Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Quadrant Model of Reality Book 5 Introduction

The Quadrant Model of Reality: More about Knowledge and More Examples

Here is the quadrant model pattern. There is 16 squares and a 17th transcendent square which is God. The first square and third square are dynamic opposites and the second square and fourth square are dynamic opposites. The first square is Mind, the second is Culture, the third square is Body, the fourth square is Society, and the fifth square is God. The second square of the second quadrant would be the culture square of the culture quadrant. The third square of the fourth quadrant would be the body square of the social quadrant. You get the picture.
The squares of the quadrant model are
Quadrant 1: Instinctual primitive spiritual
Square 1: sensation
Square 2: perception
Square 3: response
Square 4: awareness
Quadrant 2: Magical religious groupish
Square 5: belief
Square 6: faith
Square 7: behavior
Square 8: belonging
Quadrant 3: Rational Interpersonal egoistic individualistic
Square 9: thinking
Square 10: emotion
Square 11: doing
Square 12: dreaming
Quadrant 4: Transrational Transpersonal
Square 13: contemplation
Square 14: passion
Square 15: flowing
Square 16: knowing
Quadrant 5: God
Square 17: being
Square 18 non-being
Square 19 ephemerality

The nature of the quadrant model is that the first three squares are very similar and the forth square is always transcendent. The nature of the fourth square points to the nature of the fifth square. The fifth square is ultra transcendent like God. The fifth square can then become its own quadrant and continue for 16 squares.

The Quadrant Model of Reality is a theory of intelligent design, stating that Existence manifests in a pattern which I. Elucidate in the quadrant model.  Nature, or in other words Reality, is organized according to this pattern.  Plato argued that the physical world is a shadow, or a reflection of a “True World”, which he called the “World of Forms”, or the “World of Ideas”.  He postulated the existence of one Form, namely the ”Form of the Good”, through which everything manifests.  However, he did not define this form explicitly.
The thesis of this book is that the Form of Existence, or the Form of Being is the quadrant visualized as a cross.  The Quadrant Model of Reality is a holistic model with four quadrants, within one quadrant, each quadrant with four squares in which are added new elements containing  elements of preceding squares.  Each square proceeds from one to the next.  The thesis is that the Quadrant Model of Reality is a theory of everything-- the physical nature of reality is a reflection of an eternal reality; the eternal reality is represented by the Quadrant Model.  The claim is that all phenomena derive from one principle and one pattern.   Discernible reality is a shadow of the quadrant model pattern, and reveals it. I was guided to this theory through intuition and a lot of inquiry.  Physical nature is a metaphor of a True Reality, or in other words, physical nature is a representation of the quadrant model pattern, which is True Reality. Physical reality is just a shadow of this quadrant model of reality.
The form of the quadrant is the same form as the cross, which indicates why the symbol of Jesus on the cross is so powerful; the cross represents the Form of Being--the Form of Existence.   Jesus on a cross represents humans being at-one with the Form of Being, dieing to the illusion of being a separate being.
The one pattern expresses itself in four main quadrants within one quadrant, each quadrant containing four squares.   A fifth quadrant outside the first four contains three squares, making a total of nineteen squares, with each square expressing its own unique attributes.  The first square in each quadrant is typically somewhat weird and conservative, having a sort of “loner” quality. It is characteristically mental and non material.  It always engages in a duality with the second—while appearing to be opposites the two are intricately linked.  The second square in each quadrant is more normal and homeostatic, characteristically reflecting a concern with maintaining order and structure, keeping things clean and organized.  The third square is the most physical and solid, tending to be both spontaneous and destructive, while also linked to the first two by including them, thereby forming a triad.  The fourth square is strange, and  seems not to belong to the previous three. Yet, by containing elements of the first three it encompasses them while transcending them.  The fourth is also mental, but also has a physical quality, and points to a fifth, which becomes a new quadrant.  Never seeming to belong, the fifth square’s “transcendent” quality makes it seem unnecessary or irrelevant.
There  can be  only  one reality,  namely  that  which  is  manifest in the  quadrant   pattern derived from the cross--from the Form of Existence.  There can be no other existence, and nothing can not exist, so the form must be eternal; what exists in the present must be eternal.  Since there can’t be no thing, something must exist. Only one thing can exist, and that is what derives from the quadrant model pattern, because the quadrant is the form of existence.   The logic of the Quadrant Model of Reality indicates that who I am must exist eternally, and existence manifests eternally through the form of the quadrant model.
The Quadrant Model of Reality is essentially a theory of intelligent design.  The theory states that Existence manifests through a pattern represented by four quadrants. In the pattern there are nineteen squares forming four quadrants with an additional three squares suggesting a fifth quadrant.  All things are organized within the quadrants in squares, each possessing specific qualities.  The quadrant model pattern is the framework by which Existence is organized, and in which it manifests.
The first quadrant contains the first four squares--sensation, perception, response, and awareness. The first quadrant represents instinctive/spiritual consciousness, and is the first level of consciousness.  Awareness encompasses sensation, perception, and response; the fourth square always encompasses the previous three. Awareness includes sensations and perceptions and their responses to stimuli, but awareness also transcends mere sensation and perception.  
Awareness also points to what comes after it, namely belief; the fourth square always points to and has the essence of a fifth, which begins its own quadrant. Beliefs emerge from awareness. Awareness has the dual connotation of self awareness and group awareness. The self only exists within a group/cultural context. Once the self is produced, or one becomes aware of the self, or self aware, then the self can become a part of a larger  awareness, namely the group. Belief, the fifth square, is an outcome of group/cultural awareness. Beliefs are shaped and determined by culture, for the culture acts on and influences the self. The dual connotation of self awareness, is cultural/group awareness. The self only exists within a culture/group. Cultural/group awareness leads to belief.
The content of awareness is of sensations, perceptions, and responses; that is why awareness involves the previous three squares.  Awareness is solidified into beliefs, the first square of the Quadrant 2--belief, faith, behavior, and belonging.  The full spectrum of awareness is cemented into beliefs.  Belonging is the fourth square of Quadrant 2.  Belonging  depends upon conforming to group beliefs, faith, and behavior.  The group also affects beliefs, faith, and behavior.  Belonging is separate from the previous three, yet it engulfs them. Belonging is separate because sometimes beliefs, faith, and behavior are not sufficient to belong. Belonging also depends on physical characteristics you have and status you have. The fourth square is always separate from the previous three squares, while including them. The dual connotation of belonging is longing to be. After belonging to a group one can then be an individual and think for himself. Belonging points to thinking. The belonging quadrant, quadrant 2, is the second level of consciousness, which is group/cultural oriented, magical-religious consciousness. After instinctive/self consciousness, which is quadrant 1, there is group oriented, cultural religious consciousness.
Belonging points to the fifth square, namely thinking, the first square of Quadrant 3, and is the ninth square in the sequence of squares. The fourth square of the previous quadrant contains the qualities of all of the previous squares, and indicates the nature of the quadrant that will follow it.  The group affects the thoughts of those who belong, therefore belonging contains everything before it, and points to what follows, namely thoughts.  Quadrant 3 is thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming.   The dreamer thinks, has emotions, and engages in doing.   Dreaming encompasses the previous three squares, and also transcends them; the fourth square always transcends the previous three.  When dreaming the dreamer is paralyzed and separated from the physical body; the body is paralyzed, preventing the dream from being acted out.   Doing occurs in dreams, but not physically.  So dreaming in effect represents a transcendence of the body. Thinking, emotion, doing, and dreaming are very much shaped by the ego/body. For instance, thoughts, and emotions regarding things are affected by physical/body phenomena like the brain and hormones. Also somebody’s physical appearance and physical characteristics affect what he does, his thoughts, and emotions. Dreaming kind of signifies a simultaneous transcendence of the ego/body. People are bodys/egos in their dreams, and they protect their bodies/egos, but the dream body is simultaneously illusory, and thus the body/ego is in a way transcended. The third quadrant represents the third level of consciousness, which is rational, interpersonal, egoistic consciousness. After belonging to a group, you can then break free of the group and become an individual.
Dreaming, the fourth square of the third quadrant, points to the square that comes after it, namely contemplation.  In contemplation the oneness of things is discerned, and the focus of attention is on what  resides beyond rational resolution and ego-identity. In order to contemplate, a transcendence of the ego/body must occur, which is why dreaming points to contemplation. The dual characteristic of dreaming is dreaming involves the ego/body and simultaneously involves a transcendence of the ego/body.  Contemplation represents a quality of transcendence of the ego/body, which dreaming points to.  Dreaming contains the squares before it, yet indicates the quality of the square that follows.  Quadrant 4 is contemplation, passion, flowing and knowing. The fourth quadrant represents the fourth level of consciousness, which is trans rational, transpersonal, transcendent (transcending the ego-flowing) consciousness. This is consciousness in which the ego is transcended. When the ego is transcended you are no longer focused on how you look, and you are no longer planning and manipulating what you do, but you are a part of something larger than you, and connected to a higher harmony. When the ego is transcended you no longer are in superior-inferior, insider-outsider consciousness, but instead are flowing and not preoccupied with your image and how you are doing things, but are in the moment, or the now. Also with transrational consciousness, you see the oneness of things and how things are connected and you discern what is most appropriate.
Quadrant 5, which transcends completely the previous four quadrants, is being, non-being, and becoming.
There are many examples of how the quadrant pattern occurs, one of which is found in nature in how the standard model of particle physics is organized.  In every quadrant there is a duality formed by the first and second squares.  The first square is weird and  conservative,  while the second is normal,  homeostatic,  and conservative.   The third is more physical and solid, and can be dangerous, even destructive.  The fourth square is somewhat transcendent and strange, seeming not to belong with the previous three, yet it contains elements of them.
Another example is in the organization of the planets.  Mercury corresponds to the sensation square, Venus to perception, Earth to response, Mars to awareness, Jupiter to belief, and  Saturn to faith, and so on and so forth.
A third example of the quadrant model can be observed in the four temperament personality types--the Idealist, Guardian, Artisan, and Rational.  In the Keirsey model there are four temperaments; within each temperament are four types, making sixteen personality types in total.  
Based on the framework of this model other examples in reality will be shown to reveal how all reality is organized around the quadrant model pattern.  All things are organized within the quadrants in squares, with each square possessing certain specific qualities.
The quadrant model pattern is the framework in which Existence is manifest.  All “things” everywhere are “happening” in formations that “re-present” the  Form of Being.

I describe the quadrants through personality types. I borrow from the Mysers Briggs Personality indicator. The first four squares are the senser infj, the perceiver enfj, the responder enfp, and the aware person infp. This is the first quadrant. The second four squares are the believer isfj, the faithful person esfj, the behaver estj, and the belonger istj. This is the second quadrant. The third four squares are the thinker isfj, the emoter esfj, the doer estj, and the dreamer istj. This is the third quadrant. The fourth four squares are the contemplator intj, the passionate person entj, the flower entj, and the knower entp.

KNowing is the sixteenth square. I discussed in my first and second book that knowing is related to sex and death. It can be argued that beliefs are shaped by fear of death and desire for sex. It is argued people believe things in order to give them comfort so they can face death. It is argued sociologists that culture is shaped by fear of death and desire for immortality. Even sociologists say people watch football so that they can root for a team and feel they belong to a team like people back in the day used to root for their tribe. It is a desire to belong to a group so that you can gain glory with the group and have the group help to carry on your name and protect and help you/ gain immortality. Biologists say that peoples’ beliefs are designed to help them to survive and gain mates. Psychologists point out that people tend to have more optimistic beliefs about themselves, and they argue that this may help people to survive and get mates, and that is why humans are geared toward these optimistic, yet often false beliefs. Belief is the second quadrant.
Biologists say that people's perceptions are shaped by knowledge. It is argued by biologists the reason why humans perceive red is because it helped their primate ancestors to get fruit from trees. Also people's noses can smell mates that have immune systems that are opposite their own and people find others with such pheromones to be more attractive. Therefore it could be argued that this sense of smell and perception is geared toward a desire to survive and have offspring that survive. I discussed that sex and death are related to knowledge. So knowledge encompasses and influences beliefs, the second quadrant, and perception, the first quadrant. I also mentioned how thoughts and emotions are shaped by one's desire to have sex and escape death (attain immortality/knowledge). If somebody is dumped by his partner, psychologists say that the emotions the person feels are intense like a withdrawal from a drug. It can be argued the emotions are so severe because humans are hardwired to want to survive and have offspring, and losing mates is not a good way to do this. So the intense emotional pain that accompanies losing a mate makes sense according to evolutionary biologists. So knowledge contains the previous three quadrants of perception, belief, and emotions. Yet knowledge also transcends them. Knowledge is paradoxical. It is the fourth square of the fourth quadrant, so it is extraordinary.

