alphabetical order, abbreviated A, C, G and T, can be taken to represent the quaternary digits in numerical order 0, 1, 2, and 3. With this encoding, the complementary digit pairs 0↔3, and 1↔2 (binary 00↔11 and 01↔10) match the complementation of the base pairs: A↔T and C↔G and can be stored as data in DNA sequence.[2]
For example, the nucleotide sequence GATTACA can be represented by the quaternary number 2033010 smile emoticondecimal 9156 or binary 10 00 11 11 00 01 00).
Data transmission[edit]
Quaternary line codes have been used for transmission, from the invention of the telegraph to the 2B1Q code used in modern ISDN circuits.
The scribes of ancient Egypt used two different systems for their fractions, Egyptian fractions (not related to the binary number system) and Horus-Eye fractions (so called because many historians of mathematics believe that the symbols used for this system could be arranged to form the eye of Horus, although this has been disputed). Horus-Eye fractions are a binary numbering system for fractional quantities of grain, liquids, or other measures, in which a fraction of a hekat is expressed as a sum of the binary fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, and 1/64. Early forms of this system can be found in documents from the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt, approximately 2400 BC, and its fully developed hieroglyphic form dates to the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt, approximately 1200 BC.[1]
The method used for ancient Egyptian multiplication is also closely related to binary numbers. In this method, multiplying one number by a second is performed by a sequence of steps in which a value (initially the first of the two numbers) is either doubled or has the first number added back into it; the order in which these steps are to be performed is given by the binary representation of the second number. This method can be seen in use, for instance, in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, which dates to around 1650 BC.[2]
In mathematics and computing, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0–9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a, b, c, d, e, f) to represent values ten to fifteen. Hexadecimal numerals are widely used by computer system designers and programmers. Several different notations are used to represent hexadecimal constants in computing languages; the prefix "0x" is widespread due to its use in Unix and C (and related operating systems and languages). Alternatively, some authors denote hexadecimal values using a suffix or subscript. For example, one could write 0x2AF3 or 2AF316, depending on the choice of notation.
As an example, the hexadecimal number 2AF316 can be converted to an equivalent decimal representation. Observe that 2AF316 is equal to a sum of (200016 + A0016 + F016 + 316), by decomposing the numeral into a series of place value terms. Converting each term to decimal, one can further write:
With the ICHING
Marbles or beads (method of 16)[edit]
Sixteen marbles can be used in four different colours. For example:
1 marble of a colour representing old yin (such as blue)
5 marbles of a colour representing young yang (such as white)
7 marbles of a colour representing young yin (such as black)
3 marbles of a colour representing old yang (such as red)
The marbles are drawn with replacement six times to determine the six lines. The distribution of results is the same as for the yarrow stick method.
Methods = It may be simpler to understand the Yarrow and Way of 16 methods by probability.
A yarrow cast of 9 has a probability of 1/4, and a 5 of 3/4. Both 4 and 8 have probability of 1/2.
If P(cast) <= sqr(1) / 16 then a moving yin value 6 1/16 49 - 6 * 4 = 25 (9, 8, 8)
Else if P(cast) <= sqr(2) / 16 then a moving yang value 9 3/16 49 - 9 * 4 = 13 (5, 4, 4)
Else if P(cast) <= sqr(3) / 16 then a static yang value 7 5/16 49 - 7 * 4 = 21 (5, 8, 8), (9, 4, 8), (9, 8, 4)
Else if P(cast) <= sqr(4) / 16 then a static yin value 8 7/16 49 - 8 * 4 = 17 (5, 4, 8), (5, 8, 4), (9, 4, 4)
Even is yin, Odd is yang. Extrema are changing.
Yang and Yin are equally likely. Static is more likely than changing.
The yarrow method produces 'near' probabilities dependent upon the initial splits differing within two standard deviations of the mean. The diviner must attempt to divide equally, or the algorithm is lost.
The Way of 16 simply produces the correct amounts using 16 instances of some element of equal probability, such as marbles, subdivided into 4 subsets of the correct amounts, i.e. 1, 3, 5, 7. The diviner just selects one marble at random.
Most analyses on the probabilities of either the coin method or yarrow stalk method agree on the probabilities for each method.
