Monday, February 22, 2016

Quadrant Model of Reality Book 3 Introduction

The quadrant model has 16 squares and four quadrants. Each square and quadrant has a particular quality. Reality is organized around the quadrant model pattern. Galen was an ancient philosopher who proposed that there were four temperaments. The way that he devised these four types was by manipulating the possible combinations of two dichotomous qualities to establish four humours. The dichotomies were borrowed from Aristotle’s four elements where aristotle mixed four qualities and achieved four elements. Aristotle’s four elements were

Aristotle’s four elements
hot and wet- air
cold and dry- earth
cold and wet- water
hot and dry- fire
Aristotle said there was a fifth element the Aether that was a combination of hot dry cold and wet all together. The fifth is always ultra transcendent, while the forth is different and transcendent.

Galen’s four humours were

hot and wet- blood
cold and dry- black bile
cold and wet- phlegm
hot and dry- yellow bile

Galen said that these four types of body fluids produced the four temperaments. In modern times Keirsey established the four temperaments using a sort of similar methodology, by dividing two dichotomies. They are

abstract and cooperative- idealists
concrete and utilitarian- artisans
concrete and cooperative- guardians
abstract and utilitarian- rationals

Idealists are mental and weird. The first square always has these qualities.
Guardians like order and homeostasis and to follow authority. The second square has the quality of homeostasis and structure.
Artisans are doers. The third square is always related to action and is the most solid and physical
Rationals are transcendent and philosophical. They are different from the other three and only make up 5 percent of the population. When I have taken the Myers Briggs and Keirsey test I have gotten INTP rational, the architect, consistently since the ninth grade in high school when I first took the test in a class at Harvard Westlake high school.

Aristotle divided the world into four elements. He thought that these four elements were the foundation of creation. Aristotle was considered the first physicist. Physicists today similarly divide the world into four forces using a combination of four qualities, or two dualities. The four forces are

Strong force- small scales and attracts
Electromagnetism- large scale and repels
Weak force- small scale and repels
Gravity- large scale and attracts
Like how Aristotle proposed an ultra transcendent fifth element the Aether, physicists have proposed an ultra transcendent fifth force, dark matter. The aether is like fire, the fourth element. Similarly, dark matter is like gravity but ultra transcendent. The fourth always points to the fifth.

Gravity is seen by physicists to be different from the other three. Yet physicists agree that gravity is elemental and the other three forces would not exist without gravity. Physicists are not able to combine gravity with the other three forces, but they are capable of combining the other three forces with quantum mechanics. A theory that would combine gravity with the other three forces physicists call a “theory of everything”.

I had the insight of the quadrant model when I thought about a personality model that my Grandpa told me about that divided the world into four types of people


I liked the model but I didn’t think that dreaming belonged. I understood what it meant to be a thinker and an emoter and a doer. But being a dreamer seemed kind of strange, and I thought that the dreamer category should be dropped.

But then I recognized that thinking and emotion are a duality. They were very connected. Thoughts create emotions, and emotions manipulate thoughts. I realized that doing was a triad. Thoughts inspire emotions and emotions establish actions, or things that you do. I then had the revelation that dreaming is different from the other three yet transcendent. When you dream you are disconnected from your body because your body is paralyzed when you sleep but you still do things. You just do things in the dream. You also have thoughts and emotions but there is a different quality to your thoughts and emotions. So the fourth square dreaming was different from the previous three yet contained them. When I had this epiphany I immediately connected it to the four forces of nature, because that week I had been watching a lecture on physics where the lecturer talked about the four forces of nature and spoke about how gravity was different. Then after that I started to recognize, going from class to class at UC San Diego, that the foundation of everything that was taught in every class was this quadrant model pattern. Literally I saw the quadrant model being taught over and over again, although the people who were teaching it never recognized that they were teaching the quadrant model, because I had invented the term. I discovered the model my sophomore year of college and during college I studied the quadrant model endlessly, all day every day. By the time I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and an above 3.0 gpa I began sharing the quadrant model with people and I began writing a book about it, and that was quite a journey.

The Myers and Briggs personality indicator has 16 types, out of which Keirsey drew the four temperaments.

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