Knowledge in the bible is always associated with sex and death in the bible. More on this later. But first I want to discuss how Freud and Darwin thought that peoples consciousness were shaped by the fear of death and of not having sex and the desire for sex and of killing threats to your sex. It can be argued that sexual instincts and a desire to avoid death shapes everything. Freud said that the consciousness of humans is driven by sexual impulses that were mostly incestuous. Freud believed that men want to have sex with their mom's and women want to have sex with their Dad's subconsciously. Freud thought that these sexual impulses shaped human consciousness. Freud also believed that human consciousness with murderous. Freud believed that the man's consciousness is not only shaped by his desire to have sex with his Mom, but his desire to kill his Dad so that he can have access to his Mom. For women this instinct is the opposite. Women, Freud and Jung argued, subconsciously want to kill their Mom's so that they can have sexual access to their Dads. Freud thought that this subconscious impulse shaped the psychology of humans. Freud thought that humans were driven by their desire to have sex with a suitor that reminds them of their opposite sex parent and kill enemies and avoid death. So Freud would argue that people’s emotions, what they do, their perceptions, and their beliefs, are shaped by these psychological impulses.
Charles Darwin argued a similar case. Charles Darwin argued that humans are driven by the desire to preserve their genes (gain immortality through their genes). As a result, Darwin believed, humans are driven by sexual impulses, which are designed to allow them to pass their genes onto future generations through their offspring, and murderous impulses, which are designed to destroy enemies that threaten one’s genes. Darwin would similarly argue that your thoughts, and emotions, and what you contemplate and your beliefs, and your behaviors are shaped toward ensuring the survival of your genes. For instance, if a man is leaning against a wall and women see other women talking to the man, this makes that man attractive to the women that see him. The reason for this, Darwin would explain, is that the man
is demonstrating that he is attractive and desirable to a member of his opposite sex. Other women see the man leaned against the wall and they see a woman talking to him as if she is interested in him. This makes other women think that this man is desirable to other women, and thus they think that he has good genes. Good genes are genes that make you attractive. If the man is attractive to a member of his opposite sex, then it would be likely that he would have babies that are attracted to members of its opposite sex. In other words it would be likely that the man would have babies with good genes. Good genes are genes that are likely to be reproduced onto future generations. Genes are likely to be reproduced onto future generations if they are attractive to members of the opposite sex.
So women see the man leaning against the wall with a woman seeming as though she is sexually interested in him, talking to him. This makes other women think that he is more attractive, because their subconscious minds are telling them that he has good genes that will give him offspring that will have good genes. And that is what they want. They want to have sex with a man with good genes. Again, good genes are genes that will produce offspring that will be likely to survive and have many offspring. If your offspring survive and have many offspring then your genes are being perpetuated a lot, and that is what everybody subconsciously wants according to Darwin. So Darwin would argue that women are attracted to qualities that indicate that a man is likely to survive and have offspring that are likely
to survive. An example of this is, women tend to be attracted to men with big shoulders. If a man has big shoulders, then it signals to the woman that he is strong. If the man is strong than he can protect her and her offspring.He can also kill enemies that want to steal her from him.He will also pass these big shoulder genes to his offspring, and thus his offspring will have big shoulders and be able to do these things. So women tend to be attracted to big shoulders, because they signal strength, and strength can help a man to perpetuate his genes, and if he perpetuates his genes through her, then she is also perpetuating her genes.
Women are also attracted to men who have a lot of financial resources. The reason for this is that these men can help the women to have resources for her children. A woman's children carries that womans genes, and the woman wants those genes to survive and be passed onto future generations. The woman knows that her children will be more likely to survive and reproduce if they have resources that will help them to survive and reproduce. Thus a woman is attracted to a man with a good amount of financial resources. Women often seek men who can offer them security. Women are weaker than men physically, and they need a man who is strong and who has resources to protect their children and allow their children to be healthy so that they can reproduce and promote their genes, which is vicariously promoting her genes.
Therefore women seek one man who can give her this financial security. But also women often cheat. Studies have shown that women often seek a man to give them financial security, but then they often cheat on this man with a man that they think is more attractive. Therefore they get the best of both worlds. They get financial security for their children, and they have children with a man who they think is sexy, and thus have children with her that are sexy and be likely to spread their genes a lot. Studies have shown that over 20 percent of men are raising a child that is not their biological child and they don't even know it. This demonstrates that women often have sex with a man other than the man who they tell is the Dad of the child, and tell the false Dad that it is his child. Men do not want to raise a child that is not his
biological child. Darwin would say that this makes sense. Men want to raise a child that has his same genes, because ultimately the man wants to perpetuate his own genes. Therefore, men get very jelous if they suspicion the woman that is their mate having sex with another man. Darwin would therefore say that it makes perfect sense that most murders are the cause of men killing their mates or men that their mates cheated on them with. Darwin would say that the woman’s desire to cheat on her spouse, or make a man with more resources raise her child even if he is not the biological Dad, is subconscious, and the woman cannot help it. Darwin would argue that this is engrained in her due to evolution. Darwin would argue that human women evolved to want to cheat because cheating helped them to promote their offspring’s genes. Women that cheated
had offspring that survived more and spread their genes more. Thus the genes associated with cheating were promoted by the fact that cheating helped women to have more offspring that survived and reproduced. Darwin would also argue that a man has no control over the fact that he gets jealous and angry if his wife cheats. Men who were not suspicious of their wives, and did not fight other men that wanted to mate with them, were less likely to spread their genes onto future generations, because their wives would cheat on them and have babies that were not biologically theirs, and thus their genes were weeded out of existence. So Darwin would say it makes sense that living human men today are men that do not want their spouses to cheat on them, and have emotions that are antagonistic toward this happening. Darwin would also say though that it makes sense
due to an evolutionary perspective, that men want to have more than one partners. Men who had more than one partners were more likely to have more children, and were thus more likely to have more of their genes passed onto future generations.Women look for a man that has financial resources and also a man who she perceives as sexy in that other women are attracted to him and he is strong and healthy and will thus have children that women are attracted to and are strong and healthy.So women are picky with the mates that they chose. But men are not as picky. Men often go for what they can get. Because a man wants to have as much offspring as possible. The woman has to take care of a baby for 9 months in her stomach. She knows that the baby has her genes because she produced it in her body. But men are not as sure that a baby is his. Men do not produce
babies in their own bodies, so they are always suspicious that the baby that a woman is bearing is not theirs. Also, men do not have to invest in the baby so much. Women have the baby in them for nine months. Men do not. So the reproductive strategy of men is different from that of women. Men want to spread their seed in as many women as possible and do not care as much about the quality of the woman. Women want to find a man with resources and or a very sexy man that will most ensure that each of her offspring survives. So men go more for quantity. Women go more for quality.Women moreso chose a spouse who she thinks can support her children financially and be a good Dad and thus she looks for a man who can give her resources and also who is good emotionally and socially. Men are more concerned with the physical attraction of a woman. Men are most attracted to women
with aspects about them that indicate fertility. An example of this is a man is most attracted to women with a high hip to waist ratio. This indicates to the man that the woman is fertile and that she can survive through childbearing, and thus survive to raise his children. The man also looks for women that are youthful looking. More youthful women are more fertile. This is why women wear lipstick. Lipstick makes a woman’s lips very red, and red lips are an indicator of being healthy and fertile. Also this is why women wear makeup. Makeup makes a woman look young and healthy. If a woman is young and healthy then she is fertile. Women also dye their hair to make themselves look youthful and fertile. Men are more attracted to women with long hair because long hair signals to men that the woman is healthy and fertile. This is why women in cultures throughout the world wear long hair.
If a woman is fertile and healthy, then she will be likely to survive through child birth and raise her offspring, and thus she will have offspring that are more likely to survive and procreate. As a result the woman perpetuates her genes a lot, and a man looks for a woman that he can perpetuate his genes through.If the woman has a good waist to hip ratio that helps her survival through childbearing and thus allows her to raise her offspring, then her female offspring will also likely have a good waist to hip ratio. Therefore her female offspring, because they share her genes, will also be more likely to reproduce and survive through childbearing and be able to raise their children to reproduce. Therefore, a man wants to have sex with a woman with a good waist to hip ratio because this will help him to perpetuate his genes the most. Darwin would say that humans evolved under circumstances
where a woman’s ability to survive through childbearing was very important for the survival of her offspring, thus because humans evolved under these factors, men evolved to be attracted to women with good waist to hip ratios. Also an Israeli biologist argues that the reason why men like big boobs is evolutionary. He pointed out that big boobs on a woman are an indicator to men that the woman is healthy. His reasoning for this was the same reasoning as the reason why male peacocks that have a lot of feathers are attractive to female peacocks. Female peacocks look for male peacocks that have a lot of feathers. If a male peacock has a lot of feathers and still can survive, then this indicates to the female that he is very strong. Feathers are actually a handicap to the male peacock. But if the male can survive with such a handicap, it makes him sexier to females. It tells the females that this male peacock
can survive despite a huge handicap of having a lot of bright feathers. These bright feathers attract predators and should make it so the peacock is more likely to be killed. But if the peacock is still alive then it shows the females that this peacock is very strong, because he can escape predators even though he has so many feathers. The Israeli biologist says that the same reasoning explains why men are attracted to women with big boobs. He said that women with big boobs have a handicap. The big boobs should slow her down and thus make it so she would be more likely to be eaten by predators. But since she can survive with such a handicap, it demonstrates that she must have very good genes. She must be very healthy and strong. Therefore she will be more likely to have strong offspring he will be more likely to reproduce. Therefore, since she is very likely to perpetuate her genes onto future generations,
the man wants to perpetuate his genes through her.
Also biologists call humans the sexy apes. evolutionary biologists say that humans are very social creatures. They say that humans evolved in tribal societies where pair bonding between men and women was very important. Therefore sex was very important for humans. For animals like amphibians pair bonding is not very important. Amphibians do not pair bond with their mates. Evolutionary biologists point out that amphibians like frogs mate very quickly. Then the female frog has a lot of eggs that she lays and these babies hatch. But the male and female frog do not spend time helping to raise these babies. The male and female frog do not need to create a household in which they can raise their offspring and they do not need to have a good relationship. On the other hand, pair bonding is very important for humans. In tribal societies men and women had to have a close connection with each other. The woman
and man wanted to be close because the survival of their offspring depended on them both raising the child. Therefore, while sex is not extremely important for frogs or even other apes, who do not take a very long time to have sex, sex is very important for humans. Thus humans are called the sexy apes. It is very important for humans men and women sexual partners to have close relationships because the survival of the offspring, and thus their genes, depends on it, Darwin would argue. There is a concept with the birth of humans called neoteny. Humans are mammals. Mammals tend to be more social. But social intelligence is very extremely important for humans. Humans are not the biggest or the strongest mammals. But humans survive because they are the most intelligent. Humans can use tools to kill prey and enemy tribes and this helps them to survive and promote their genes. Therefore intelligence is extremely important
for humans. As a result, humans need big brains, and humans have to have big heads. when a frog is born, its head to body ratio is the same as when it gets older. When a frog is born it has about the same intelligence at birth as it does when it is an adult. But humans head to body ratios change a lot through life.
Humans are born dumb, and their brains need to develop a lot until they can become smart enough to take care of themselves. Humans are born with big heads, but their brains need to grow more and develop a lot. In order for this to occur the babies need parents that will take care of them. Therefore, it is important that the baby has parents with a good healthy relationship. If the parents are closely connected then they will be more likely to be able to help the child to survive and procreate biologists point out.As a result the parents are more likely to spread their genes. I described that men fear that their spouses will cheat on them, because they want to make sure that the baby is their own. So men more fear that they will raise a baby that is not their biological baby. Women fear that their spouses will cheat on them because they fear that the man will fall in love with another woman and thus leave her to raise her children on her own.
That is a very scary thing for a woman because the ability of her children to survive is tied a lot to if she has a man that can help to raise them. Men tend to fear approaching a woman. Some evolutionary biologists say that this is because men evolved in tribal societies where if they picked the wrong woman to try to mate with, they could be killed. Again, my point is, and I'm describing that humans consciousness, what they do, their beliefs, their perceptions, their responses, and all of these are shaped a lot by humans desires to survive and promote their genes. Surival and promotion of genes is tied very much to sex and death. To promote your genes you have to have sex with somebody who will help your chances of having offspring that will survive and procreate. You also have to kill anything that stands in the way of this while avoiding being killed yourself, according to Darwin. Therefore, according to Darwin, your emotions and perceptions evolved to
help you to do this. A man feels fear when he approaches a woman because he fears that he might be killed by another man. Also he feels fear because humans evolved in small tribal societies, and if the man blew it with one woman in the society, she would likely tell her friends about this, and he will therfore blow it with all of the women. So approaching a woman for sex is a scary thing. And many men would say let's face it, the reason why men approach women is for sex. Many women will disagree, but even if it is not sex with that woman, it is sex in general. The man may think that the woman has friends that he can have sex with, and if he befriends her, then he can have sex with her friends. People tend to, Darwin argued, try to associate with people and do things that will help to promote their genes. So people will hang out with other people that they think will help them to get high quality mates. For instance, if a man has famous friends, this may make
a woman more attracted to him, because she thinks that this man therefore has a lot of resources, and he has qualities that make high power people like him. If you have high power people like you you are more likely to perpetuate your genes. Your offspring will share those same genes and thus they will have a higher likelihood of having high powered people like them. Therefore, by associating with famous or powerful people, you are increasing your likelihood of gaining high quality mates, and thus you are increasing your likelihood to promote your genes.
according to Darwin. this is the case whether you are aware of it or not according to Darwin. He would argue that the fact of the matter is, humans developed in tribes where associating with powerful people helped survival. So it is ingrained in the human psychology to enjoy associating and befriending powerful people. Doing so helps you to mate and perpetuate your genes to future generations. The reason pleasure, according to Darwin, is derived from associating with powerful people, is because it is evolutionarily ingrained in humans to derive pleasure from doing so, because humans that did have connections and enjoyed making connections with powerful people were more likely to spread their genes. Pleasure is a perception. Darwin would argue that sensation, perception, beliefs, behavior, thoughts and emotions, and everything in the quadrant model is shaped by the desire to promote ones genes through sex.
I already described that in the bible sex and death are related to knowledge. Well, the point I am going to make is that knowledge is the 16th square. The 16th square encompasses everything before it. I am going to argue that sex and death shape the first 15 squares of the quadrant model. Darwin argued that people's’ perceptions are shaped by their desire to promote their genes to future generations. I learned in my psychology of sensation and perception class that Darwinian principles shape perceptions. My teacher described the reason that humans see the color red from a Darwinian perspective. She pointed out that most animals cannot see red. But she pointed out that some primates can. She argued that these primates evolved to see red so that they could see red fruits in trees. The primates that gained the adaptation to see red were better able to see red fruits and thus they were more likely to survive, be strong, and reproduce. She argued that humans evolved the ability to see red for the same reason. She argued that the evolutionary ancestors to humans needed to get fruit from trees so they adapted the capacity to see red. Random mutations gave some of humans ancestors the capacity to see red. These ancestors were more likely to survive and be strong because they got more fruit. They were then more likely to reproduce and they had offspring that could also see red. These offspring were more likely to survive and reproduce. And the capacity to see red was evolved she explained. This explanation was explained through a Darwinian perspective. By evolving the capacity to see red, the ancestors of humans that had this capacity had an advantage. They could eat more fruit and thus they could be stronger. Because they were stronger they were more likely to attract mates and kill enemies that were their competition for mates and evade obstacles like predators that prevented them from surviving and procuring mates.
Freud believed that humans beliefs were shaped by their impulses for sex and their fear of death. Recall belief is the second quadrant. Freud gave an evolutionary Darwinian reason for the Oedipal complex. Recall that the Oedipal complex, according to Freud, is the desire of humans to kill their Dad’s and have sex with their Mom’s. Freud believed that humans began in tribal societies. Freud thought that in these societies one man took access to all of the women and he maintained this access through force. Freud thought that this happened in tribes throughout the world. But he said that one day the members of the tribe got together and said that they were getting sick of this. So they banded together and decided to kill the tribal leader who was getting all of the women. Freud said that it is likely that the tribal leader was the biological Dad of a lot of them being that he had access to all of the women. So Freud said that they killed the tribal leader, who was a Father figure to them, and then they got access to the women, who were their mothers and sisters. Freud said that this explained the subconscious incestuous nature of humans. Studies do show that humans have a high proclivity to watch incestuous porn. There seems to be a desire, even though it is repressed, and thus emerges in dreams and mythologies of humans, for humans to have sex with their opposite sex parent and kill the same sex parent.
Darwin explained that beliefs and behaviors of cultures were shaped due to the desire of tribes to perpetuate their genes. Beliefs and behaviors are the second quadrant of the quadrant model. For instance, in most tribes, having incest is forbidden. This could be explained due to genetic principles. Humans have a repulsion to having sex with immediate family members. Evolutionary biologists say that this belief that sex with immediate family members is wrong is tied to a perception of humans that it is gross. They say that this perception developed through evolutionary means. If you have sex with an immediate family member then you are very likely to have children that have disadvantageous mutations. These mutations can threaten the survival of the offspring. Therefore, these offspring would die and not reproduce. Therefore, there was developed in humans, and even in other animals, a repulsion to having sex with immediate family members. Humans that did have sex with immediate family members died off. Humans that did not were more likely to spread their genes to future generations. So genes that caused a human to be repulsed by having sex with an immediate family member were advantageous for the survival of people.
There is prohibitions in the bible against incest. There are cases though of humans with a lot of power practicing incest. For example, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt practiced incest in order to keep their vast power in their family line. Pharaohs had sex with their sisters because their sisters shared a lot of genes that they did, evolutionary biologists would argue. Therefore they would have children that had a lot of genes that they had, and as a result the great power would stay within their genetic lineage as much as possible. The same thing happened with the Aztec nobility. The nobility in the Aztec empire intermarried a lot. The nobility of the Aztec empire intermarried so much that some anthropologists suggest that they were genetically very different from the rest of the Aztec population. The reason why they did this was because they had a ton of power, and they wanted to maintain this power within their genetic lines. They would do mass sacrifices of the population. They had members of their empire line up in fours and they would sacrifice them by the thousands. Some suggest that they were so easily able to kill so many people because they were so genetically dissimilar to them that it did not affect them very much. The people willingly were sacrificed because they thought this was the gods will. These people were often then, after being sacrificed, given to the masses of the Aztec empire to be eaten. Some evolutionary biologists suggest that the reason why they were eaten and sacrificed was because they were actually an important food source and source of protein for the starving members of the Aztec Empire, and by sacrificing these people and feeding them to the masses, the masses remained content, and the nobility could maintain their power. This is interesting because Freud also said that there is a cannibalistic subconscious desire in humans. Freud pointed out that Christians eat Jesus flesh metaphorically, and this is a sublimation of this cannibalistic impulse
There is another tribe from South America that highly values trickery and deceit. This tribe sneaks up on enemy tribes and it kills the members of the enemy tribes and takes their women. They also eat the people that they kill. Some evolutionary biologists say that this tribe evolved to have a desire to do this. The tribe is very into the idea of power and strength. The men of the tribe consider themselves to be the product of the sacrifice of a bull by the gods. They believe that the best blood of the bull, the strongest blood, coagulated, and formed their tribe. Evolutionary biologists say that there is a genetic Darwinian reason for them desiring to kill and rape people of other tribes. This is the reason. Members of their tribe are closely related biologically. They are more closely related biologically to each other than to members of other tribes. Anthropologists have asked members of the tribe why they attack other tribes and take their women. They have religious explanations for this, but they ultimately explain that really they do it for the women. This makes sense from a Darwinian perspective. It makes sense that a tribe would want to take the women of another tribe and kill the men of the other tribe so that it can perpetuate its own tribes genes and eliminate the genes of its enemies. Also they eat the men that they kill from other tribes. Evolutionary biologists think that these men that they eat are an important source of protein. They also eat members of their own tribe who die in battle. According to many tribes throughout the world that practice cannibalism, and there is a lot, it is actually compassionate to eat somebody after he is killed because then he does not go to waist. Evolutionary biologists say that there is a Darwinian motivation behind this, because the dead bodies provide valuable protein. This protein keeps people in the tribe alive and healthy so that they can reproduce more and perpetuate their genes. So evolutionary biologists argue that these belief systems and behavioral practices of these peoples derive due to genetic Darwinian factors.
Of course the tribe explains its actions through religious and spiritual reasoning. They explain that they are so fierce because they are the product of a sacrifice of very strong blood. This is fascinating. The tribe is aware that Europeans took over America. The tribe explains this by changing its belief system. They say that Europeans are also the product of very strong blood from the calf sacrifice from the gods.
There are anthropologists that say that the reason why the symbol of Jesus on the cross is so powerful is because it is a symbol of death, and as Freud said, death speaks to the human subconscious because everybody has a fear of death and a desire to avoid it. Anthropologists who study the Aztec Empire think that the mass sacrifices served to remind the masses of their mortalities and keep them in check. Anthropologists and people like Karl Marx have suggested that the image of Jesus on the cross also serves to keep the masses in check by reminding them of their moralities. By reminding people that they can and will die, they behave better, is the theory.
Evolutionary biologists also argue that your emotions are shaped by your desire to have sex and perpetuate your genes, and avoid death and kill threats to you. I described already why men are afraid to approach women. Evolutionary biologists say that men are afraid to approach women because if they approach the wrong woman then they might be killed. They could be killed by the Dad of the woman or her brothers for dishonoring the woman. Or they can be killed by the woman’s husband or partner. Fear is an emotion that causes you to hesitate to do something. If you are afraid you may be less likely to approach a woman. That may be best for you evolutionarily to not approach too many women, according to Darwin, because it is such a dangerous thing to do. Also, like I said, humans developed in small tribes where there were not many women. If you messed up with one woman in the tribe this may jeopardize your chances of perpetuating your genes. Regardless, a fear of approaching women gave people an evolutionary advantage. People who were afraid of approaching women were more likely to spread their genes more, because approaching women is so dangerous. Therefore, these people spread onto their children more often genes that made their children afraid to approach women.
Women have a lot of fear before engaging in sexual intercourse. This phenomenon is known as last minute resistance by pick up artists. A lot of times a man will want to have sex with a woman, but at the last minute the woman says that she does not want to. This is because the woman, apparently, experiences fear before having sex. Evolutionary biologists say that this makes a lot of sense. Men do not experience the same amount of fear before having sex with a woman because the man does not have as much at stake. A man does not need to carry a baby for nine months in his stomach. A woman on the other hand does, so she has to be very picky with who she choses to engage in sex with. That is why, before engaging in sex with a man, a woman experiences fear. This is because according to evolutionary biologists, women have been hardwired, due to natural selection, to be choosy of their mates, and they are thus hesitant before having sex.
So in other words, the argument goes, sex shapes emotions. Emotions are the third quadrant. Sex shapes what you do. Sex shapes your dreams. I already discussed that Freud believed that all dreams were sublimations of sex. Freud believed that if you have a dream that you are drilling a hole into a wall, that really is a sublimation of your desire to have sex with your mom. Freud would say the dream is metaphorical. The drill represents a penis. The wall represents a vagina.
I discussed how beliefs, the second quadrant, are shaped by genetic Darwinism. One example of this is in the bible. In the bible if a woman has sex with a man that she is not married to and she is married then she and the man must be stoned. It makes sense that the Israelite tribes would make a law in regards to this. Men do not want a woman that they are married to having sex with other me. I described why this is. If a man is married to a woman and she has sex with another man, then the woman’s husband will have to raise a child that is not his biological child. This is why men get so angry when their wives cheat on them, and often kill their wives for doing so, and or kill the man who had sex with her also. Women who are promiscuous in their sexual relationships are often called sluts. If a woman has sex with a lot of men she becomes less attractive to men. That is because if a woman has sex with a lot of men, then men think that if they have sex with her then the baby that she produces from it will be less likely to be his. As a result men might have sex with the woman, but they find her less attractive, and are less likely to marry her or want a relationship with her. There is a belief in many cultures that promiscuous of women is wrong. This belief is accompanied by perceptions of these women as gross. Many men find these women gross and this is accompanied by negative emotions toward these women. These women are often called sluts and whores. When women who are promiscuous are called sluts this is known as slut shaming. Slut shaming is supposed to discourage women from acting promiscuous. It is dishonorable in many cultures for a family to have a member of its family be promiscuous. Evolutionary biologists may say that this is due to evolutionary reasons. A woman in your family shares your genes. If the woman is seen as promiscuous she may be less likely to get married. If she is less likely to get married then she is less likely to have children. You want members of your family to have children because they share genes with you, according to Darwin. For instance, a sister shares a lot of your genes because she has the same Dad and Mom as you have. So if your sister cannot marry because she is perceived as promiscuous, then she is less likely to have a lot of children, and less likely to perpetuate your genetic line. This may make you angry with your sister. In the bible, if a woman is found out to not be a virgin before she is married, she is to be stoned. That is because she dishonors her husband. The husband does not want to have a wife who is promiscuous and has had sex with other men. If she has had sex with other men that means that she is already attached to other men. If a woman has sex with a man then chemicals are released in her that cause her to become attached to him. Studies show that once a woman has had sex with a man a couple times she is extremely attached to him. Therefore, she is likely to return to him for sex. If a husband knows that he married a woman who has already had sex this makes her less appealing to him, because he will know that she is already attached to other men. If she is already attached to other men then she may be more likely to cheat on him and have a baby that is not his biological baby, and he will have to put his resources into raising it. If a woman is found to not be a virgin after she gets married, then also this dishonors the woman’s family. Like I described, if a woman is promiscuous she is not appealing as a marriage prospect, because men do not want to marry her and have to worry about her cheating on them. That is why such a woman would be stoned. Again, in this example, sex is shaping people’s emotions, what they do, how they behave, their beliefs, and their perceptions.
On the other hand, if a man has sex with more than one woman, so long as the woman is not a married woman, the man is seen as a player. In the bible, polygamy was ok, so if you have sex with more than one woman, that means that you have more than one wife. Because once you have sex with a woman, she is your wife. It is interesting that promiscuous women are seen negatively, but men who have sex with multiple women are looked upon more positively. That can be explained due to genetic Darwinian principals. Like I described, it would not be a big deal for a society if a man has sex with more than one woman, and has more than one wife. It is natural due to genetic Darwinian principals that a man will want more than one mates, so that he can spread his genes more. If a man is a member of your tribe, which means that he shares a lot of genes with you, then you do not mind too much if he has more than one wife. So long as he has the resources to support the women than this is ok. Women tend not to mind so much if they share a man. In fact, it makes a man more attractive to women if he has more than one woman. It actually turns women on if they know that their man has another woman. So long as the man can support both of them financially, then women like this. Actually studies show that they like it. I described that there is a principal in evolutionary biology which says that if a man is desired by a woman, then other women desire him. That is because if a woman sees that other women find a man attractive, then they think that he has qualities that make him sexy. If he has qualities that make him sexy then he will be likely to have sexy children, and because the children are sexy, they will be likely to have a lot of offspring, especially if they are boys. This is one reason why most cultures prefer boys. That is because boys are able to have more offspring than women, because women have to wait nine months or more between offspring, but men can have offspring as much as they want, so long as they have mates in which to disseminate their seed.
But the point I am trying to make is that sex and death/ the desire to survive and perpetuate your genes shapes perceptions, responses, faith, behavior, thoughts, emotions, dreams, contemplations, and everything that comes before it in the quadrant model. I discussed that in the bible sex and death are related. It is very fascinating. In the bible sex, death, and drugs/food are very related. And in the bible sex, death, and drugs/food are related to knowledge. Let me explain
So we are discussing knowledge, and how it is related to sex and death. Knowledge is the sixteenth square of the quadrant model, so it must encompass everything before it. Therefore knowledge (sex/death and the desire for immortality and becoming a god) shapes all of the squares before it, sensations, perceptions, beliefs behavior, thoughts and emotions. Also, we are discussing how drugs/food ties into this. Let’s start with the book of Genesis. In the book of Genesis Eve bites out of the fruit of KNOWLEDGE. The fruit of knowledge is forbidden by God. It is interesting that knowledge has a quality of being forbidden. Knowledge has a quality of sort of being bad. Knowledge is the fourth quadrant. The fourth quadrant is death. It is also interesting that passion is often associated with sex and bad things. People have passionate sex often when it is forbidden, or they perform crimes of passion, like if they find a spouse cheating on them, they kill the spouse in what is called a crime of passion. Knowledge often has the connotation of being hidden and secret. There is the terms secret knowledge, and hidden knowledge, and forbidden knowledge. I described how the first two squares are more conservative. The third and the fourth squares are destructive. Knowledge can question beliefs and shake up the status quo. Karl Marx said that people believe things like religion. But Marx said that knowledge is that religion is just a way to keep the masses content and controlled and from revolution.