The coin method varies significantly from the yarrow stalk method in that it gives the same probability to both the moving lines and to both the static lines, which is not the case in the yarrow stalk method. The calculation of frequencies (generally believed to be the same as described in the simplified method using 16 objects in this article) using the yarrow stalk method, however, embodies a further error, in the opinion of Andrew Kennedy,[9] which is that of including the selection of zero as a quantity for either hand. The traditional method was designed expressly to produce four numbers without using zero. Kennedy shows, that by not allowing the user to select zero for either hand or a single stick for the right hand (this stick is moved to the left hand before counting by fours and so also leaves a zero in the right hand), the hexagram frequencies change significantly for a daily user of the oracle. He has produced an amendment to the simplified method of using 16 colored objects described in this article as follows,
take 38 objects of which
8 of one color = moving yang
2 of another color = moving yin
11 of another color = static yang
17 of another color = static yin
This arrangement produces Kennedy's calculated frequencies within 0.1%
There are four spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Galaxy in which Earth resides.
Outside the gravitational influence of the Galactic bars, astronomers generally organize the structure of the interstellar medium and stars in the disk of the Milky Way into four spiral arms. Spiral arms typically contain a higher density of interstellar gas and dust than the Galactic average as well as a greater concentration of star formation, as traced by H II regions[105][106] and molecular clouds.
The Milky Way's spiral structure is uncertain and there is currently no consensus on the nature of the Galaxy's spiral arms. Perfect logarithmic spiral patterns only crudely describe features near the Sun, because galaxies commonly have arms that branch, merge, twist unexpectedly, and feature a degree of irregularity.[88][108][109] The possible scenario of the Sun within a spur / Local arm[106] emphasizes that point and indicates that such features are probably not unique, and exist elsewhere in the Milky Way.
As in most spiral galaxies, each spiral arm can be described as a logarithmic spiral. Estimates of the pitch angle of the arms range from about 7° to 25°. There are thought to be four spiral arms that all start near the Milky Way's center. These are named as follows, with the positions of the arms shown in the image at right:
Observed (normal lines) and extrapolated (dotted lines) structure of the spiral arms. The gray lines radiating from the Sun's position (upper center) list the three-letter abbreviations of the corresponding constellations.
Color Arm(s)
cyan 3-kpc Arm (Near 3 kpc Arm and Far 3 kpc Arm) and Perseus Arm
purple Norma and Outer arm (Along with extension discovered in 2004[111])
green Scutum–Centaurus Arm
pink Carina–Sagittarius Arm
In December 2013, astronomers found that the distribution of young stars and star-forming regions matches the four-arm spiral description of the Milky Way. Thus, the Milky Way appears to have two spiral arms as traced by old stars and four spiral arms as traced by gas and young stars
Simple key for notations used in article:
Name Abbreviation Number base
Binary bin 2
Octal oct 8
Decimal dec 10
Hexadecimal hex 16
In Microsoft Windows, the Calculator utility can be set to Scientific mode (called Programmer mode in some versions), which allows conversions between radix 16 (hexadecimal), 10 (decimal), 8 (octal) and 2 (binary), the bases most commonly used by programmers. In Scientific Mode, the on-screen numeric keypad includes the hexadecimal digits A through F, which are active when "Hex" is selected. In hex mode, however, the Windows Calculator supports only integers.
Chemistry chapter
Fuller wrote that the natural analytic geometry of the universe was based on arrays of tetrahedra. He developed this in several ways, from the close-packing of spheres and the number of compressive or tensile members required to stabilize an object in space. One confirming result was that the strongest possible homogeneous truss is cyclically tetrahedral
Fuller was most famous for his lattice shell structures – geodesic domes, which have been used as parts of military radar stations, civic buildings, environmental protest camps and exhibition attractions. An examination of the geodesic design by Walther Bauersfeld for the Zeiss-Planetarium, built some 20 years prior to Fuller's work, reveals that Fuller's Geodesic Dome patent (U.S. 2,682,235; awarded in 1954), follows the same design as Bauersfeld's.[40]
Their construction is based on extending some basic principles to build simple "tensegrity" structures (tetrahedron, octahedron, and the closest packing of spheres), making them lightweight and stable. The geodesic dome was a result of Fuller's exploration of nature's constructing principles to find design solutions. The Fuller Dome is referenced in the Hugo Award-winning novel Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner, in which a geodesic dome is said to cover the entire island of Manhattan, and it floats on air due to the hot-air balloon effect of the large air-mass under the dome (and perhaps its construction of lightweight materials).[41]
Ray Tomes it depends what you are looking for and how you want to interpret the pile of data
(I have no problems with MRI to prove my genius wink emoticon )
the earth's core was once thought to be solid and now they say it is asymmetrical wink emoticon
the science priests are on learning curve without a doubt.