But anyways, Eve bites out of the fruit of knowledge. After this she lures Adam into biting out of it. Eve was tempted by a snake to bite out of it. A snake in many cultures is the symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Snakes also simultaneously are symbols of death and sex. Snakes hide in places where they cannot be seen, and they strike and kill. Snakes are phallic symbols, making one think of the penis. Snakes hide in holes in the ground, making them seem secretive. Snakes are representations of knowledge. Also snakes shed their skin, making one think of death. But they also shed their skin but remain alive, making one think of death and resurrection.
So Eve bites out of the fruit of knowledge and so does Adam. God had told them that if they bite out of the fruit they will DIE. Before this they were immortal. But once they bite out of the fruit of knowledge God says that they will “surely die”. So we are seeing that in the bible knowledge is associated with death. This story is also very deep and multilayered. The fruit of knowledge is often associated with an apple. But the bible does not say what fruit it actually is. Most rabbis say that the fruit that was eaten was grapes. They say that the fruit was actually wine. This is interesting because wine is contains alcohol. Alcohol is a drug that lowers your inhibitions. Rabbis say that this event is allegorical of Adam and Eve having sex. When you have your inhibitions lowered you are more likely to have sex.
There are numerous examples in the bible of sex and death and knowledge being associated with each other. There is a phrase that goes- he knew her biblically. To know somebody biblically is to have sex with somebody. That is because in the bible sex and knowing are synonymous. Also, once again, knowing is associated with disobedience and death. So knowledge, sex, death, and disobedience, are related in the bible. An example of this is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah a man has Lot as a guest in his home. People in the city want to have sex with Lot. They say that they want to “know him”. Lot says for them not to have sex with his guest but to have sex with his daughter instead. Homosexuality in the bible is a sin. Also, it is made clear in the New Testament that a lot of the lawlessness in Sodom and Gomorrah was due to the exploitation of impoverished due to God’s law being ignored. As a result of this disobedience to Gods’ laws, God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah and killed all of its inhabitants. The only inhabitant that God does not kill in the story is Lot and his family, because Lot was righteous. But in this story we see sex, death, and knowledge being associated with each other. On a side note, the New Testament does not say that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed due to homosexuality, but due to economic stratification and the hurting of the poor.
Alcohol in the bible is associated with sin. After Lot and his daughters escape Sodom and Gomorrah Lot is given alcohol by his daughters. Lot falls asleep because of the alcohol. Then his daughters have sex with him. Lot is the brother of Abraham. This is incest and it is against the law of God to perform incest. But again, we see knowing, sex, death, and alcohol related. There was the men at Sodom and Gomorrah that wanted to know lot, which meant that they wanted to have sex with him. Then the city is destroyed by God and Lot’s daughters get Lot drunk with alcohol and have sex with him. The offspring of this sinful relationship were the Moabites and the Ammonites. Later in the bible the Moabites and Ammonites fight Israel. In the psalms it says that wine is like the bite of a viper. Again we see the connection of wine and a snake.  In a story in the Bible the Israelites grumble against Moses and God (they do not believe and believing is the second quadrant and life) so they are bitten by snakes and killed (they do not believe they wish to know). This harkens back to the story of the garden of Eden where the snake gives Adam and Eve the wine. Sin in the bible is disobedience to God's law. God's law says that incest is wrong. Therefore, this relationship is sinful. And the consequences of it end up being negative, in that the offspring of this relationship end up being enemies to Israel. The snake in the bible is associated with Satan. The snake is associated with evil. We see a connection between the snake and wine. It is true that wine does lower inhibitions and bring about sin. When people drink wine they are more likely to have sex, including sex that is forbidden. Also people are more likely to get in fights and kill people when they are drunk. People are more likely to steal and fight when they are drunk. In modern society, many people die due to drunk driving accidents. People literally drink too much and they pass out and sometimes die. There is a commandment in the bible that if your son is a drunkard and will not live by the law of God then he should be sent to the elders the elders can decide to have him stoned. Alcohol and sin are associated in the bible. knowledge, sex, death, and alcohol/drugs are related in the bible. Belief, faith and obedience to God's law are associated with life in the bible, and disobedience/sin/knowing are associated with death.
Also we see a connection in the Bible between knowledge and God. After Adam and Eve bite out of the fruit god says “now they may become like Us”. Us is referring to God. Many theologians think that God says Us because he is royal and he is referring to himself using the royal we. When kings refer to themselves they often use the royal we. But the point is that, by eating the fruit of knowledge, Adam and Eve are able to become like God.
Also knowledge is accompanied by miracles in the bible. For instance, Elijah raises the Tishbite womans dead son. The Tishbite woman’s son dies, and she asks Elijah “did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son”. After Elijah raises the child to life the woman says “now I know that you are a man of God, and the word from your mouth is the Truth”. Accompanying the miracle she knew that Elijah was a man of God. But it is interesting that her son first had to die due to her sin before she could know.
There is another example of knowing in the bible being accompanied by a miracle. God tells Moses that he will let the Egyptians “know” that He is the Lord. Moses sends the Israelites out of Egypt. He does this by dividing the Read Sea. Moses divides the Read Sea with his staff. It is interesting that Moses staff at other times in Exodus, the book in which this story is found, turns his staff into a snake. This harkens back to the Garden of Eden story. Moses uses the staff to divide the sea so that the Israelites can escape Egypt. The reason why they had to escape Egypt was due to their sin. They had not been following the Law of God in Egypt, and God wanted to free them from Egypt so that they could come to His Law. This is like the Garden of Eden story. In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve did not obey God’s law. They eat out of the tree of knowledge due to a snake. This expels them from the garden. Similarly the snake staff expels the Israelites from Egypt. It is interesting to note that historians think that the Garden of Eden story is an allegory. Historians think that the Garden of Eden story is an allegory of the Babylonian dispersion. Ahab was the King of Israel and his wife was Jezebel, and she was not an Israelite. According to the story she caused Ahab to fall away from the Law of God and as a result the Israelites were taken over by the Assyrians, and later the Jews were taken over by the Babylonians, and both the Jews and the Israelites were dispersed. There is a distinction between Jews and Israelites. Jews are Israelites, but Israelites are not necessarily Jews. The Israelites are descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons. The Jews are descendants of two of three of Jacobs’ sons Judah, Benjamin, and Levi. Judah Benjamin and Levi were a part of the southern kingdom of Judea, and the other 10 tribes were the northern kingdom of Israel. But anyways, historians think that the Garden of Eden story is an allegory of this dispersion of Israel. They say that Adam represents the King Ahab and Eve represents Jezebel. Jezebel like Eve, caused Adam, like Ahab to sin and this caused the exile of the Israelites from Israel, like the exile of Adam and Eve from the garden. The garden is Israel, but back to the story of the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Moses uses his snake staff to allow the Israelites to exit Egypt, where they are sinning. God says that he will let the Egyptians KNOW that He is the Lord. The Israelites cross the sea and the Egyptians chase after them. Then God has the sea fall on the Egyptian soldiers, including the Pharaoh, and they are killed. So we are again seeing connections. There is death, and out of this death comes knowledge. God said that he wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the Lord. He does this by allowing Moses to perform a miracle, which allows the Israelites to escape Egypt. He then kills the Egyptians. The snake staff is used to cross the sea. The snake again harkens back to the Garden of Eden. The staff, like the snake is a phallic symbol. The staff is a symbol that is like the penis. This symbol is used to divide the sea. Freud would argue that the symbolism of this is sexual. The staff dividing the sea is like a penis going into a vagina. Then the Egyptians and Pharaoh are killed. It is interesting that Pharaoh raised Moses, and in a sense Moses kills the Pharaoh. This brings to mind the Oedipal dynamic. It is as if Moses killed his Dad. After this event the Egyptians it says KNOW that the God of Israel is Lord. So out of this death comes knowledge. Out of the exile comes knowledge. In the story of the Garden of Eden, the exile is accompanied with the snake/sexual imagery, like in this story the exodus from Egypt is accompanied by the staff/sexual imagery. It is also interesting that before this exodus from Egypt there is a sacrifice of lambs. The sacrifice of lambs is supposed to be sin offering. Sacrifices are supposed to atone for sins. The Israelites had been behaving sinfully in Egypt. The consequence of sin is that it is supposed to kill you. The Israelites were supposed to be killed in Egypt. But by God’s miracle they live. This is also similar to the Garden of Eden Story. In the Garden of Eden Story God tells Adam and Eve that if they sin and are disobedient to him and bite the fruit of knowledge then they will “surely die”. After they sin by being disobedient to God’s orders they are expelled from the Garden. They recognize that they are naked and cover themselves with fig leaves. It is a sin to not cover our private parts. Adam and Eve did not realize that they were sinning until then. Then they make a sacrifice of an animal so that they can have animal skin to cover their private parts. It is interesting that their sin coincides with the sacrifice of an animal. The covering of their private parts represents the covering of their sins. This represents Adam and Eve moving from death to life. Sin in the bible is associated with death, and by being naked; they are away from God’s law and thus should be killed. But by covering their private parts and moving back to God’s law they can escape death and they are brought back to life. Obedience to, belief in, and faith in God’s Law in the Bible is associated with life. The sacrifice of the animal in the Garden of Eden relates to the Exodus story from Egypt in that the sacrificing of the lambs in the story forgave the Israelites of their sins so that they did not have to be killed. After the Israelites leave Egypt they are given the Law of God through Moses on Mt. Sinai so that they can stop their sinful ways. I want to make a point that sacrifices accompany these events. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah Lot escapes the sinful land, but as they are escaping his wife looks back and she dies. She is sacrificed. But my point is that knowledge; death, sex, and drugs/food are intricately connected in the Bible.
Another popular example where knowing and sex and death are related in the bible is with Jacob’s son Reuben and the mandrakes. It is interesting that this is another seeming case of incest in the bible. Reuben gives mandrakes to his Mom Leah. It is important to note that Mandrakes are used as hallucinogens. Recall that alcohol in wine alters the state of somebody and can lower his inhibitions, making him more likely to have sex or even kill, and do other things that he would not normally do. Reuben giving his Mom mandrakes is metaphorical of him having sex with his Mom according to Freud. This is incest and it is another example of the Oedipal complex in the bible. Rachel’s sister is Leah, and Leah is also married to Jacob. Leah says that she also wants Reuben’s mandrakes. In other words, Leah also wants to have sex with Reuben. So we see again fruit being related with sex. Rachel says, wasn’t it enough that you took my husband, now you want to take my son too. I already described how women are attracted to men that other women have. I have a friend that is a girl that says that she has a sister who, every time that she breaks up with a boyfriend, ends up sleeping with the boyfriend that she was with. I asked the girl why she thinks that her sister does this. The girl said that she didn’t know. I told her to be honest. I said that when she sees her sister with a guy, does that make the guy more attractive to you. The girl said yes. I said that is why. The reason why her sister wants to sleep with men that she has had sex with is because when a woman sees that a man is desired by other women, it makes that man more attractive to them. I described this is due to genetic Darwinian reasons. If a woman sees that other women desire a man, she thinks that he has genes that make him sexy. Therefore she wants to have sex with him so that she has children, preferably male, with those sexy genes, so her sexy children will also get a lot of women, and continue to spread her genes to future generations. Then Rachel tells Leah that she can sleep with Jacob that night if she can get Reuben’s mandrakes. So we are seeing another story with connections between sex, death, and drugs/food. It is interesting that directly after this passage Jacob and his wives flee from Laban, Jacob’s Father in law and the Dad of his wives. In other words, there is a sort of exodus. Laban saw Jacob as stealing from him, because Jacob was breading his goats so that he could take most of them.
It is interesting that God tells Adam and Eve to be “fruitful and multiply”. To be fruitful means to bear children, and children are bore through sex. So you see there another connection between sex and death
But a point that I am making is that in the bible sex, death, and knowledge, disobedience, and sin are related. These sins are often covered up by sacrifices in the stories. Sin and death are related in the Bible. God says over and over again that if people are obedient to His laws then they will live. But if they are disobedient to His law, which is sin, then they will die. The second quadrant, belief, faith, behavior, belonging is life. The fourth quadrant, knowledge is death. The fourth quadrant is scary. The fourth quadrant is dangerous. The second quadrant is safe and comforting.
Sin in the bible is related to death. If a person gets an infectious skin disease then he has to leave the community. Disease in the bible is associated with sin. The idea is that if you are disobedient to God’s law then you are punished for it by disease. If somebody has a disease, it is evidence that he did not obey God’s law. Disease and death are associated with each other. If somebody gets a disease in an Israelite community, according to the bible, then he has to leave the community. He is considered dead. He is thrown to the wilderness. There is a genetic Darwinian motivation behind this. If somebody has an infectious skin disease and he is with his tribe, then he can give other members of his tribe the skin disease. Members of a tribe share genes. If a lot of people get the infectious skin disease then a lot of people in the tribe may die. It is better to throw the man with the infectious skin disease into the wilderness to die, than to have him stay in the community and get others sick and have others die. I described that when you are kicked out of the community into the wilderness you are seen as dead. If you are kicked out of the community then you no longer belong. Being kicked out of your community to be alone in the wilderness is the opposite of belonging. Belonging is the second quadrant. Death is the fourth quadrant. Knowledge and death are associated. This death is seen as the consequence of sin. But if the person gets healed of his skin disease, then he can return to the community and see a priest. If the priest examines him and finds out that he is no longer sick, then the priest will reaccept him into the community. The priest will then make a sin offering. He will sacrifice one bird and sprinkle that bird’s blood on another bird. He will then let the other bird free. This is symbolic of a death and resurrection. According to the framework of the bible, the man had died due to his sin when he was excommunicated from the community. But when he came back healed he was brought back to life. He was in a sense resurrected, and he is brought back to the law of God again, hopefully not to sin again lest he sin and contract the disease again.
Another example of sin leading to death is the case of a boy with an Egyptian Dad and Israelite Mom in leviticus 24. According to the story the boy blasphemes against God. According to rabbis the boy did not belong in the community because of his Egyptian Dad, and apparently his Mom did not have good character. It is a sin to blaspheme God’s name so the boy summoned by Moses, through the decree of God, to be stoned. Again, there may be genetic Darwinian implications to this story. The boy’s Dad is Egyptian. Therefore he is not as genetically similar to the other Israelites as most other Israelites, so he is more likely to be excluded. Also rabbis point out that this boy’s Mom was not a very good Mother in that she married an Egyptian. According to evolutionary biologists, there is a motivation to marry people within your tribe because they share more genes with you. If you marry people in your tribe then you will have more offspring that share your genes. Also people in your tribe are more likely to look lie you, and you usually resemble your Mom. Freud points out that men want a woman who looks like their Mom as their spouse because subconsciously men really want to marry and have sex with their Moms. But the point is this boy did not belong. Belonging is the second quadrant. The second quadrant is life. As a result he sinned and was killed. But rabbis do point out that because the boy’s Mom was an Israelite he should have been treated well, and it is sad that the boy was brought to sin. Rabbis often sort of blame the community for this boy’s sin in blaspheming God in that they think the reason why he blasphemed God was because he did not belong in the community.
So this story sort of subtly warns women not to marry outside of their tribe because they will have children that don't belong, and thus may sin and blaspheme God. The point that I am illustrating is that in the bible, I already demonstrated that knowledge and sex and death are related. Also in the bible death and sex are often related to sin. Sex and death in culture in general are taboo subjects. It is deemed inappropriate for children to see movies with sex and death in them. In the bible, if a nazarite touches a dead body he has to cut his hair and cleanse himself. Sex and death have qualities of being esoteric and taboo and forbidden, like knowledge. Recall that knowledge is the 16th square of the quadrant model. There are 16 types of people. There are sensors, perceivers, responders, people who are aware, believers, faithful people, behavers, belongers, thinkers, emoters, doers, dreamers, contemplators, passionate people, flowers, and knowers. Knowing is the 16th square. It is the fourth square of the fourth quadrant. The fourth always encompasses everything before it, yet it is separate from it. Everything before knowledge leads to knowledge, and knowledge shapes everything before it. The more knowledge you gain, the more your awareness changes and your beliefs, and thoughts, and so on and so forth. But also knowledge is related to sex and death, and Freud and Darwin point out that sex and death shape the psychology of humans. So every quadrant before knowledge is shaped by Freudian and Darwinian sexual and murderous survival motivations. My big point is that knowledge and sex and death are intricately linked. Sex and death are associated with evil and sin. I already discussed how this is seen in the bible. Now let me explain this concept further.
Knowledge in the bible is related with a deep connection with something. When men want to know other men in the bible that means that they want to have sex with them. If a man knows a woman in the bible it means that he has had sex with her. There is no connection in the earthly level that is more deep and intimate than sex. When you have sex you sort of become one with another person. The man physically inserts his penis into a woman. Out of this interaction a baby is produced. That baby is a miniature copy of the man and the woman. When you have sex you bare it all. Sex is very related to death. Sex is very primordial. when people have sex together they get naked. They are exposing to each other their private parts. These are parts of their bodies that they keep hidden from other people. They become like animals, and they bare their private parts. They often lay down or get on hands and knees like animals. Sex is kind of violent. The man sticks his penis into a womans orifices. There is usually a lot of moaning and groaning. It is like a murder. when somebody is being killed they moan and groan. When a man and woman have sex the woman moans and groans a lot. She also screams even. The man also makes animal like noises. The man and woman bare a lot to each other in sex. Also there is a lot of other animal type of behavior during sex. For instance men and women bite each other and scratch each other and women often kick and scream and grab onto things as if they are being tortured. It is almost like the man is murdering the woman. It is almost like his penis is a weapon and he is penetrating her with it and killing her. But she likes it, and he likes it. This may represent a kind of violent murderous desire within the human psyche that is turned on by such things. On the part of the woman, the woman wants to be dominated and murdered. On the part of the man, the man wants to dominate and murder. Sometimes interestingly the roles are reversed and the woman wants to dominate and murder and the man wants to be murdered and dominate. When the woman slaps and hits and sort of fights back this represents a sort of resistance as if she is trying to escape the murder. This kind of tension turns her and the man on more. Freud believed that the human psyche had an impulse to want sex and also to want to die. Freud says that there is a subconscious desire in humans to want death, want sex, and want to kill. Freud believed that humans had psychologies that were incestuous, cannibalistic, and murderous. A lot of evidence seems to indicate that he is correct in his analysis. The biting during sex relates to Freud’s idea that humans subconscious psychologies are cannibalistic. Eating somebody is also a way to deeply connect with that person. I described knowledge can be seen as an extremely deep connection with something. During sex women sometimes give oral sex and men give oral sex, which is kind of cannibilistic. The french call an orgasm a miniature death. When somebody orgasms it is a transcendent experience. When a man and woman have sex it is like they die to themselves and become one with each other. That is why sex is kind of like a death. And out of this comes a new life. So there is sort of a death and resurrection. When Eve bites out of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil this represents her knowing evil. She disobeyed God and must be punished. Rabbis say really this was metaphorical of Adam and Eve having sex, and God says that because of this they must "surely die". Knowing God in the bible is usually followed by experiencing a miracle. For instance I described the Tishbite woman claimed that she knew God after she saw her son raised from the dead. God says that the Egyptians will know him after he frees Israel from them. Also when Jesus dies and the tent breaks, a Roman soldier says that he "knew" that he was the "son of God". The miracle was accompanied by knowledge. It is interesting that these two miracles that were followed by knowledge were miracles involving a death and a ressurection. The crossing of the sea of the Israelites sort of represented a death and a ressurection. They had crossed over from the ways of Egypt which was sin to gaining the law of God and ultimately the promised land where they would try to practice it. Ezequiel says that to know God you have to obey his sabbaths and obey his decrees. So according to Ezequiel knowledge of God comes after obeying God's word. Jesus says that eternal life is to "know the Father" who is God and to know him who the Father sent. It is interesting that when orthodox Jews pray at the western wall they move back and fourth with their heads. Some have said that this is a kind of sexual movement, and that it looks like the orthodox jews are having sex with the western wall (Jerusalem who in the New Testament is described as the Mother). They say that this sexual movement symbolizes a desire to have a deeper connection with God.
Let me explain another example from the bible of how sex and death are related in the bible. The story of Samson is a good example of this. Samson is the last of the 12 great judges of Israel, and Samson is one of the most sinful of them. He is sinful in that he is a nazarite, but he has sexual relationships with the prostitute Delilah who is not even an Israelite. Delilah tricks Samson into revealing his secret that the source of his power is his hair. She cuts his hair and the Philistines capture him. It is interesting that Delilah is depicted as yet another female tempter in the bible. There are many examples of this. I discussed Jezebel, a non Israelite, who lead Israel into sin after marrying the King of Israel Ahab. I mentioned Eve. The Israelite boy with the Egyptian Dad who was stoned was stoned, rabbis say, because he had a Mom that was not very righteous and brought her son to sin. I did not discuss Joseph. Potiphar an Egyptian woman who was married to the man that Joseph was a slave under, accused Joseph of rape when he did not rape her but she was just upset that he would not have sex with her, and Joseph ended up being put in prison. Herod's lover Herodias and her daughter are depicted as seducing Herod during his birthday. It is already described that Herod wanted to kill John the Baptizer so this all could be a set up. But nonetheless Herodias, a woman, sinfully seduces Herod with dance and Herod tells her that he will give her whatever she asked. Because she is a lawless woman she of course wants John the Baptizer, a man of God who was against the Roman Empire and the laws of Rome and for the law of God, killed. Because Herod promised her that he would give her what she asks, and she asked for John the Baptizer’s head, Herod has Johns head taken off and given to him on a platter. Women in the bible are often depicted as manipulative and deceitful. But many do argue that women are manipulative and deceitful. Studies show that women are good liars and they cheat on their husbands a lot and make their husbands raise children that are not their own. A lot of people don't want to believe this because it is uncomfortable, but facts/ knowledge says that it is true.
Let me explain another example from the bible of how sex and death are related in the bible. The story of Samson is a good example of this. Samson is the last of the 12 great judges of Israel, and Samson is one of the most sinful of them. He is sinful in that he is a nazarite, but he has sexual relationships with the prostitute Delilah who is not even an Israelite. Delilah tricks Samson into revealing his secret that the source of his power is his hair. She cuts his hair and the Philistines capture him. It is interesting that Delilah is depicted as yet another female tempter in the bible. There are many examples of this. I discussed Jezebel, a non Israelite, who lead Israel into sin after marrying the King of Israel Ahab. I mentioned Eve. The Israelite boy with the Egyptian Dad who was stoned was stoned, rabbis say, because he had a Mom that was not very righteous and brought her son to sin. Women in the bible are often depicted as manipulative and deceitful. But many do argue that women are manipulative and deceitful. Studies show that women are good liars and they cheat on their husbands a lot and make their husbands raise children that are not their own.
But anyways, Delilah tricks Samson and Samson is captured by the Philistines. It is important to note that Delilah is not am Israelite. An underlying message of this story is to not engage in sex with non Israelites who are not in your tribe. But then Samson is tied up to two pillars. It says that Samson is grinding grain. Rabbis look at the word grinding and they notice that the word for grinding and the word for sex are the same. Many rabbis think that Samson was not literally grinding grain, but instead was made into a sex slave. Rabbis say that, actually Goliath, who was the giant enemy that King David slew leading the Israelites to victory against the Philistines, was the offspring of Samson and the Philistine women that they were forcing him to have sex with. So anways, Samson is grinding grain. Rabbis say that he is having sex. As this is happening he gains his strength back because his hair grows back. He is so strong that he can break down the pillars. The pillars then fall on him and he dies, but they also fall on the philistines. Samson says to God "take the Philistines down with me". Samson represents a martyr for Israel. He gives up his life for his people. The philistines were a mortal enemy to the Israelites. There may be a genetic Darwinian motivation behind Samson killing the Philistines Darwin would explain. Darwin could say that the Israelites share more genes with Samson than the Philistines do because they are a part of his tribe. Therefore he is willing to sacrifice his life to save his people. Because he may die, and his own genes are wiped out of existence. But he shares genes with his people. So he sacrifices himself and his genes for his people, but at the same time what he is doing is not completely altruistic. He shares genes with the Israelites, and by sacrificing himself he is saving their genes so that they can continue to reproduce. As a result he ends up really saving his genes, because if he did not save his people from their enemies the Philistines, then all of their genes would have been destroyed, and those are genes that he shares. That is a Darwinian explanation to this event. An explanation given by Rabbis would be that the Philistines were pagans that followed a law that was not the law of God, and thus Samson sacrificed himself to save the law of God. But the point was that Samson is having sex according to rabbis, and he dies while he is having sex. We see again a connection between sex and death.
There is another interesting connection between sex and death in the Bible. There is an levite who is taken into a man from Gibeahs house in Judeah. The Levite was from Israel and he was travelling to Judea. Recall the Israelites are not just the Jews. the Jews are Benjamin and Judah and Levi. The tribes of Benjamin and Judah separated from Israel to the North and formed Judeah. The levite had a concubine with him. A concubine is a woman that he is not married to but he uses for sex. It says that the old man and the levite and the concubine are eating and drinking. It is very likely that they are drinking wine. Then it says that the inhabitants of the city knock on the door and demand to "know them". Again, they want to have sex with them. The old man is a righteous man. He realizes that the man who is staying with him is a levite, and thus he is an important member of the tribe of Israel. As a result he tells the Gibeahites that want to have sex with him that they should not do this, and he instead offers his virgin daughter and the concubine for them to have sex with. We have to realize that there is a reason why there is a mob of people outside of this house who are behaving in this vile way. The Gibeahites had stopped obeying the law of God. Also a lot of them were probably impoverished and going mentally insane. These people are probably exploited and they are acting vile. The law of God is nowhere to be found among the Benjamites. But the point is that the old man and the concubine and the levite were eating and drinking. they were probably drinking wine. This is followed by people outside demanding to have sex with them. I described how wine/food and sex and death are often related in the Bible. Then the levite gives them his concubine. The people outside rape the concubine all night and they kill her. In the morning the levite wakes up and walks out of the house and sees the concubine on the thresold of his door laying there. He does not seem to be too worried about her. He slept the whole night, representing that he could sleep while his concubine was gone. But it is described that this concubine was not a very faithful concubine. She had left the levite before and went back to live with her parents. So the levite is not too concerned with her. Also, she is a concubine and concubines are not that valuable. The levite tells her to get up and to come with him. But she cannot get up. She is dead. The levite then cuts her into 12 pieces and sends the pieces of her body to the tribes of Israel. The concubine was his property, and his property had been killed. He is pretty upset. My point is that again we see wine/alcohol sex, in this case rape, and death related again.
This is interesting too. Gibeah was in Benjamin. The tribe of Benjamin is one of the tribes of Israel, and the descendans of Benjamin and Judah are the Jews of today. The Isrealite tribes wanted to destroy Gibeah. But he Benjamites did not want to do this because the people in Gibeah were Benjamites. But the Israelites said that the Gibeahites had to be purged because of their lawlessness. It makes sense in a genetic Darwinian perspective that the Benjamites would no want to kill their own people in Gibeah, because they share the most genes with those people. But also it is possible that the Benjamites had completely gone against the law of God and therefore did not want to punish the Gibeahites for their sins. God tells the Israelites to destroy the Benjamites for their sin in not wanting to punish the inhabitants of Gibeah. The story says that the Israelites mobilized against the Benjamites and killed over 25 thousand of them. The Israelites see all of the towns on fire too. So you see that the Benjamites were punished for their sin in going against God. But the Israelites had promised to never marry a Benjamite due to the Benjamites sin. Then what is interesting is that the Israelites old the Benjamites to hide outside of a vineyard and wait for the women of Shiloh to dance in the vineyard. It is important to note that this is a vineyard, so there is likely wine there. Wine recall, causes people to loosen their inhibitions. It causes them to dance. Dancing is a seductive act. People dance to attract members of the opposite sex. You never see a dance where there is all guys or all girls. Girls dance among each other a lot but they are waiting to be picked up by men. Men dance in order to try to ultimately have sex with the women. The Benjamites wait for the women of Shiloh to dance and then they took them to be their wives. They raped them. It is important to note that this occurs in a vineyard. In vineyards is graves and grapes yield wine. I don't think this is a coincidence. Again alcohol/food and sex and death are all related in the bible. Also before Babylon is taken over the King is drinking wine. Before Haman is killed he is drinking wine.
The song of solomon is another book in the bible where sex and fruit/drugs/food are intricately related. Solomons lover says that she loves Solomon more than wine. She says in Song of Solomon 2,
With great delight I sat in his shadow,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
4 He brought me to the banqueting house,[b]
and his banner over me was love.
5 Sustain me with raisins;
refresh me with apples,
for I am sick with love.
Solomons lover likens Solomon to an apple tree. She says that she tastes the fruit of the tree. Again this harkens back to the Garden of Eden. Eating of the fruit represents sex. Again this imagery seems sort of cannibalistic, but there is a kind of cannibalistic quality to sex as I have described, especially when lovers bite each other and open mouth kiss each other and give each other oral sex. Evolutionary biologists interestingly say that there is an evolutionary purpose behind kissing. They say that a man and woman can tell a lot about each others immune systems by the taste of each others saliva. If the saliva of a mate tastes good to you, that means that you have an immune system that would be compatible with her immune system, and you will more likely have children with good immune systems. If not, then the saliva of the mate does not taste good. Evolutionary biologists say that humans are evolved to want to kiss each other to subconsciously see if their immune systems are compatible. They say that humans who had compatible immune systems were more likely to survive, so humans that had the adaptation that allowed them to want to taste another person’s saliva and be able to tell if their immune systems were compatible, were more likely to have offspring that survived, so now humans have a tendency to want to kiss, and a capacity to tell based on the taste of the other humans saliva how compatible their immune systems are.
Solomons lover goes on to say
for our vineyards are in blossom.”
16 My beloved is mine, and I am his;
he grazes[f] among the lilies
She describes that her and Solomon’s vineyards are in blossom. This is metaphorical. Again vineyards are full of grapes and wine. This in the bible is associated with sex. She is saying that both of them are fertile and horny. She says that Solomon grazes among the lilies. This is metaphorical of him having sex with her. Lillies are flowers and flowers also bear fruit. These are metaphorical of sexual organs. Solomons lover describes solomon as a gazelle. She describes him as an animal. People kill and eat animals. Again, I described that their is a cannabilistic nature to sex. But also I described how sex is kind of a primordial, primitive act. People during sex are naked and they are physical with each other like animals. People get in touch with the more primitive primordial animalistic aspects of themselves. That is why sex in a way is kind of like dieing. In order to have sex you have to kind of let go of your ego and bear it all. You do things that you would not do in front of most people, like get naked, and get on your hands and knees.
Solomon in the Song of Solomon 4 says,
How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride!
How much better is your love than wine,
and the fragrance of your oils than any spice!
11 Your lips drip nectar, my bride;
honey and milk are under your tongue;
the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon.
12 A garden locked is my sister, my bride,
a spring locked, a fountain sealed.
13 Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates
with all choicest fruits,
henna with nard,
14 nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon,
with all trees of frankincense,
myrrh and aloes,
with all choice spices—
15 a garden fountain, a well of living water,
and flowing streams from Lebanon.

Solomon says that the love of his lover is better than that of wine. It is interesting that Solomon calls his lover sister. This is a term that is just representing that she is a fellow Israelite. But also Freud did say that heir is an incestuous quality to sex. Freud said that men and women do really subconsciously want to have sex with family members. My friend told me that girls like guys to tease them and play with them like they are their brothers, and his gets them horny. He also told me that he has had sex with girls who like to role play that they are having sex with their brother. Also he said that women say "Daddy" when they are having sex, suggesting that they really do want to have sex with their Dads. Women he said, also say a lot of curse words and nasty things, suggesting that the women are getting in touch, during sex, with a more primitive primordial aspect of themselves. These women are exposing their subconscious psyches. Men also say things to mates like "hey mommy". Men also call women "babes". The reason why they do this is probably because women produce babies, that is their functions, according to Darwin. Also it may have to do with the idea that the man is like the womans Daddy. Freud points out that men do want to have sex wih their mothers but this is also displaced on their daughters. Daughters also want to have sex with their Dads. Men also talk dirty during sex. During sex people get very inimate with each other and do things that they would no do around oher people often. Again, Solomon allegorizes his lover with fruit imagery. Again, fruit/drugs/food and sex are related in the bible.
Solomon also describes her as like honey and milk. It is interesting that a common phrase regarding the land of Israel is it is the land FLOWING with milk and honey. Recall the flow is harmony and perfection. Milk and honey are both food sources that are derived without having to slaughter an animal. Solomon describes his lover as like milk and honey. This again is cannabilistic in nature. She is sweet and pure. I do not think it is a coincidence that Solomon describes his wife as like milk and honey. Rabbis think hat his story is an allegory of God's love for Israel. God represents Solomon in the story, and Israel is the woman. In the bible God is married to Israel. When Israel was dispersed by the Assyrian Army this was described as a divorce from God. Prophets like Hosea describe that Israel committed adultery and thus God divorced her. The idea is that by not following the law of God, and by following the laws of other peoples with other Gods, Israel lost favor with God and was punished by divorce. As a result the 10 Northern tribes of Israel, were dispersed. The idea in the bible is that they were divorced and they became gentiles. Gentile means out of covenant dogs. Because the tribes of Israel were dispersed they lost the law of God and began to behave like gentiles. But the New Testament describes Jesus desire to regather the lost tribes of Israel to Israel and bring them back to the law of God and thus back into marriage with God.
I described that the idea of knowing somebody entails becoming very intimately connected with somebody. Sex is a way that his intimate connection occurs. Thus sex and knowledge in the bible are synonymous.
Solomons lover continues
Let my beloved come to his garden,
and eat its choicest fruits.
Again sex and the eating of fruits are being associated.
Solomon says
I came to my garden, my sister, my bride,
I gathered my myrrh with my spice,
I ate my honeycomb with my honey,
I drank my wine with my milk.
Again Solomon calls her sister. He describes that he drank he wine. Again wine is associated with sex in the bible.
Then others say
Eat, friends, drink,
and be drunk with love!
Love and being drunk are being associated. I described that when people are drunk their inhibitions are lowered and they are more likely to have sex.