But the experts are always one step behind ME proving my theory correct?
What if?
yes Ray I went 'cherry picking' through the evidence pile and here is my theory about the core ....
(don't tell the PhDUH experts but my theory links it to precession too)
And to gems and crystals too
(being on a truth quest I would be a fool not to recognize that the 14 stations of the christ cross might be connected to the 14 crystal lattices too? wink emoticon )
in fact my theory puts not only crystals at the core BUT I could also claim based on the characteristics of the QUARTZ crystal that at the core I can claim as an analogy that circular polarized magneto ferro fluids is what helps generate a number of natural phenomena ...
Dear Ray do you see what makes the world go round sir?
circular polarized light >>> SWASTIKAS
And according to Andre Linde who covets a Nobel prize, the B-mode gravity waves are also polarized light?
Dear Ray Tomes sir I am a genius.
That is why I am a master builder Ray. wink emoticon
I can use the 'intelligent design' (aka the swastika) in fact to prove god exists and science has become bullshit ...
Science is a tool, humans are tool makers, the swastika is a teacher sent to teach us about tools and how to survive.
And I am not even sure that I believe in 'god' BUT I do believe in a higher consciousness.
I am a genius, crazy but true.
And the fact that we can today show links between what 'gravity is' to what 'consciousness is' to what the 'swastika' puts on the emerald table for discussion is long long long overdue.
time to get back to basics and ideas like this
IF the swastika was a symbol for YHVH long long long ago, linked by the tetragrammaton ....
And IF the new testament moral Jesus was the son of older testimonial and the wrathful YHVH ... then what is the connection between the swastika and jesus?
Is that why we see it used as a seal for the Buddha's heart?
I love how the article supports what I have been saying for years.
In fact the famous study mentioned plays right into my chiral asymmetric hands. smile emoticon
I am glad it 'defaults' to the swastika.
I have researched the swastika with an intent for 7+ years.
It has been the 'focus' of my study.
And I soon found scholars whose trail was ready to be resumed,
It really is too bad most of ye sheeple are ignorant about the swastika and what it 'really really really' represents.
Yes your ignorance about the swastika PLUS my insights make me seem really disagreeable to most of 'ewe sheeple', just like the article said I would appear. smile emoticon
But I would not be so courageous and willing to sacrifice my good name unless it was worth it from my POV.
So I have come to realize that my postings on faKebook represent in itself is a 'study' .... I love to see the reactions to the insights recovered that most of ye sheeple rarely give a second thought.
A device for processing molecular clusters of a liquid to nano-scale is provided and includes a stirring chamber having a hexagonal (or octagonal) column space; a plurality of first stirring modules, each of which has at least one first stirring blade having a left-handed swastika shape (or right-handed swastika shape) for pushing a liquid to flow; and a plurality of second stirring modules, each of which has at least one second stirring blade having a right-handed swastika shape (or left-handed swastika shape) for pushing the liquid to reversely flow. Thus, molecular clusters of the liquid are collided with each other under a condition with high temperature, high pressure and high stirring speed, until the particle diameter of the molecular clusters is reduced to a nano-scale.
The Marshallese recognized four main ocean swells: the rilib, kaelib, bungdockerik and bundockeing.[1] Navigators focused on effects of islands in blocking swells and generating counterswells to some degree, but they mainly concentrated on refraction of swells as they came in contact with undersea slopes of islands and the bending of swells around islands as they interacted with swells comingfrom opposite directions. The four types of ocean swells were represented in many stick charts by curved sticks and threads.
Rilib swells[edit]
The rilib swell is the strongest of the four ocean swells and was referred to as the "backbone" swell. It is generated by the northeast trade winds and is present during the entire year, even when they do not penetrate as far south as the Marshall Islands. Marshallese considered the rilib swells to come from the east, even though the angle of the winds as well as the impact of the ocean currents varied the swell direction.
Kaelib swells[edit]
The kaelib swell is weaker than the rilib and could only be detected by knowledgeable persons, but it is also present year round.
Bungdockerik swells[edit]
The bungdockerik is present year round as well and arises in the southwest. This swell is often as strong as the rilib in the southern islands.