You get the picture. Solomon continues later in Solomon 7
How beautiful and pleasant you are,
O loved one, with all your delights![a]
7 Your stature is like a palm tree,
and your breasts are like its clusters.
8 I say I will climb the palm tree
and lay hold of its fruit.
So the idea is this is reminiscent of the garden of Eden. The fruit in the garden of Eden was the fruit of knowledge. Knowledge is forbidden. It is secret. Also sex has a quality of being forbidden. Solomon is describing his lovers breasts as a cluster of fruits. He wants to eat.
he continues
Oh may your breasts be like clusters of the vine,
and the scent of your breath like apples,
9 and your mouth[b] like the best wine.
Then Solomon's lover says
Come, my beloved,
let us go out into the fields
and lodge in the villages;[d]
12 let us go out early to the vineyards
and see whether the vines have budded,
whether the grape blossoms have opened
and the pomegranates are in bloom.
There I will give you my love.
Again he vineyard is described as a place where they are going to have sex. The vineyard is full of grapes and where wine is produced. This is harkening back to the Garden of Eden story, where Adam and Eve eat the fruit which rabbis say was wine, and allegorically they have sex.
Then Solomon's lover continues
Oh that you were like a brother to me
who nursed at my mother's breasts!
If I found you outside, I would kiss you,
and none would despise me.
2 I would lead you and bring you
into the house of my mother—
she who used to teach me.
I would give you spiced wine to drink,
the juice of my pomegranate.
3 His left hand is under my head,
and his right hand embraces me!
4 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
that you not stir up or awaken love
until it pleases.

Again, we see an interesting, incestous quality to this. Solomon’s lover calls him brother. She may call him brother because she is a member of his tribe. But also, as I described, Freud points out that there is an incestous quality to peoples subconscious, and they desire to have sex with their sisters and mothers subconscously. An interesting thing is that many people who study mythology say that trees themselves are symbols of vaginas. but my point is knowledge, fruit/drugs/food, sex, and death are related in the bible.
Let me give another example of this. In the book of Esther, Esther a Jewish woman, while in the Persian Empire, marries the King of Persia, King Xerxes. Haman, a leader with Xerxes, wants to kill all of the Jews because Mordecai, Esther’s brother, will not bow down to him. Haman and King Xerxes are drinking wine. Then Esther reveals to King Xerxes that she is Jewish and she wants Haman killed. King Xerxes then goes to the garden. So again, we are seeing imagery that harkens back to the garden of Eden. We see wine and we see a garden. Then Xerxes comes back to see Haman begging to Esther to spare his life. King Xerxes thinks he is trying to rape Esther so he has Haman killed. Haman had set up a pole for Mordecai to be killed on. Mordecai was going to be a sacrifice because he refused to bow down to Haman and he remained true to the law of God. A lot of Jews in the Persian empire were not obeying the law of God and they should have been punished by death for this. But Mordecai represents a kind of sin offering. Mordecai was willing to die for his people and remain true to God. However, thanks to Esther, instead of Mordecai being killed, Haman is killed on the pole that Mordecai was supposed to be killed on, and the Jewish people are saved. Then King Xerxes kill all of the Persians who are against the Jews. Mordecai went from being a man who was supposed to be killed by King Xerxes, to being made by King Xerxes a royal commander, wearing royal garments of blue and white, and a crown of gold. We see the common trope. Mordecai is supposed to be sacrificed for the sin of the Jewish people. The Jewish people are sinning. But then there is a miracle that saves the Jewish people and destroys their enemies. The same thing happened in the story of Samson where Samson dies and kills the Philistines who were supposed to kill the Israelies for their sins.
but my point is that wine and death are associated in this story. Also sex is associated with it because after drinking the wine King Xerxes thinks that Haman is raping Esther and then he commands Haman to be killed.
The stories of Jesus have the same theme. I told you that a big theme of the bible is that the 10 northern tribes of Israel have been out of covenant. The lost tribes of Israel were dispersed due to their sin. Nobody knows who they are. The Jews are still in Israel during the time of Jesus, but they are in Judeah. Jesus says that "I only came for the lost tribes of Israel." Jesus tells his disciples not to preach to the gentiles because he says he only came for the lost tribes of Israel. The lost tribes of Israel are considered gentiles because they are out of covenant, but they are still Israelites. Jesus only wants the Jews to preach to fellow Jews and gentiles who they think are members of the lost tribes of Israel. I get my information from the messianic Jews, and the black hebrew Israelites, although I disagree with the black hebrew Israelites that the Israelites are Africans. Jesus in the story says the parable of the prodigal son. According to messianic Jews this is a parable about Israel. The prodigal son represents the lost tribes of Israel. The prodigal son leaves his Father. The Father represents God and his Law. He goes and lives a destructive life where he is a drunkard. Again being drunk is associated with sin. This son is not being obedient, he is not faithful to the God of Israel and he does not believe. He lives working feeding pigs. Pigs are filthy animals in Jewish culture. Pigs are unclean and should not be eaten. They are wasteful creatures and unhealthy. The prodigal son is the Father's eldest son. He then decides to come back to his Father. His Father welcomes him back with open arms. The younger son represents the Jews. The younger son represents Judah and Benjamin and Levi. The younger son is jealous that the older son had left the Father but he is being accepted back. In a sense the younger son died and ressurected. The younger son stayed with the Father the whole time, so he doesn't see it as fair. The younger son represents the Jews. In the bible Isaiah and other Israelite prophets describe that at the end of time the lost tribes of Israel will be gathered from around the world and returned to Israel and return to the law of God. Many Jews have remained true to the covenant of God, like the younger son who stayed with the Father. They will be jealous that the lost tribes of Israel can just go from being gentiles to being grafted back into Israel. But that is the story, and that is what this story is allegorically about.
Jesus in the stories never preaches to people who he does not think are Jews or members of the lost tribes of Israel. He speaks to a samaritan woman. But he tells the samaritan woman that she is a descendant of Jacob. Jesus thought that the Samaritans were members of a lost tribe of Israel, but that they had fallen out of covenant. Every time Jesus heals somebody, it is metaphorical of him bringing the person back into covenant.
Another example of this is when Jesus sees the man at the healing pool. Archeaolgoical evidence shows that the healing pool described in the story existed in Judeah during the time of the Roman empire when the story is taking place. People would go into the healing pool when it bubbled and they would be healed. But this was the placebo affect. People were not really healed by the pool. I discussed that if you believe that something will heal you, it heals you due to the placebo affect. The first person who jumped into the pool when it bubbled was supposed to be healed. Usually the first person into the pool would be somebody who was not seriously injured. For example, a guy with a jammed thumb might jump into the pool and feel better, and he would be the first to get in because he wasn't that badly injured. Basically this was a competition, and that is what the Roman empire was all about.

Paul was the same way. Paul says that he wants to bring gentiles to God. Jesus other disciples only preach to Jews, but Paul tries to bring the gentiles to God's law. But Paul makes it clear that by gentiles he is refering to the lost tribes of Israel who are out of covenant. Recall that gentile means, out of covenant. Paul says that he wants to graft the gentiles "back into the olive tree". The olive tree, it is made clear, is Israel. Paul says that he is bringing the gentiles back to the God of Israel, but he makes it clear that he is only going for gentiles that he thinks are the lost tribes of Israel. The Black Hebrew Israelites point out that the bible says that Jesus came to save the world. But the Black Hebrew Isaelites say that evidence shows that the world is only Israel, because there are multiple worlds in the Bible, and the world that the bible is referring to is only the world of Israel. I do not go so far as the Black Hebrew Israelites necessarily in that, the rabbis do say that at the end time the whole world is going to adopt elements of the torah and prosper due to Israelites returning to the torah, so Jesus did in a sense come to save the whole world, but it is made clear that he came only for the lost tribes of Israel to return to the torah, and the same thing with Paul. Paul says that Jesus died for the sins of Israel. Jesus is described as dieing for the sins of Israel. Messianic Jews explain what his means. Jesus in the stories says that he came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it. According to the law of God, if Israelites disobey the law of God then they should be killed. But Jesus is depicted as a sacrifical lamb that atones for the sin of Israel so the Israelites do not have to be killed. The Jews in Israel at the time of the Roman empire were disobeying the law of God. The Jewish leaders were disobeying the law of God. The lost tribes of Israel were disobeying the law of God and many of them even forgot that they were members of the lsot tribes of Israel that were dispersed long before by the Assyrians for having disobeyed the law of God. The torah describes that whenever Israel disobeys the law of God a beast will be sent to punish them. The beast is metaphorical of an enemy people. At the time of the Roman empire the Jews lived in Judeah in Israel, but they had forsaken the torah and desecrated the land. There was prostitutes and thieves and murderers everywhere. The law of God was being trampled on. Jesus blamed this on the fact that Judeah had become multicultural and had adopted the laws of the Roman empire and not the law of the God of Israel. the punishment for having desecrated God's law was supposed to be that the Jews and Israelites would be wiped out. But Jesus brought many Jews and Israelites back to the law of God. Also he is sacrificed on the cross. He is representing the sacrificial lamb of the passover. In the story of the passover the Israelites are in Egypt. The Israelites are not following God's ways in Egypt and as a result they should be killed. But God sends plagues against Egypt, and he has the Israelites sacrifice lambs and put he blood of the lambs on their doors. This sacrifice is the sin offering that is supposed to forgive them of their sins so they are not killed. Jesus represents this sacrificial lamb. Jesus is sacrificed on the passover and he calls himself the sacrificial lamb of God. His sacrifice is supposed to save Israel. In a sense it did. After this the Roman Empire converts fom an empire that wants to destroy the Jews and Israelites, to an empire that is Christian and wants to protect the Jews and Israelites. The Christian movement was at first solely Jewish and also Paul was conveting gentiles that he thought were the lost tribes of Israel and even by converitng anybody it would destroy the Roman Emprie which was trying to destroy the JEws.

This is how Jesus is depicted as like the embodiment of Israel and as like the God of the Old Testament. The stories of Jesus parallel the stories of Israel in the torah. Recall that Israel is the 12 descendants of Jacob. Jesus has 12 disciples in the stories, and each one represents one fo the 12 tribes of Israel. Jesus birth is like the birth of Moses. Pharoah is having Israelite babies killed when they are born, because the Israelites are a threat to the Egyptian Empire. The Israelite God is in a sense antagonistic toward empire. The Egyptian empire was a multicultural land all about hedonism and decadence and it did not care abou the wellfare and prosperity of the ethnic groups that comprised it. Egypt was a multicultural pagan land of sin that had a law that was antagonistic to the torah. Moses was born in Egypt while Pharoah was having the boys of the Israelites killed. Moses Mom puts Moses in a reed basket and sends him down the Nile river. Moses is picked up by the Pharoahs daughter and he is raised in the Pharoahs house. So Moses survives. The story of Jesus is very similar to this. In the gospel of Matthew, when Jesus is born in the story, King Herod hears that a messiah has been born and he decides that he wants all of the Jewish children to be killed. A messiah means an annointed one of Israel. Herod is not ethnically Jewish but he has been placed over the Jews to rule over them harshly. Herod has a lot of power. He does not want a messiah to be born because he knows that a messiah of Israel will bring them back to the law of God and save them from the law of the pagans multicultural empire of Rome.
So Herod tries to have him killed by having babies slaughtered in Behtlehem.
But like Moses, Jesus escapes with his life and his family flees. It is interesting that Jesus's family flees to Egypt. Like Moses, Jesus as a child is growing up in Egypt. But Herod later dies and Jesus returns to Israel. Jesus heals the blind and the deaf and the mute and the diseased. I already described that in the bible these illnesses are the cause of sin. In Moses case the Israelites turn against Moses and call him an "Egyptian" and Moses has to flee for his life after killing an Egyptian slave master who was whipping an Israelite slave and fearing that the Israelites themselves will tell on him. Jesus similarly is persecuted by his own people. A lot of the Jews like the law of Rome like a lot of the Israelites liked the law of the Egyptians, and they want to stay in subjugation under the empire. Jesus does not do away with the law but he makes it more strict. Jesus says not only to not murder but to not even be angry with your brother. I described how emotion leads to action. Jesus realizes this. Jesus says to his fellow Israelites, "Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny." Jesus is giving them advice to surive in the Roman empire. The Jews are being destroyed by the Roman empire and Jesus is trying to get them to dissassimlate from it and start working together and to return to the torah. Jesus says not only to not commit adultery, but he says do not even have lustful thoughts, for these thoughts will cause adultery. Jesus understands the quadrant model. Thoughts cause you to do things. I already explained that. Jesus tells his fellow Israelites to turn the other cheek if they are slapped. This is not against the torah to do this. Jesus like Moses is realizing that the Israelites are fighting amongst each other, so he is telling them to stop fighting and start trying to be more harmonious with each other. Moses did the same thing when he told the Israelites i Egypt to stop fighting. Jesus then says that if somebody takes your shirt, hand him your cloak as well. Jesus realizes that the Jews are being persecuted in the Roman empire and they are losing a lot. Their own people are persecuting them. Tax collectors are stealing their money
When Moses brought the Israelites out of Egypt he went on top of Mt. Sini and received the torah which clearly stated God's law. The idea is this law was in juxtaposition to the ways of Egypt, which the bible describes as the firey furnace. Rome is an extension and continuation of Egypt; that is how Rome is depicted in the bible.Egypt never dies, but it continues in the empirest that secede it.
Jesus then crosses a sea. It is interesting that right before he does this he heals a Roman centurion's servant. Messianic Jews say that this centurion was a member of a lost tribe of Israel. But the important thing is the Roman centurion submits to Jesus and recognizes this Jewish rabbi as superior to himself. The Roman centurion submitting to Jesus represents him accepting the torah. Messianic Jews point ouut that gentiles who are not members of the lost tribes of Israel most likely would not do this. But because this centurion is a member of a lost tribe of Israel he did submit to Jesus. But, even if he was not a member of a lost tribe of Israel that is not important, and I am going to explain why in a minute. what this interaction between the Roman centurion and Jesus represents is a subversion of the order of that day. Jesus, a Jewish rabbi, and Jewish rabbis were mocked in the Roman Empire, is having a Roman centurion, a very powerful man and an enemy to the Jewish people submit to him. That is what is important about this interaction. In the story of Elijah in the tanack, which is the books of the prophets, Elijah heals an Assyrian commander. Again, this represents the Assyrian commander going away from the laws of the Assyrian empire, which was a multicultural sinful empire, to the law of God, which is healing. That is why the Assyrian commander was healed. After this event the Assyrian army fights the Israelites and the Israelites win by a miracle. I suggest that this miracle has something to do with the fact that the Assyrian commander was healed by Elijah, and perhaps he double crossed. Also, later there are four starving Israelites wandering. The Israelites in Israel under the Assyrian empire are starving because the Assyrian Empire is against them. But miraculously the Assyrian army leaves their camp and leaves for them and all of the Israelite people food and supplies. Again, I do not think it is a coincidence. I do not think it is a coincidence that Elijah the Israelite just healed an Assyrian commander, and then all of a sudden miracles start occuring where the Israelites start to defeat the Assyrians. I think that the Assyrian commander double crossed against the Assyrian Empire once he recognized the Truth of God's law and was healed by it. It is also important to note that the story of Elijah healing the Assyrian commander is similar to this story. In the story with Elijah the Assyrian commander is told by Elijah to bathe in the Jordan river and he will be healed. The commander probably expected Elijah to give him an elaborate healing. But Elijah realizes that the reason the Assyrian commander is sick is because he is so proud and arrogant. By bathing in the Jordan river, the Assyrian commander humbles himself. Also the Jordan river is a river that symbolizes the law of God. The Jordan river is the river that the Israelites crossed in order to come into Israel. The Assyrian commander is healed. Then he tells Elijah that he will give Elijah all of his riches and everything he has for healing him. Elijah declines. Elijah is a man of God and the law of God is not concerened with riches. The law of God is antagonistic toward fleshly carnal things. While the Assyrian commander did not give Elijah riches, I submit that it is likely that he did help the Israelites against the Assyrians. Jesus in the gospels says to the Jews that he came to perform the miracles of Elijah and Elisha. Another miracle that Elijah did was he healed the Tishbite woman's son. She later in the story helps Elisha by cutting off the King of Assyrias head. Recall that Assyria was the empire that was oppressing the Israelites and taking them away from the law of God at that time. By healing these gentiles Elisha ended up saving the Isrelites and the law of God. So messianic Jews say that the Roman centurion that Jesus helped was a member of a lost tribe of Israel. That may be true. But even if he was not, the significance of this event is Jesus brought a powerful man who was an enemy to the Jews to the side of the Jews. But by humbling himself, the roman commander would start treating his servant in accordance with the law of God, and the servant would be healed. Jesus says that the Centurions servant was healed due to the centurions faith. Faith in the bible is associated with humility, and submission to God's law. Moses before leaving Egypt similarly performs miracles. These miracles showed the Egyptians the greatness of the God of Israel and converted many Egyptians, including probably Egyptian commanders, to the side of Israel. My point is that the story of Moses is similar to the story of Jesus. But actually the stories of Jesus and Moses are similar to the stories of all of the prophets in the Bible if you get down to it.
So let me continue with how the story of Jesus is similar to the story of Moses, and how Jesus himself represents Israel. Jesus heals the Roman centurions servant. It is no coincidence what happens next. Jesus then tells his disciples to follow him and that in order to follow him they have to leave everything behind. Jesus then gets on a boat with his disciples. This is like when Moses and the 12 tribes of Israel cross the Read Sea. Recall that Jesus just told his followers to drop everything and follow him. This is like Moses in Egypt. Moses made the Israelites leave their Egyptian ways and follow him toward Israel and the law of God. Moses cross the Read Sea. Here Jesus and his disciples cross a body of water, a lake. this is no coincidence. The disciples think they are going to drown. They say "Lord save us". There is a difference between the term Lord and the term God. King David was called Lord. All of the respected leaders of Israel were called Lord. Lord is a term of respect. It says that Jesus rebukes the winds and they stop. Isaiah describes that the enemies of the Israelites are "like a wind". This may be allegorical of Jesus stopping the winds. I attended a Church called providence Church that teaches that the Bible is meant to be taken allegorically.
Moses lead the Israelites out fo the Egyptian Empire across the Read sea. Here Jesus and his 12 disciples, which represent Israel are crossing a body of water. God controls the wind so that Moses and the israelites can cross the Read sea. Jesus controls the wind. Again, the wind represents enemies of the Israelites according to Isaiah. Also Isaiah describes that the enemies of the Israelites are like waves. Here Jesus controls the waves. I described that right before this Jesus heals the servant of a Roman centurion. I do not think that it is a coincidence that this is followed by the crossing of the lake and the controlling of the wind and waves, which represents Israels' enemies. I think that because Jesus got the help of the Roman centurion, Jesus got control over his enemy.
But what I am trying to say is that like Moses and Israel crossing the sea, Jesus and Israel cross the body of water. The gospels then describe that Jesus runs across a man named legion. Different gospels give different details. For instance the gospel of John calls the man legion, and the gospel of Matthew say that Jesus comes across two demon possessed men. But the point is this. Legion represents the Roman army. The Roman army was divided into units called Legions.
Jesus sends the demons from legion into pigs. Pigs are an unkosher animal and a a very dirty animal to the Israelites. It is important to note that the Jews under the Roman Empire called gentiles pigs and dogs. Jesus does say to not "cast pearls to pigs and dogs" and he tells his disicples to not preach to the gentiles. It is likely that Jesus was telling them not to preach to the gentiles, because he warned that the gentiles would attack them if they did. The gentiles want to continue in sin according to this line of reasoning, and if they are judged for their sinful ways, then they will fight. But Jesus sends the demons into the pigs and the pigs run into the lake and are swollowed by the water.
In Matthew it says, "These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: '“Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town."'
Jesus here tells his disciples to not go to the Gentiles. He says that he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. Jesus thinks that some of the samaritans and people that are not Jews are members of the Lost Tribes of Israel. But not all of them. Jesus only wants the message of the law of God to be brought to Israelites, because he feels that only they will be susceptable to it. Again, I described that in the bible leprosy and sickness and death are assocaited with sin. The law of God stops sin and thus heals people. What Jesus and his disciples are doing is going to Israelite towns and preaching the law of God so that they can return to the torah and stop their sinning and thus be healed. Jesus tells his disciples not to carry gold or silver. These things are associated with the Roman Empire and Jesus wants his disciples to separate from carnal pursuits. Jesus says that it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement for the towns that deny his disciples. Recall that Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed due to sin. In Sodom and Gomorrah the impoverished were oppressed and hedonism and decadence and homosexuality ran rampant. As a result it was destroyed. Jesus disciples are trying to tell these Israelite villages that they are like Sodom and Gomorrah. They are falling into sin and they are going to suffer terrible fates as a result. Jesus then says "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn.
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’[c]

37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it."
This is interesting because the prophet Malaki said that the Messiah would bring peace to the Earth. Peace can only come through the torah. As Jesus describes if people live by the selfish carnal ways of Empires and their laws that promote hedonism and decadence and suffering, then there cannot be peace. After Jesus says this John the Baptizer questions Jesus if he is really the Messiah, because John the Baptizer knows that the Messiah is going to bring peace. Jesus knows that people will fight against the torah. Jesus therefore says that he will turn families against each other. Not everybody will want to follow the torah, and as a result there will be strife. To love Jesus is to be willing to submit to the law of the Torah, and separate from the carnal law of man. Again Jesus is not a mild and meek pushover man like a lot of people want to portray him as. Jesus then goes to towns and starts rebuking them because they have fallen away from the Law of God and are following the law of man/ the laws of the Roman Empire. Matthew says,"Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent. 21 '“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I tell you, it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the day of judgment than for you. 23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades.[e] For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. 24 But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.”'
Jesus's parents want to see him. They here that Jesus has been acting crazy and they want to get him to stop. Jesus says, “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” 49 Pointing to his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. 50 For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.” Clearly Jesus's family did not live by the torah. Jesus sees those who do the will of his Father in heaven as his family. Th will of the Father, the God of Israel, is that the torah be followed by the Israelites and the whole world submit to Him.
Then it is interesting because Jesus feeds five thousand people by multiplying bread. I already described that Jesus in the stories is the embodiment of the son of God, Israel, in the torah. Well Jesus had already crossed the body of water and destroyed the Roman legions like Moses crossed the Read Sea and destroyed the Egyptian army. After Moses cross the sea the Israelites are in the desert. The chronological order of the story of Moses and the Israelites after the exodus fits the story of Jesus, who represents Israel, the son of God. Jesus is the ambassador of the torah, God's Word. In the desert, Moses is given mana from heaven from God. This is like bread from heaven. The idea is that the Israelites had received the law of God from Mt. Sinai, and they are now living under God's law. They are no longer under the law of Egypt where they were hungry. As a result, God gives them bread from heaven. This bread is multiplied for them, and it is due to the fact that they have the Word of God. Because they have the Word of God, all of them are fed. In the gospels stories, after Jesus destroys the Roman legions like Moses destroyed the Egyptian army, Jesus feeds the multitudes by multiplying bread. This multiplication of bread by Jesus for the Jews is like Moses's multiplication of mana from heaven. And the order of occurences in the story of Moses and the story of Jesus are the same. This is why I say that Jesus is an embodiment of Israel, the son of God, in the bible. The followers of Jesus, which are many many orthodox Jews, want to go to the nearby villages and buy food. But Jesus does not want them to do this. A reason for that is that if they buy food in nearby villages then they are participaing in an economy and system that is against the Law of God. Remember, Jesus and his disciples are homeless wanderers. They have checked out of the Roman Empire system and its laws and are completely following the torah. Jesus tells them not to go to the nearby villages and buy bread. Instead, he multiplies bread for all of them so that they all can eat. I described that I went to a Church called providence Church for about a year. That Church taught an interesting explanation of this event. Essentially, they taught that Jesus did not literally make read materialize out of thin air, because that is impossible. They say, and they point out that stories in the old testament involving the multiplication of bread like the story of Elijah when he multiplies bread for the Tishbite woman, that this story is a metaphor. Providence Church points out that before Jesus multiplies the bread, he has his disciple Peter walk up to a boy and ask him how much food he has. the boy says that he has five loaves of bread and two fish. Providence Church teaches that this boy had a small amount of food; five loaves and two fish. They say that it is likely that other people in the crowd had small amounts of food. Maybe some people in the crowd had a lot of food. Maybe some people in the crowd had no food. But, Providence Church preaches that in the presence of Jesus, and probably his preaching, all of the Israelites started to share their food, and as a result, they had an excess of food. It describes that Jesus multiplied the bread and fish and everybody had enough to eat and more. Providence Church teaches that in the presence of Jesus, and probably his teaching, all of the Jews shared their food, the haves and the have nots, and as a result everybody had enough to eat and leftovers. Providence Church preaches that when Elijah multiplies bread for the Tishbite woman the same thing occured. In the story of Elijah Elijah, like Jesus has completely checked out of Israel because Israel had fallen away from the law of God and was worshipping idols. In other words Israelites were following the laws of the Assyrian Empire/man and not God. Elijah is wandering and he is going to starve to death. It says that the ravens fed him. Providence Church teaches that Elijah was at the Asherah poles and he was starving. They say that ravens did not literally feed him. The Israelites offered food sacrifices to Asherah so that there would be rain. They would offer these food sacrifices at Asherah poles. They thought that by giving Asherah food, then she would bring rain. Ravens would often eat at these poles. Elijah they say, was not literally fed by the ravens, but was eating the food at the Asherah poles with the ravens. Then he goes to the Tishbite womans house and he teaches her the Word of God according to Providence Church. She is starving due to the famine but since he preaches the Word of God she gives him bread and vinegar. It then describes that he multiplies the bread and vinegar. Providence Church teaches that Elijah probably did not just preach the Word of God to this woman but he preached the Word of God too many people and as a result they fed him. This is him making the bread and vinegar multiply. It is interesting that in the story of Elijah after he makes the bread multiply the woman's son dies, and the woman says, "you came to not only remind me of my sin" but to kill her son. But Elijah brings the son back to life. In the story of Moses, after Moses makes the bread multiply, the Israelites like the Tishbite woman sin, and as a result of their lack of faith they go against God's law and become disobedient. Then God sends snakes to kill them, but Moses puts up a pole with a snake on it that if an Israelite looks at it, he will live. This represents a sort of death and resurrection of the Israelites. The Israelites should have died but they did not due to the sacrifice of Moses. They are brought back to obedience to the Word of God so they live. Similarly Elijah brings the boy back to life. According to the bible, a famine is due to sin. If there is a famine it is due to the fact that people sinned. So the boy did die due to the sin of his people in producing the famine. But Elijah brings the word of God to his household, and thus brings him back to life. The torah, the Word of God, is life. But my point is the same thing happens in the story of Jesus. Jesus multiplies bread like Moses and Elijah. Jesus's multiplying of bread fits in the same chronological order of events as Moses's multiplying of bread. Jesus and his disciples just crossed the body of water and killed the Roman legions and now he is multiplying bread. Moses and the Israelites just crossed the Read sea and the Egyptian army was destroyed and God is multiplying bread for them. My point is that Jesus represents the embodiment of Israel, which is called the Son of God, in the stories of the gospels. So far I have illustrated this up to a certain extent. I have shown that the story of Jesus mirrors and parallels the story of Israel's exodus from Egypt. But there is more.
Directly after this Jesus walks on water. Again, this is paralleling chronologically the story of Israel's exodus from Egypt. After the Israelites are fed mana from heaven and wander through the desert they reach the Jordan river. Moses died and Joshua took control of Israel in his place. Then Israel cross the Jordan river. Here Jesus is with his disciples. The disciples are crossing the river in the boat . Jesus walks on the water to meat up with them. The disciple see him walking on the water and they are frightened. There is a providence like explanation for this. In one of the gospels it describes that it was dark and there was a strong wind and it says that they recognized that they were close to shore. So according to this explanation, Jesus was not really walking on the water, but only appeared to be because he was so close to shore. But regardless, Jesus then gets in the boat and they go to the other side of the lake. This parallels chronologically the story of Israel in the torah. And it is continuing with the story of Israel even past the torah, which are the first 5 books of Moses, to the Book of Joshua. So here Jesus and his disciples, like Joshua and Israel, are crossing another body of water, in the same chronological order of events. Jesus is going through in his own life, allegorically, the events of the nation of Israel with God.
Now check this out. This is no coincidence. After Jesus crosses the sea it says that he comes across a Canaanite woman. This woman is not an Israelite. She is begging for Jesus to heal her daughter, but recall that Jesus said that he only came for the lost sheep of Israel, and thus he is not going to heal her daughter. This is the exchange recorded in Matthew. The Cannaite woman is begging for Jesus to heal her daughter and it says
"Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, '“Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