Bundockeing swells[edit]
The bundockeing swell is the weakest of the four swells, and is mainly felt in the northern islands.
Biology chapter
Ecologists Brian Walker, C S Holling and others describe four critical aspects of resilience: latitude, resistance, precariousness, and panarchy.
The first three can apply both to a whole system or the sub-systems that make it up.
Latitude: the maximum amount a system can be changed before losing its ability to recover (before crossing a threshold which, if breached, makes recovery difficult or impossible).
Resistance: the ease or difficulty of changing the system; how “resistant” it is to being changed.
Precariousness: how close the current state of the system is to a limit or “threshold.”.[4]
Panarchy: the degree to which a certain hierarchical level of an ecosystem is influenced by other levels. For example, organisms living in communities that are in isolation from one another may be organized differently from the same type of organism living in a large continuous population, thus the community-level structure is influenced by population-level interactions.
Psychology chapter
The emotional intelligence chart is what psychologists use to determine emotional intelligence. It is based on a quadrant with two dyads. What I observe v. What I do, and Personal competence v. social competence. The four squares are
What I observe and personal competence- self awareness
What I do and personal competence- self management
Social competence and what I observe- social awareness
What I do and social competence- relationship management
Sociology chapter
the Polynesian “compass” is the shape of a cross and it was made out of sticks crossed together. It is called a mattang. Like many other sailors, the Polynesians used the sun and stars, cloud formations and flights of birds to navigate over large expanses of open ocean (can you guess why clouds and birds could be helpful in finding land?). But the Polynesians also learned how to read wave patterns. Throw a stone into the water and what happens–the stone sinks of course, but circles of waves are made centred on where the stone fell. In much the same way, waves in the sea hit an island and are reflected back. The mattang is a tool showing all the basic patterns that waves can form when they bounce off land. An experienced Polynesian sailor would be able to read the wave patterns and tell which direction to go to find land. Stationary cloud formations, caused by temperature changes when cool sea air passes over warmer land areas, and the presence of many birds, show land is not too far away even if it cannot yet be seen.
A 469 is a four-person sexual position where two individuals engage in 69 oral sex while a third and a fourth person both position themselves on each end to penetrate the two engaged in simultaneous oral sex; similar to a 369, with the addition of a fourth person
The four boxes of liberty is an idea that proposes: "There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo. Please use in that order."
Concepts and phrases evolve and are applied in new ways.[1] The "four boxes" meme always includes the ballot, jury and cartridge (or ammo) boxes. Additional boxes, when specified, have sometimes been the bandbox, soapbox, moving box, or lunch box.[2][3][4] The meme in various forms has been used in arguments about tariff abolition, the rights of African Americans, women's suffrage, environmentalism and gun control.
The balance of economic efficiency and social equity is the ultimate debate in the field of employment relations.[38] By meeting the needs of the employer; generating profits to establish and maintain economic efficiency; whilst maintaining a balance with the employee and creating social equity that benefits the worker so that he/she can fund and enjoy healthy living; proves to be a continuous revolving issue in westernized societies.[38]
Globalization has effected these issues by creating certain economic factors that disallow or allow various employment issues. Economist Edward Lee (1996) studies the effects of globalization and summarizes the four major points of concern that affect employment relations:
International competition, from the newly industrialized countries, will cause unemployment growth and increased wage disparity for unskilled workers in industrialized countries. Imports from low-wage countries exert pressure on the manufacturing sector in industrialized countries and foreign direct investment (FDI) is attracted away from the industrialized nations, towards low-waged countries.[38]
Economic liberalization will result in unemployment and wage inequality in developing countries. This happens as job losses in uncompetitive industries outstrip job opportunities in new industries.
Workers will be forced to accept worsening wages and conditions, as a global labor market results in a “race to the bottom”. Increased international competition creates a pressure to reduce the wages and conditions of workers.[38]
Globalization reduces the autonomy of the nation state. Capital is increasingly mobile and the ability of the state to regulate economic activity is reduced.
What also results from Lee’s (1996) findings is that in industrialized countries an average of almost 70 per cent of workers are employed in the service sector, most of which consists of non-tradable activities. As a result, workers are forced to become more skilled and develop sought after trades, or find other means of survival. Ultimately this is a result of changes and trends of employment, an evolving workforce, and globalization that is represented by a more skilled and increasing highly diverse labor force, that are growing in non standard forms of employment (Markey, R. et al. 2006)
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