24 He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”

25 The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

26 He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”'
As you can see Jesus, as he has said before, says that he only came for the lost sheep of Israel. This woman is a canaanite. She is not an Israelite. So Jesus is not going to help her. Moreover, he calls her a dog. This was and still is common practice. Religious Jews see gentiles, and that includes Jews that are not religious, as dogs, because gentiles live like dogs, without the law of God.
But the Canaanite woman tells Jesus that even a dog will accept the crumbs. The crumbs are bread crumbs. Bread in the bible is metaphorical of the Word of God, the Torah and the Tanakh. The Word of God in the old testament and the new testament is described as food, and as bread. In the old testament it describes "man does not live off of bread alone but by the word of God". Similarly Jesus repeats this verbatim in the New Testament. Jesus constantly repeats phrases from the old testament because he is a rabbi and that is what he teaches. Another example of this is in the Old Testament it is described to "love your neigbor as yourself and love God with all of your heart mind and soul". Jesus repeats this verbatim in the gospels. In the Old Testament this is followed by a description about how love is following the commandments of God. Love in the New Testament in the same thing. Love is following the 613 commandments of the torah according to the bible. But anyways, the canaanite woman humbles herself and admits to Jesus that she is a dog, and therefore Jesus tells her that she has great faith. Recall that I described that people with faith are humble and are willing to submit to a higher authority. This woman depicts herself as very humble, and therefore, Jesus tells her that she has great faith and he heals her daughter. It is also possible that the woman was being pushy with her daughter and that is why the daughter was sick. This is an explanation given by my Grandpa on my Dad's side who was a minister. As a result she made her daughter sick. But once the woman humbled herself, admitting that she was a dog, this also made her daughter well, because she no longer was so pushy and demanding and perhaps bitchy over her daughter, but instead was a good role model to her daughter who acted acted more in accordance with humility and the ways of the torah.
So Jesus heals the Canaanite woman. This is no coincidence. In the story of Joseph, after Israel crosses the Jordan river, they come across the CANAANITE city of Jericho. Joshua sends spies into Jericho and they come across a prostitute in the city. historians point out that there seems to, based off of archeological evidence, have been an internal rebellion within Jericho that brought about its destruction. I think that the story of the prostitute in Jericho represents this. The Israelites tell the prostitute that if they help them to destroy the city, then they will keep her and her family alive. The prostitute is called Rahab. The prostitute agrees and she helps the spies. Then the walls of Jericho fall and the Israelites destroy the city. I think that this story has a profound significance. I think that the prostitute represents the oppressed of a city without the torah as law. Archaeological evidence shows that Jericho was a society with a lot of economic stratification. There apparently was a small group in Jericho with all of the wealth, and most of the people were very impoverished. Rahab represents the trampled of the city, and it is Rahab that helps the Israelites Jericho is depicted as being destroyed from the inside out. The walls fall. Archeological evidence suggests that that actually happened. So Rahab is freed from being a prostitute and she and her family are allowed to live. This parallels the story of Jesus exactly. In the story of Jesus, a Canaanite woman, like Rahab, is in need of help. Jesus heals her, and saves her daughter. In the story of Israel destroying Jericho, Rahab is a woman in sin who is in need of help, and Israel saves her and her family.
Now this is fascinating. Check this out. Historians think that it is possible that a group of Semitic people called the Hyksos were kicked out of Egypt at around the time that the bible describes the exodus. Interestingly though, the Hyksos were rulers of Egypt. It is fascinating that Moses, who frees the Israelites, is depicted as growing up in the Egyptian Pharoahs household. Historians think that the Hyksos were Pharoahs, and the last Hyksos rulers name was AhMoses, like Moses. The stories of the bible describe the Israelites as escaping Egypt. Recall that Moses brought plagues upon Egypt. The Egyptians are represented as chasing after them to bring them back. But recall a lot of the Israelites in the story wanted to stay in Egypt. According to historians, if the Israelites are in fact the Hyksos, the Israelites were not so much running away from Egypt, but they were being kicked out of Egypt.
This is also fascinating. As I described, historians have studied Jericho and have come to the conclusion that Jericho was a real city, and its walls did fall like it is depicted in the stories of the bible. Historians do think that they fell due to an internal rebellion, which would correspond with Rahab and other oppressed people in the city breaking down the city walls. After the destruction of Jericho historians notice that other cities in Cannan, which today is called Israel, were destroyed. Historians think that they were also destroyed due to internal rebellion. Historians then notice that new cities started to spring up that were different from these old cities. In these cities there was less art and there was not so much stratification of resources. Freud thinks that art is the product of sexual tension. If people are not sexually satisfied they produce art. Freud also thought that people made artowork a lot when they weres stressed. In the Cannanite empire system people were sexually unsatisfied as exemplified by the prostitute because people probably werent being married and they were exploited. Also they were very stressed. Also I noted that Darwin sees stratification of resources as a sign of genetic Darwinian phenomena. If people are trying to get mates and entrench power into their genetic lines, then they take a lot of resources and try to keep others from having the same amount of resources. In so doing they can hae more mates for themselves and more power to maintain their high positions and the positions of their families. I described that in the ancient Aztec empire the nobility was so inbred that historians think they may have almost been like a different species to the majority of the Aztec Empire. I'm not making that up. The same type of thing was going on in the cannanite cities apparently. Apparently the cannanite cities were full of stratification. As we see there was prostitutes in the cities. People were being exploited. Then, fascinatingly, at the time when Israel was supposed to have taken over Canaan, new cities emerge. Recall that in the bible God describes that the Canaanites are a wicked, evil people that do not follow his law, so he commands to kill them. Well these Canaanite cities fall and new cities emerge and these cities do not have very much artwork and they do not have very much stratification. Freud described that artwork is made often due to people not being sexually satisfied. People often make artwork, according to Freud to attract mates. People also make artwork to give to people who are already rich so that the rich people can attract mates with it. The workers, the oppressed apparently revolted. Historians debate if the hyksos/Israelites had anything to do with this. Many historians think that the stories of the Israelites in Egypt are made up. These historians think that the Canaanite cities just had internal rebellions and then set up new cities Historians point out that the God El was a Canaanite God and the God of Israel is called Elohim in the first chapter of the Bible is Elohim (although the God after that is YHW and H the God of Israel)But there are historians who do think that there was a group that came from Egypt and partook in the destruction of Canaan and the establishment of Israel.
But my point is that the stories of Israel in the old testament reflects the stories of Jesus in the gospels. Now this is the very interesting thing. Right after Jesus heals the Canaanite woman Jesus multiplies bread again. The gospels say that after he heals the Canaanite woman hordes of people come to Jesus and he begins to heal the blind, deaf, and mute. Again in the bible, diseased people are depicted as diseased because they are not following God’s ways. Belief and faith in the God of Israel entails humility and submission to His ways. Recall that after Egypt is destroyed the Israelites go into the desert, they receive the law of God, and because of this they receive mana from heaven. The law of God makes it so they do not go hungry. In Egypt the Israelites were hungry and they were exploited. If there is not so much stratification then everybody would have enough food. Recall, what the Providence Church taught about the multiplying of bread with Jesus. Providence taught that what Jesus did was he got the haves and the have nots among the Jews to share their food and as a result everybody had enough to eat and they even had 12 basketfuls of leftovers. This is symbolic of the dissolution of stratification. If stratification is dissolved, then all of the Jews get enough to eat. This is symbolic of the multiplication of bread. Now remember that I said that historians describe that Jericho was a very stratified society where most of the people did not have enough to eat. There was a small amount of people with all of the resources. Also the law of Canaan allowed for prostitution and the degradation of people. As a result some people had a lot to eat, and a lot of people had nothing to eat. But with the destruction of the Cannanite Empire systems, which included Jericho and the other city states that the Israelites are described as destroying, these stratified city states were transformed into city states that functioned more under the law of the torah, and thus were less stratified. As a result, everybody would have enough to eat. I described that historians think that the Cannanite city states were destroyed and then archaoleogical evidence shows that new cities emerged around them that were not as stratified. Historians think the people that inhabited those city states were the Cannanites that had revolted against their masters. This is actually pretty interesting because it reminds me of Karl Marx's concept of a Marxist revolution. Karl Marx was a Jewish philosopher who said that the oppressed workers around the world would eventually revolt against their masters and set up new societies. In the case of the Cannanite city states, the idea is that after the revolutions, they set up societies moreso around the laws of the torah. If there was an external Israelite/hyksos force that sparked these revolts is debatable. Many historians think that the Cannanite city states just had revolutions and set up new societies and they made up that they were conquered by an external Israelite force. This is also very fascinating because this whole phenomena reminds me of Freud's idea as well of how the Oedipal myth originated. Recall that Freud thought that there were tribes in which a few men had all of the women and resources, and the members of the tribes decided to revolt against these men who controlled them. They then killed these tribal leaders, and in fact they killed their Dad's because the tribal leader had access to all of the women, and thus all of the members of the tribe were their offspring. Then the men had sex with the women n the tribe and they were having sex with their moms and their sisters because again, all of them were related to the tribal leader that they killed. Recall that in the stories of the bible Rahab helped the Israelites to destroy Jericho. Rahab was a prostitute. She represented the oppressed of the Cannanite empire system. The Israelites tell her that if she helps them destroy Jericho then they will not kill her and her family. It is interesting that Jesus is described in the gospel stories as a descendant of this Cannanite slave woman/prostitute have not Rahab. Many historians think that all Israelites may have been metaphorically descendants of Rahab, because many historians think that the the Israel that emerged out of the destruction of the Cannanite empire system was the product of internal revolutions within Cannan, and thus Israel was really just a bunch of Cannanite slaves that decided to revolt and after the revolutions changed their names to Israel and changed their religious views. Although, like I described historians debate if their was an external Israelite/Hyksos influence and even conquest that brought about the destruction of the Cannanite city states along with internal rebellions. But what I was planning to get at is this. The cannanite empire system collapses. This stratified empire system falls. In the stratified empire system people did not have a lot of food. The cannanite empire system, like Egypt, was full of decadence and hedonism and sin such as adultery. But out of this system emerges a new system ruled by the torah. In this new system there is less suffering and stratification and everybody has enough to eat; aka, the multiplication of bread. I described that Jesus healing the Cannanite woman after crossing the second body of water parallels the Israelites saving the Cannanite woman Rahab after crossing the Jordan river. Directly after the healing of the Cannanite woman Jesus multiplies bread.
This is significant. The healing of the canaanite woman and her family by Jesus is analogous to the healing and saving of the Canaanite woman Rahab and her family by Israel and the destruction of the stratified city state Jericho by Israel. After Jerichos destruction, and the dissolution of this stratification, and the establishment of torah as law, everybody would have enough to eat. That is why after Jesus heals the Canaanite woman he multiplies the bread. It is symbolic of the idea that after the stratified Canaanite system was destroyed, everybody had enough to eat. Jesus heals the diseased before he multiplies the bread. That is symbolic of him bringing people to the law of God. Once people are brought to the law of God bread is multiplied. With the law of God there is no longer so much stratification and suffering, and everybody has enough to eat. It is interesting that directly after the feeding of the 4000 people by Jesus through the multiplication of bread, the pharisees demand a sign from Jesus. Providence Church describes that if Jesus literally materialized bread from thin air, then the pharisees would not demand a sign. But Providence Church explains that the feeding of the four thousand must be metaphorical. Again providence Church describes that Jesus taught the haves and the have nots of the Jews, and recall Jesus only preached to Israelites, to share what they have. As a result everybody had enough to eat.
So I talked about how knowing and sex are related. I discussed that sex and death are related. Sex and death are also related to drugs/alcohol. I described how in the bible sin is associated with death. Rabbis think that the original sin was Adam and Eve had sex and then God said they must surely die. this was allegorized in the biting of the fruit of knowledge, which is grapes/wine. so we see that sex, death, alcohol, drugs, sin, and knowledge are related in the first story of the Bible in the book of genesis.
Let me discuss a little bit more about the bible before I move on. I want to discuss more the concept of forgiveness of sins and how this relates ultimately to Jesus and him being put on the cross. As I described, the cross is the Form of Existence, it is the Form of Being. That is all that one can know. Ok. Let's look at the story of Gideon. The same theme always recirculates in the bible. The Israelites do evil. The Israelites are sinning in Israel. Then the Midianites take over Israel and they oppress the Israelites. Israel needs a savior from their enemy. I described that in the bible whenever the Israelites sin, God says that he will send a beast to destroy them. The beast is always an enemy people. But the Israelites always have a redeeming figure like Jesus. In the stories of Jesus the beast is the Roman Empire, which took over the land of Israel. In the case of Gideon, the Mideonites are ruling over Israel. Gideon starts to destroy the Baal altars. The Israelites are worshipping Baal. Worshipping Baal means that they are following laws that are not the laws of the God of Israel and that they are acting in a fleshly manner. Baal was a fertility God and thus represented the ego and the desire for self preservation (biting out of the fruit of knowledge). The God of Israel is the opposite. The God of Israel is Being and is not associated with the ego. The Midianites and Amalekites and Eastern peoples join forces and try to destroy the Israelites because of Gideon. But Gideon puts a fleece on the floor. The fleece foreshadows Jesus. The fleece is also reminiscent of the sacrificial lamb of the passover. The fleece is like a sacrifice. The fleece is like a sin offering. Gideon tells God to one night have due on the fleece and not on the ground, and the other night have due on the ground and not on the fleece, and then he will trust Him that He will deliver Israel from their enemies. In other words this fleece, which is related to lambs, is going to forgive the Israelites of their sins. Israel should have been destroyed due to its sin, but this fleece will forgive them of their sin so they don't have to be killed. Then it is very interesting. One of the Israelites has a dream that a loaf of barley went into the midianite camp and destroyed it. Recall that dreams are in the bible can predict the future and influence the future. This gives the Israelites courage to fight because the dream is interpretted as a message from God that the Israelites will defeat the Mideonites. I relate this to the idea of a sort of Marxist revolution among the Mideonites, similar to the sort of Marxist revolution among the Cannanites, led by Rahab. The midianites do not have the law of God. Therefore they are hungry. Because they are hungry they will be destroyed. The bread represents their hunger due to them not having the word of God. Bread in the Bible represents the word of God. It destroys the Gideonites. Then Gideon and the Israelites defeat their enemies. The idea is that the Israelites should have been defeated by their enemies due to their sins. Israel should have died, the Israelites should have been destroyed. But then there is the fleece which is like the sacrificial lamb which forgives sins. And then there is the victory by the redeemer Gideon. Jesus is a later Gideon. Jesus is sacrificed on the passover when the sacrificial lamb is supposed to be sacrificed. The passover and the sacrifical lamb commemorate when the Israelites escaped death due to their sins in Egypt through a sacrifice offering. But Jesus represents the saving of Israel not from the Egyptian Empire, but from the Roman empire.
Another example of forgiveness of sins is the story of Jephthah. In this case though Jephthah's daughter is sacrificed and is the sin offering for forgiveness of sins. It is the same story. It is always the same story. The Israelites are sinning again. They are serving the Baals and the Asherah’s and the God's of many peoples. That means that they are following laws other than the God of Israel's laws. Then Israel is taken over by the Philistines and the Ammonites. Again, when Israel sins, this warrants death. The punishment is a beast is sent against them to kill them. The beast is enemy peoples. The Israelites need a leader. They chose Jephthah who was a Gileadite. Jephthah's Mom was a prostitute so therefore he did not belong with the Israelites. He was an outsider and he hung out with a bad crew. But when the Israelites are in trouble they chose him to lead them. This is an interesting parallel to Jesus because Jesus was considered to be the son of an adulteress. Jephthah promises God that if God gives the Ammonites into his hands, then he will sacrifice the first thing that CROSSES the threshold of his door. I emphasized cross because that is important. God then hands the Ammonites over to Jephthah. As a result the Israelites are forgiven of their sins. They should have been killed due to their sins, but they do not die. Since they did not die, when they should have, they were forgiven of their sins. But this comes at a cost. There has to be a sacrifice and the first thing that crosses the threshold of Jephthah's door is his daughter. So this forgiveness always comes at a cost.
I described that with the story of Jesus Jesus is the sacrificial lamb. The Jews were sinning in Israel and were being punished by the Roman empire. The Jewish people were being destroyed due to their sins. Also the lost tribes of Israel in the Roman empire were sinning and being destroyed. JEsus is sacrificed. The Roman empire is then converted to Christianity. When Jesus dies on the cross, a roman commander says "surely he was the Son of God". This represents the victory of Israel over the roman empire. Because no longer did the roman army want to fight against Israel, and instead, because it became Christian, the Romans wanted to protect the Jews and live by the law of God. I can go into much more detail about this. But I think it is time for me to talk more about knowledge. I just thought that I should make this clear that this is what Jesus death represented and what forgiveness of sins represented. Israel should have died due to its sins. But because Jesus was a sacrificial offering, which destroyed the enemies which were to destroy the Israelites, the Israelites no longer had to die.
The story of Samson is the same thing. The Philistines are destroying the Israelites due to their sins. Samson is a sacrificial offering who dies for the forgiveness of sins of his people. No longer do the Israelites have to die because in Samson's death and his sacrifice he destroys the entity, the Philistines, that were supposed to kill the Israelites. I want to say too that before Samson is captured by the Philistines he kills Philistines with a donkey's jawbone. A donkey represents a worker. A donkey represents a beast of burden. They were not hard to destroy because their people were oppressed. Samson slaying the Philistines with a donkey jawbone may represent a sort of revolution of the workers, because the donkey is a beast of burden, and thus a worker. This relates to the dream where the Mideonites are destroyed by a piece of bread. The bread represents the Mideonites hunger due t the stratification of their society, and that is why they weere easily destroyed.
Ok back to knowledge
Socrates says that knowledge is recalling. Socrates says that knowledge is remembering. Socrates was a very famous Greek philosopher. Socrates is a character in Plato’s works. Plato claims to have been Socrates's student, and Plato records Socrates dialogues. One of Socrates's dialogues is the Meno. In this dialogue Socrates is trying to say that the soul is immortal and that all knowledge is just remembering. I discussed that Plato believed that there was a world of Forms and that this world is just a shadow of the world of Forms. Plato believed that everybody comes from this world of Forms. Socrates claims that we cannot learn anything new, but we only remember what we already knew from the World of Forms. This is how Socrates proves this, and it is interesting. Socrates proves this by getting a slave boy named Meno. He then performs a math problem with Meno. He draws a quadrant in the sand. Socrates draws four squares. He then tells Meno to double the square. He helps guide Meno through solving this problem. Meno can solve it. Socrates lets the man that he is talking to that Meno is a slave boy and he has never had any education. But Socrates is saying that he can understand what he is doing. Socrates says that Meno, since he never had any education, must be recollecting what he already knew. Socrates ends up, with the slave boy, doubling the square. To do this, ultimately, Socrates draws 16 squares. 16 squares is the quadrant model. Then he draws diagonal lines between the center of each of these squares to form a square. Using the pythagorean theorem he proves that this is double the original square. Socrates claims that Meno understood this and Socrates says that Meno could not have learned this through education because Meno was never educated. Therefore Socrates says that Meno already knew this, and he just remembered it. Meno knew this because his soul already knew it, and his soul came from the World of Forms. Socrates says that this presentation proves that the soul is immortal, and knowledge is remembering. What is fascinating is that the way that Socrtes proves this is through drawing the quadrant model. This is not a coincidence. Socrates, in a sense, proved the World of Forms, by drawing the Form of the Good. I described that Plato said that there is one form through which all things derive. That form is the the quadrant model. That form is the 16 squares. That form is the cross. So all knowledge derives from this Form. So knowledge, and the cross are related. I discussed how knowledge and sex and death are related. It is interesting that Jepthahs daughter has to die after she CROSSES the threshold of the door. The Egyptians die when the Israelites cross the Read sea. The Egyptians represent the old ways. The crossing of the Read sea kind of represents a death and ressurection of Israel. There is the death of the old, sinful ways, which is rerpesented by the Egyptian army that is swollowed by the water, and the rebirth of Israel. Jesus is put on the cross. It is interesting that the sign of the covenant God made with the Earth many people think was a rainbow. But the correct translation of this term is not rainbow, but cross bow. In other words, the sign of God's covenant with the world in the bible is the cross. It is interesting that Socrates is killed by being forced to drink poison hemlock after a CROSS examination that determined that he was corrupting the youth. It is interesting that Socrates was in fact monotheistic, claiming that there was one God.
It is also interesting that there was a sect of Christians known as the gnostics. Recall that the first Christians were mostly all Jewish. Jesus said to only preach to Jews. Gnosis means knowledge. The gnostics believed that the world is an illusion. The gnostics said that the world and the flesh is a prison. The gnostics said that there was a creator God that was a Jewish man, but they said that he was actually evil. He is like the architect in the Matrix. They say that he makes the physical world to enslave souls. But they say that there is a God, but this God is not material. There is a hypothesis in physics that the world is a simulation. They say that it is possible that the Universe is a computer simulation and it is possible that humans can create a simulation that recreates the universe. they then reason that it is most probable that we are living in a simulation, because if we can produce a simulation reproducing ourselves, then it is likely we are living in a simulation.
I discussed how Socrates believed that knowledge was related to sex in the bible. I discussed the reason for this. Knowledge is associated with a deep connection with something. Sex is a very intimate, deep connection with another person. Plato described the reason why people have sex through Socrates. Plato described that people had sex because in the beginning of time everybody was one sex. Socrates said though that these one sex beings split, and ever since that there has been a desire to regain that oneness. So humans have sex to try to become one again with each other. There is no deeper connection than to become one with something, and Socrates described that sex is an attempt to regain this oneness that was lost at the beginning of time. I already described that knowledge is related to death. To become one with something you have to die to your separate individual self. So sex, and death, we see again, are very related.
I discussed how sex, death, drugs, knowledge, and now also the cross are related. It is interesting that when Jesus is crucified he is given a sponge to drink off of that has wine vinegar on it. After Jesus drinks off of it he dies. Again this relates to the garden of Eden story where the wine kills Adam and Eve. Jesus dies on the cross drinking wine. I described that Samson dies having sex. I discussed drinking wine and sex are related. Sex, knowledge, and death, and the cross are related in the bible.
I described that knowledge is the fourth quadrant. The fourth quadrant is Ken Wilbers transrational and transpersonal stage of consciousness. The fourth quadrant is death, because knowledge is death, and knowledge is the fourth square of the fourth quadrant. The third square of the third quadrant is flowing. It is interesting that drugs do in a sense create a flow state in people that take them. For instance, people who drink alcohol describe different subjective experiences of time and space. I described that when people drink too much alcohol they may even pass out and die. Peoples’ inhibitions are lowered when they drink alcohol, so they are more likely to do things like have sex, and do things that they are not likely to do without being intoxicated. When drinking alcohol people can be more likely to fight and kill others, and they put themselves in a higher risk of dieing. I said how a lot of people die drinking alcohol in car accidents. It is interesting that the fourth square of the fourth quadrant is dreaming. I talked about how when you dream most of the content is negative. Also when you dream the part of your brain that is responsible for inhibiting you is turned off. A similar thing occurs when you are drinking alcohol. Dreaming points to the fourth qudrant, and in the fourth quadrant is flowing. Flowing can be induced by alcohol. A lot of people describe they like to drink alcohol because it puts them in the moment and it in a sense takes them outside for themselves. They say when they drink they don't think as much and they are able to just let loose. In other words, alcohol for them induces a kind of artificial flow state. Although people become addicted to this. I described that passion is the second square of the fourth quadrant. Passion is the byproduct of being a part of something larger than yourself. People become passionate about things that take them outside of themselves. So people can become passionate about alcohol, and they become addicted to alcohol. When you are passionate about something you are obsessed with it. People become obsessed with drugs and alcohol. Its also interesting that people become obsessed with sex. In dreams your inhibitions are lowered and you are more likely to do things that you wouldn't do in normal life. This often includes sex and killing people. The same thing happens with alcohol. People describe having sex with people they would not normally have sex with after drinking alcohol, or getting in a fight even though it is something they normally won't do. When you are passionate you are intense and it is sometimes difficult to control because you are going all out. Drugs can induce this type of state.
Drugs like sex can give people a kind of feeling of oneness, and take people outside of themselves. People describe when having sex a kind of flow state. People sometimes describe a different subjective experience of time and space during sex. I talked about how drugs can kill you. Drugs also give people sort of experiences of death. The fourth quadrant is death. A drug called DMT is known as the death molecule. People who take it describe that it gives them an experience of dying. This is why the drug is so powerful. As Freud described, humans are obsessed with, even if they suppress it, the notion of death.
Now let me illuminate even more how sex, death, and drugs are related through language. And I also want to add that sex, death, drugs and sports are related. Freud described that sports are a sort of sublimation of humans psychological desires to kill and have sex. Freud described that sports are like war. During war there is a lot of raping and pillaging. War gets people in touch with their primordial natures. War is like a drug. Peoples adrenaline and other chemicals are heightened during war because there is extreme pressure on the person to save his life. Under such circumstances, people can do extraordinary things. When people are fighting for their lives, sometimes supernatural things occur. For instance there is cases of mothers lifting cars off of their children to save their children's lives. I described that a mom's child shares 50 percent of her genes, so she is extremely connected with the child. The child is like half of her. If the child is a boy, Freud describes, the child is also like her Dad. A woman wants to have sex with her Dad, but she ends up displacing this with a desire to have sex with her son that is subconscious according to Freud. The subconscious desire is mutual according to Freud. So if a woman's child is under a car, and she is under enormous pressure, she can achieve extraordinary feats that she would not be able to do in normal life like lifting the car off fo the child. Sports are a sort of sublimation of war, and they give the participants pressure. Sports are also a sublimation of sex. Let me describe quickly how sports are a sublimation of war. The ball is usually like a weapon. The participant shoots the ball like he shoots a gun. He hits the target. The basket or goal is like the enemy. The ball is like a bullet or a sword, and it goes through the target. There are usually two sides fighting in sports. Each side is trying to defeat the other. This is like a war. Sports is also like sex. The ball is like a penis. the net is like a vagina. The goal is to score. When men have sex with a woman this is often described as scoring. Let me express through language how sex, drugs, and war are related.
you take a shot in basketball, you take a shot of whisky, you take a shot of heroine, you take a shot at the girl or you shoot giz in the girl's face.
cars are weapons so- you bang on the opponent in basketball, you bang a girl, you banged the other car. You crash into your opponent in football, you crash at the girl’s house
you hammer a shot down, you hammer the girl in sex, you hammer the shot down Those are just a few examples. It is interesting too that sports people describe, induce a flow state in people. I described that michael Jordan described getting in the zone when he played basketball, where he had a different subjective experience of time and space. The harder the sport, and the more skilled the person is at it, the more likely he is to flow. When you flow you are completely in the moment and you are not thinking about what you are going to do next. You are in touch with a higher harmony. What you do is automatic. You do things that you wouldn't normally expect to do, and it is better than if you planned it. when I was younger I was not aware of my body so I was kind of always flowing. Women are very attracted to the flow. That is why all of the most attractive women were always into me. I had fan clubs of women, and always the older girls at school thought I was the most attractive. That is because I was flowing. I did not know it at the time but I studied some tapes of myself and I saw how I moved and I realize now that I was flowing. People do drugs and drink alcohol to get in a flow state, and that is why people sometimes attract women more when they are under the influence. Also sports are dangerous and people can die during sports. Some people are addicted to sports. People are addicted to sports, sex, drugs, and you could even say knowledge. These are all connected. They all take people outside of themselves, and in a way out of their bodies. Knowledge is the fourth quadrant and recall that the fourth quadrant is the transpersonal transrational stage of consciousness, and it entails the transcending of the body. If you look at somebody contemplating it looks as though he has left his body. Studies have been done on people in the flow state, and studies show that there is a kind of harmony in their brain patterns that is transcendent. People who play musical instruments also get in the flow state, and musical instruments are also related to sex and death. People bang the drums, or hit the drums. People also hit others in the face, or hit the girl (have sex with her), or hit a splif (take drugs). These are all related. When a rapper connects sounds together in a harmonious way this is known as flowing. People describe playing a musical instrument as like having sex or playing a sport. It is interesting that men playing musical instruments usually turns women on. Women are also turned on by guys who are good at sports. The flow is pure and perfect and people can often tell the flow. Those who flow are the best. My Dad is a surgeon and he described getting in the zone during surgery. In surgery you cut like in sex you cut or killing people you cut or you cut drugs. I described that cars are weapons. People get in the zone driving. People can flow any time, but these are common ways people in the zone.
I described how in the garden of Eden story rabbis say that Adam and Eve had sex. Before doing this they were immortal. After doing this God said they must die. A very interesting thing is that scientists say that the first living organism were immortal. But they describe that sex, and the ability to replicate, caused them to become mortal, because replication causes energy. So sex literally did bring death to the first organisms.
I also want to point out another interesting link between death and knowledge. Shamans are spiritual leaders n many cultures. Shamans go into death like trances where they claim to die. In their death like states they claim to get knowledge from the spirit world, or the source. They claim to get knowledge from God. They come back to their people with that knowledge that they claim they received in their deaths. In other words, these shamans experience a sort of death and resurrection. Jesus has a death and resurrection and comes back to his people. It is interesting that in shamanic cultures throughout the world, there are figures that go into trances and come back with what they claim to be knowledge. A lot of these shamans claim to sort of die and be dismembered. I watched a show on this, and scientists have studied this phenomena and the shamans are not making it up. they literally do go into trances. Often the shamans start out these trances by dancing or repeating a sort of motion over and over again, and they get in a sort of zone like state, and then they collapse into their trance. A lot of tribes take their shamans very seriously because they see them as bridges to the divine. One fascinating thing is that a common thing that shamans claim to see in their trances is quadrants. I don't think that is a coincidence. There is a famous cave painting of a shaman falling into a trance, and an interesting thing about the cave painting is that the shamans legs are crossed as he is falling. There is the cross. Shamans would paint what they saw in their trances on cave walls.
It is noteworthy also the phenomenon of near death experiences. People who have near death experiences claim to leave their bodies. They claim to feel an intense bliss. they claim that dying is very pleasurable. There is pain they describe before they die often, but they claim that when they have lost consciousness and they are pretty much dead, they experience great bliss. A common thing that they experience is that they move toward a light. They describe that they have a very strong attraction for this light and they want to move toward it. this light is like God. It is interesting that in near death experiences people experience intense bliss, and also in orgasms during sex people experience intense bliss. People also claim that they feel bliss when they have an insight and gain knowledge. Another thing that happens is people often describe that they see their life flash before their eyes. This is fascinating because this is revealing that during near death experiences there is a different subjective experience of time and space like in dreaming. Recall that dreaming points to the fourth quadrant, and the fourth quadrant is knowledge. A scientific hypothesis about dreaming is that dreams can only build upon past experiences, and make variations of these. In a near death experience, people describe reexperiencing their past experiences. The tibetan book of the dead, a buddhist book, describes that when you die you go through the light and you end up being able to reincarnate in a new body. In other words, there is a death and resurrection. Some people claim to talk to God in near death experiences. But when people come back to life, a common theme is that they want to share their experience. They have knowledge, that only they have, that they want to share with others. Also these people, after these experiences, tend to have personality changes where they are more interested in learning and knowledge. I described that people in these near death experiences claim to leave their bodies and have astral/spirit bodies. They claim that they can look back on their bodies. There have been cases in operating rooms where patients describe things that only the doctor could have known, and nobody can know, unless they really were outside of their bodies looking at what was going on. For instance, people in near death experiences can describe what the doctor was doing when he was operating.
I want to mention another thing that is important. Associating with God and death are often related. The bible describes that people do not see the face of God and live. There are cases in the bible of people seeing an angel of God and fearing that they are going to die. There is no greater knowledge than the knowledge of God. And knowledge of God apparently brings death. There is hidden knowledge that rabbis keep. For instance, it used to be illegal for Jews to speak about the Merkaba vehicle, or the chariot that Ezequiel saw. This chariot was seen as a divine chariot revealing the nature of God. There were stories that rabbis told of children discussing the Merkaba vehicle and bursting in flames because they could not handle it. In order to discuss the Merkaba vehicle you had to be well learned. It is interesting that people describe a similar thing with drugs. People describe that if you take a drug and you are not prepared for the experience in learning, then you may lose it. Some people take drugs like ecstasy and then suffer schizophrenia after it. So we are seeing that knowledge can be dangerous. Too much knowledge can kill you. Recall that in the Garden of Eden, God is afraid that Adam and Eve bit out of the fruit of knowledge because He says, "now they may become like Us". There is a connection with knowledge and God.
Another fascinating thing is that there are people who believe that experiences with God, or Gods or the divine are actually experiences with extraterrestrials. These people think that vehicles like the Merkaba vehicle in the bible, and experiences with angels and transcendent vehicles in the Bible and in other holy texts like Hindu texts are actually descriptions of experiences with aliens and alien vehicles. But this is the fascinating thing. Alien experiences are often accompanied with flow experiences. I described that contact with the divine is associated with knowledge. Some people think that knowledge is given to humans by aliens. People in cultures throughout the world describe that knowledge that they gain were given to them by their gods. Aliens are associated with the divine, and knowledge is associated with aliens. Many believe that some crop circles are produced by aliens, and they think that the crop circles contain hidden knowledge, often in sacred geometry. It has also been proposed, interestingly, along the ideas of Jung, that the human subconscious creates the crop circles. Also, in regards to alien experiences fascinatingly, experience with aliens is associated with sex and flow experiences and death. People who claim to be abducted by aliens often describe that the aliens do sexual experiments on them. Also they describe the aliens cutting them open. There are also cases of aliens mutilating cows and even killing people. These aliens are described as experimenting on humans, as if they are trying to gain knowledge. Some people think that humanity is an alien experiment itself, and they think that the aliens are holding knowledge from humans and preventing humans from attaining knowledge. There is a sumerian myth that describes that man was made by a god to be a slave and a worker. The main was designed to believe and have faith. The man was designed to be second quadrant oriented. In this myth a snake god comes and gives the man knowledge and tries to free him from this slavery of belief. It is fascinating how much this myth parallels the garden of Eden myth. But in this story the snake god is not necessarily seen as bad. The snake God is trying to free man from his prison of ignorance through knowledge that he is a slave. Ron Paul Hubbard, the founder of the religion of scientology, played with this myth by recreating it, but making the gods aliens. In ron Paul Hubbard's book a man tries to free humans from their ignorance through knowledge and they try to destroy the gods/aliens. A big thing that this character wants to let the humans know is that the gods are not gods but aliens. It is interesting that aliens are often depicted as sort of reptilian like the snake. The aliens have a quality of being associated with knowledge like the snake does. Also, like the snake, they are hidden and secretive, and very dangerous.
I said that alien experiences are often accompanied by flow experiences. An example of this was there was a man and his wife in their car and they claimed that a UFO flew over them. The next thing they knew was that they were out their house and they didn't know how they got there. There was a different subjective experience of time and space. It is as if time and space disappeared. People in UFO encounters sometimes describe time slowing down or speeding up. Also people describe being levitated. It is like the descriptions of peoples drug trips. Sometimes doctors explain experiences like the car experience as flow experiences, and they think that because the patient cannot explain what happened, they say that it was aliens. But doctors and scientists note that flow experiences do happen where people are one place and then another place and kind of lost track of themselves.

So I talked about how knowledge is often seen as kind of forbidden and dangerous and secretive. The tower of Babel story in the Bible is an example of this. The tower of Babel some rabbis say is an attempt by humans to get at the level of God. God says that he does not want them to "become like Us" so he punishes the humans. Recall that disobedience to God leads to punishment and death. In this case he separates the humans and gives them different languages. In the Garden of Eden story God says that in gaining knowledge the humans can become "like Us" and he exiles Adam and Eve from the garden. Like I described prophets in the bible who experience God or angels are often very scared. Often they kneel down in fear for their lives.
Also, prophets in the bible are described as gaining knowledge and experiencing God when they are alone. For instance, Moses had been ran out of Egypt by the Israelites and Egyptians. He is tending his Father in Law's sheep. It does not seem like things are going too great for Moses. But then he sees a burning bush. The Bush is burning but it does not burn up. Knowledge is often associated with light and energy. insight is often associated with a light going off in one's head. The burning Bush speaks to Moses and it is God speaking to him. God tells Moses, "I am that I am". Philosophers say that this is God telling Moses that He is being. Being here is represented by a bush, which is a living thing, that is on fire. This is kind of a depiction of energy. God tells Moses to free the Israelites from Egypt. Moses tells Him that he is not good at speaking but God tells him that Aaron, his brother will help him with what to say. This is God giving Moses knowledge.
One extremely fascinating thing is that a lot of people describe these transcendent experiences in the bible as experiences that were drug induced. People describe that the people who wrote the books were on drugs and the characters in the books were on drugs. For instance, people say that Moses here was taking a drug that induced him to see a speaking burning bush. People who take drugs sometimes claim to hear voices and have visual hallucinations. Some people go so far as to claim they know what mountain Moses saw the burning bush on and they claim to know what drug he was taking, based on the drugs that are around that mountain. Another example of this is people claim that John of Patmos, when writing the book of revelations, was on drugs. John of Patmos claimed to be getting knowledge from God, but people cliam that he was on drugs. Recall that the Greek oracle of delphi was said to be able to tell the future and gave people riddles that were said to be from the divine. Archaeological evidence suggests that the oracle of delphi made her prophecies and riddles in an area where a kind of gas came out of the Earth that could give trance like affects. So the oracle of delphi, some suggest, was high when she was making her riddles. Nostradamus, a Jewish man who claimed to be able to tell the future, people say was on drugs. Some people say that they think shakespeare was on drugs. A lot of times people claim that very creative works were created due to drug influence. People claim that a lot of knowledge has been gained through drugs. Some people think that drugs evolved the human consciousness. Freud himself, it is said, got a lot of his knowledge after taking drugs. Taking drugs is associated with leading people to contemplation. It is no coincidence that drugs are associated with knowledge and contemplation is in the fourth quadrant with knowledge. It is interesting though, as I described, that very creative works are the product of different states of consciousness that are often flow states. I described that I could only write raps very good when I was playing on a basketball team because this gave me stress and when I felt stress this put me in a kind of flow state and connected me to a sort of harmony where I could let go and write raps very good. It is like there is a different experience of time, or at least my thoughts were a lot faster. Nietszche was a German philosopher that tried to give himself poisons to make himself sick, because he claimed that when he was sick he gained better insights. He was sort of inducing in himself a kind of dieing state that he felt made him more susceptible to knowledge. Van Goh had a disease and he was dieing and people think that this helped him to create his works. It is interesting that a lot of these people, when having their transcendent experiences, were alone, and in a different state of consciousness. Descartes claimed that he got his ideas about rationality from angels and he was serious. It is kind of ironic but Descartes, a famous rational philosopher claimed to get his ideas about rationality from an angel. There is a modern example of knowledge being gained by a seeming divine source. It is also interesting that scientists explain off UFO experiences also as dreams. But I described that dreaming is the fourth square of the third quadrant, and thus it points to the fourth quadrant, so it makes sense that these scary, death like experiences would occur in dreams. It is interesting that sex, death, sports, drugs, angels, God, and aliens and all of these are pretty stressful or at least exhilerating experiences and they are all accompanied by flow states. One other thing I want to add is that there is the phrase knowledge is power. Power is thge ability to exert influecne. It is definitley true that knowledge is power. And the most powerful things are sex and death and drugs and sports which is a sublimation of sex and death, as well as music. Porn is a multibillion dollar industry and so is professional sports. Drugs is also a multibillion dollar industry. Both legal and illegal drugs control people's lives and control the world. And there is nothing more powerful than death and war. Movies with death and violence are the highest grossing movies. Sex, drugs, and death and sports, which are sublimations of these, are power. I also want to add that sex and death are related in that people who perform promiscuous sex often get stds. Promiscuous sex is considered a sin in the bible, and the punishment for sin, recall is disease and even death. Homosexuals are more likely to get aids. Tattoos are also a sin according to the torah. Tattooing is kind of similar to sex and death. The needle penetrates the person and gives pain, like a penis penetrating. Women have sometimes had orgasms getting tattoos. Some people claim that they enjoy the pain of tattoos and people become addicted to getting tattoos like people get addicted to sex and drugs. Tattoos can also give diseases and death. That is the nature of sin. Ancient tribal peoples would get tattoos to show status and these tattoos would help them attract mates. Women today still claim sometimes that they are attracted to men with tattoos and vice versa. But according to the torah tattooing is a sin, and especially after Jesus illuminated that sin is associated with the carnal,. A common disease that people get from getting tattoos is hepatitus c. This is transferred when the same needle is used on one person who has hepatitus c, and then used on another person without it. People also get diseases from the needles of drugs like when they use heroine and have heroine shots. People often die when they overdose on drugs. Tattoos like sex and drugs and sports gives a certain sense of pain and probably causes you stress so that your body releases chemicals that may give a sort of flow experience. An interesting thing about tattoos is that they change your body. If you get tattoos you are in a sense chaning yourself. This may represent a sort of dieing to yourself and a desire to be more than just your body and a recognition you are more than your body, and this may appeal to people. Another thing that people get addicted to is plastic surgery. Like sex, and tattoos, plastic surgery involves penetration of the skin. Again, sex, sports, drugs, and death are all related. You cut to the lane in basketball, you cut the drugs, you cut the girl, you cut the enemy with the knife. In plastic surgery there is cutting and there is an alteration of the body. There is in a sense a dieing of the old self and a birth of a new self. Michael Jackson is a person that some claim was addicted to plastic surgery, and people argue that this addiction killed him. But what may appeal to people with plastic surgery is there is a sort of transformation and perhaps transcendence of the self. It is important to note that women often get plastic surgery to enhance their boobs. I discussed that humans are described as sexy apes. Humans have protruding lips and women have boobs. These things promote pleasure in sex. Men and women kiss and men play with womens boobs. This increases pair bonding, which scientists think is important for humans because human men and women often need to raise offspring together. The more the man and woman play with each other sexually, the more they are pair bonded. When men and women touch, chemicals are released that increase their attachment to each other. Women get bigger boobs to make themselves appear more sexy. They also get plastic surgeries to make themselves appear younger and thus more fertile. Also, it is interesting that in Asia many women get plastic surgeries to try to look more European, and many men get plastic surgeries to try to get bigger penises. There is a sort of desire to die to your self and become a new self. Michael Jackson people claim was having plastic surgeries to make himself appear more European. It is interesting that many men get tattoos that say Mom. Freud may say that rerpesents their desire to have sex with their Moms.
Descartes is another philosopher who questioned if knowledge was possible. Descartes had a thought experiment where he said that, for all you know, all of your experiences are the work of an evil demon. He said that this evil demon is creating your perceptions and yoru thoughts and all of that, and making you think that reality is real, but really he is fooling you. So for instance, some people look at the pyramids in Egypt and they claim that they were made by aliens. But then people question why, if they were made by aliens they weren't more complex. but then people say that that they are too complex to be made by humans. And then new evidence comes out going both ways. But Descartes would say that this could all be futile. This could just be the evil demon keeping you preoccupied when really the pyramids are just an illusion to begin with. You may just be a prisoner in an illusion Descartes says, enslaved by the evil demon.
Descartes thought experiment leads you to the thought experiment of philosophical zombies. People take for granted the idea that others exist and they discount solipsism as foolish. Solipsism is the idea that only you exist. A lot of people say that solipsism is foolish. But in fact, some philosophers like the philosopher Chalmers, point out that solipsism is the most rational and sound stance. He points out the notion of philosophical zombies. Chalmers says that you are only really aware of your own consciousness. You cannot go into another person's head and experience what the person experiences. Even if you could through some bizarre technology, it would still be you experiencing what the other person is experiencing. Chalmers says that for all you know other people are just zombies. They look like they are conscious. They talk like they are conscious, they dance and they blink and make facial gestures. But he points out, that you cannot be sure that they are conscious. They can just be projections of your consciousness. They could just be trying to make you think that they are real. But they may not be real. If that is the case, then what would be real. The only thing that you can be sure of is that you are conscious, but everything else you can't really be sure of.
But let me continue with the notion that knowledge is connected with the divine. People claim to gain knowledge from the divine. People claim to gain knowledge from God. People have near death experiences and come back with knowledge. They claim in these near death experiences to connect with the divine. Remember that I described that in the bible God is being. According to Hinduism God is Being. I described already that Being is manifested through the quadrant model pattern. Nothing can be but that which expresses the Form of Existence. The study of Being is ontology. Whenever a prophet in the bible talks to God he says "here I am". Theologians point out that they are saying "here being". God's name in the bible is the tetragrammaton. The tetragrammaton is four letters. The tetragrammaton is YHW and H. This name is so holy that if a scribe wrote it he had to take off his clothes, take a bath, and then begin to write again. I say that there can only be one Being, and that is that which manifests the quadrant model pattern. Reality manifests the quadrant model pattern, and that is all that can be. Therefore there is one being and it is eternal. There cannot be non Being. There cannot be no thing. There has to be something. The only thing that can be is that which manifests the quadrant model pattern. Only one thing can manifest the quadrant model pattern. Therefore this reality is eternal. Many disagree with that. There are people that propose models like the Multiverse model, but I argue that even that fits the quadrant model pattern, and is an expression of the one Being. Some physicists claim that they have evidence that existence is a hologram. That is interesting that a hologram would tell you that it is a hologram.
What something is determines a what it can know, what it does, what it thinks, what it believes, and what it perceives. For instance, if something is Ryan Merkle, then it will have a certain knowledge, a certain faith, certain sensations. If I am a mentally handicapped person then I will have certain knowledge, a group I belong to, certain thoughts. If I am a tall person the this will affect my knowledge and what I do. Being affects all of the quadrants before it and none of the quadrants exist without Being. I described that Being in its purest form is God. Knowledge points to being. God gives knowledge. But it can be argued that God also gives thoughts, and beliefs, and responses and everything. The study of Being in philosophy is called ontology.
Let me explain how these quadrants relate to the myers briggs and keirsey personality models. The myers Briggs personality model consists of four dichotomies, that yield 16 personality types. The Myers Briggs personality Model was started by Carl Jung. Carl Jung came up with the first three dichotomies. After factor analysis Myers and Briggs discovered that there was another dichotomy. Again the fourth dichotomy is different and was discovered later. The fourth is always different from the previous three. The four dichotomies are
1. extraversion-intraversion
2. sensing-intuition
3. thinking-feeling
4. judging-perceiving
These are the four squares. The first square is extraversion- intraversion. Intraverts gain energy by being alone and being in their heads, while extraverts gain energy by being around others and are more action oriented.
The second square is sensing v. intuition
The second square is sensing v. intuition. These are called the perceiving functions. They are information gathering functions. Sensors are concerned more with facts and details, and intuitive people are concerned more with the big picture and deeper meaning
The third square thinking and feeling. These are the judging functions. Thinkers care more about logic and consistencey and doing what works. Feelers are more concerned with what other people feel and maintaining harmony with others
The fourth square is judging and perceiving. The fourth square always points outside itself and involves a larger context. This deals with how people relate to the outside world. Judgers prefer to use their thinking and feeling function when relating to the outside world. Perceivers prefer to use their sensation and inution function when relating to the outside world. Judgers tend to like to get things decided and plan things out. Perceivers tend to like to leave things open.
This leads to 16 types of people. Keirsey separates these types into four temparements. The four Kerisey temparaments are
quadrant 1- the idealist. square 1 infj the senser square 2 enfj the perceiver square 3 enfp the responder square 4 infp the aware person
quadrant 2- the guardian. square 1 isfj the believer square 2 esfj the faithful person square 3 estj the behaver square 4 istj the belonger
quadrant 3- the artisan. square 1 isfp the thinker square 2 esfp the emoter square 3 estp the doer square 4 istp the dreamer
quadrant 4- the rational. square 1 intj the contemplator square 2 entj the passionate person square 3 entp the flower square 4 intp the knower

There are 2 dichotomies that yield Keirsey's four temparements.
dichotomy 1- concrete and abstract
dichotomy 2-cooperative and utilitarian
Concrete people care more about details and facts. Abstract people care more about the big picture and connections.
Cooperative people care more about maintaining social harmony and utilitarian people care more about what works.
Quadrant 1 is the idealists. Idealists are abstract and cooperative. They are weird. Recall that the first square is weird. They are smart, but they like social harmony. They want to belong. They want to fit in. But at the same time they don't fit in because they are very abstract in their consciousness and are perceived as weird. They are sensitive, perceptive, responsible and aware. They care a lot about things like the environment, and nature. They are very spiritual and like to help people. They can tell a lot about others and can help others to feel better. They put others before themselves. When asked what the meaning of life is idealists say it is to find themselves. Recall that awareness is self awareness. Idealits want to find themselves. They desparately want to belong. They kind of want to be guardians. They look up to guardains. Idealists are rare making up about 10 percent of the populaton.
Quadrant 2 is the Guardians. Guardians are concrete and cooperative. They are normal. The second square remember is homeostasis. The second square is about maintaining order. The second square thinks black and white. The second square guardians are very into right and wrong. They are very into morality. They are not extremely deep thinkers. They are concrete. They are more concerned with facts. But also they are cooperative so they are concerned with social harmony and belonging. They do fit in and belong because they are not abstract and weird like the idealists. They tend to be religious. Even if they are not religious about religion, they are religious about something. By religious I mean they believe in something and have faith in something, but they don't necessarily have a deep knowledge about it. They maintain order and structure. They are good at producing social harmony and make good friends. They will take the shirt off their backs for you. If you ask a guardian what the meaning of life is he will say that it is to put food in the fridge and to take care of your family. Guardians are very into family and friends. But they kind of envy the artisans who are spontaneous and fun. They look down on them a bit because they are so wild and destructive and seem dumb, but at the same time they kind of want to be artisans. Guardians are rare plentiful making up about 50 percent of the population
Quadrant 3 is the artisans. Artisans are concrete and utilitarian. Artisans are cool. Artisans are very into the physical. Recall that the thrid square is the most physical. Artisans are rational. They think and they are emotional. They are doers. They love to do stuff. They love to have fun. They can be very spontaneous and even destructive. The third square is destructive. The third square is often seen as bad. They like sports and art. However, they kind of envy the rational because they want to be able to think abstractly. They may turn to drugs to do this. Artisans like respect. They want respect and authority. Artisans are plentiful making up about 35 percent of the population
Quadrant 4 is the rationals. Rationals are abstract and utilitarian. Abstrct people are weird. Abstract people look for principals and patterns and connections. The fourth quadrant is knowledge. The fourth quadrant is contemplation. Rationals are very contemplative. They tend to be calm but they can also be passionate. Rationals may not show emotions too much, but when they do they are out of control. Rationals are utilitarian. They do what works and don't care as much about social harmony. That is why they can be destructive. They can be transformative. Einstein was a rational. Einstein had a hard time taking care of himself. Rationals heads can be in the clouds. They are contemplating. They are kind of transcending the normal world. But also they can be chameleons. Rationals can fit in with the other types and pretend to be them. Especially the INTP who is the fourth square of the fourth quadrant. I am an INTP. INTPs see the big picture. Rationals are philosophers. Rationals are rare, making up about 5 percent of the population. The fourth always seems to not belong with the other three. Rationals are extremely rare and they are different from the other three.

These personality types relate to the four fields of inquiry. These fields of inquiry are
square 1 science. Science is the idealist. Science is a first square field of inquiry. Science is weird. Science is abstract. But science also is very concerned with belonging. Philosophers of science like Kuhn and Popper point out that science likes to consider itself objective. But science is very much shaped by authority. People can only see what they are looking for. Science is sensation and perception. And people only perceive what they are looking for. An example of this is the case of the pyramids. There was pictures that showed that there were cavities within the pyramids, but nobody made anything of it. It took an architect to look at the picture, who was aware of the capacity to build something from the inside out, to realize those cavities were used to build the pyramids. Science is very much shaped by consensus and tradition. Idealists are very affected by consensus and tradition. Boltzmann was a scientist who proposed that atoms were real things and people thought that he was crazy. Scientists are often afraid to shake things up. Scientists tend to hold onto old views. He ended up committing suicide. It took until after he was dead for people to realize that he was right. This is very common in science. It happens all of the time. People in science often propose something and are called crazy by their fellow scientists and then much later they are proved right. It is difficult to trust science because as I described, it is based on sensation and perception, and sensation and perception is limited and flawed. Science is not objective, but very subjective. Like I said people only see what they are looking for and their findings are shaped by their prejudices. For a long time eugenics and science that studied race was very popular. But after world war II this became taboo and people stopped studying race. Cultural norms shape science and science is very much dependent on funding. So scientists are constantly trying to appeal to people and worry about others like idealists. Science, like idealists, is very into helping people. Science tries to fight cancer, and save the environment, and is aware of problems like the climate and asteroids. Science also gets into weird stuff like aliens and even goes into studying supernatural things like astral projections. Science, like idealists, is weird. Science is spiritual like idealists. Physics is actually mostly about the study of invisible forces, so there is a spiritual quality to it. Fields liek quantum mechanics are very weird, and study how thoughts affect reality. That is the nature of the first square.
square 2 religion. Religion is the guardian. Religion is about homeostasis like the guardian is. Religion is very into the status quo and maintaining order, like the guardian is. Religions offer laws and ways of living that are supposed to create harmony. Religions are about belief, faith, behavior and belonging. Religions often separate along ethnic lines. For instance, in Europe different ethnic groups adopted different religions. Northern Germany adopted protestantism and Southern Germany adopted catholicism and it can be argued that this was due to ethnic divisions. In Asia different ethnic groups adopted different forms of Buddhism. In arab lands different ethnic groups adopted different forms of Islam. Religions offer codes of behavior. Religions are very into what is right and wrong. Religions are very into morality like the guardian, and maintaining order. This is the nature of the second square. Many people think that religion and art are completely separate. The first two squares are always the duality. But they are very interconnected. Science has always informed religion and religion has always informed science. The idea of the big bang was proposed by a priest. Mendel, who discovered punnett square genetics was a monk. Science also tries to explain religion. Ancient astronaut scientists try to explain the bible and other holy texts as the products of alien visitations to earth.
square 3 art. Art is the artisan. Art is about thinking emotion doing and dreaming. Van Goh described that he painted his dreams. Art includes painting and music and dance and literature. Artists often describe that they express their emotions through art. Music has been described as emotion in sound form. Art makes people think. Art can be destructive and cause people to question things. Art often deals with subjects such as race and religion, and causes people to question their assumptions. Art can make you uncomfortable, like the artisan. Art shows off like the artisan. Art is fun like the artisan. Art is best when it is spontaneous. Artisans are spontaneous. Art shakes things up. Art can be used to support the status quo, but it also often shakes up the status quo.
square 4 philosophy. Philosophy is the rational. The fourth square always encompasses the previous squares. There is philosophy of science and philosophy of religion and philosophy of art. Philosophy is contemplation, passion, flowing and knowing. Philosophy is the love of knowledge. Knowledge is the understanding of something beyond just sensation and perception but a very deep understanding of something. Philosophy deals with the study of knowledge and the study of being and the study of concepts that are often beyond rational comprehension. Philosophy is seen as not belonging with the other three fields of inquiry. The fourth is always different. Philosophers like rationals, are seen as having their heads in the clouds. Philosophy deals with contemplating qualities that are beyond rational resolution, like beauty and Truth and God and love.
Philosophy is the love of knowledge. Knowledge is the understanding of something beyond just sensation and perception but a very deep understanding of something. Philosophy deals with the study of knowledge and the study of being and the study of concepts that are often beyond rational comprehension. Philosophy is seen as not belonging with the other three fields of inquiry. The fourth is always different. Philosophers like rationals, are seen as having their heads in the clouds.
I described the quadrant model and the nature of each quadrant and each square. Now I plan to go through each field of inquiry and describe how each field of inquiry reveals the quadrant model pattern.
I am going to start with science. The primary fields of science are
square 1: physics. Physics is the first square. Physics is the idealist. Like the idealist physics is the most into the supernatural and the spiritual. Physics is a lot aobut invisible forces such as gravity and the strong and weak forces and electromagnetism. Idealists are into the law and following orders. Physics is very lawful. Idealists are very smart and are considered weird. Physics is considered weird and a very difficult subject. This corresponds to Wilbers mind quadrant.
square 2: chemistry. Chemistry is the second square. Chemistry is the guardian. Chemistry is considered not as difficult as physics, so you don't have to be as smart to do chemistry. Guardians are not as smart as physicists. Chemistry is all about relationships and reactions between things. Guardians are very into families and relationships. Chemistry is also very lawful and guardians are very into laws and order. This corresponds to Wilbers culture quadrant.
square 3: biology. Biology is the third square. Biology is the artisan. The thrid square is always the most physical. The third square is about doing. The artisan is physical and about organisms that move and act. Biology isn't considered very hard and biologists aren't considered too smart, although they are seen as sort of smart. Same thing with artisans. This corresponds to Wilbers body quadrant.
square 4: psychology. Psychology is the fourth square. Psychology does not seem to belong with the other three sciences. But psychology encompasses them. That is the nature of the fourth square. The fourth always encompasses the previous three. Psychology is the rational. The fourth square is contemplation and knowledge. Psychology is about studying the mind. Rationals are very mental, and psychology studies the mental. This corresponds to Wilbers social quadrant. Psychology is about social interaction. It is important to note that physicists think that the mind actually may manifest physical reality. This is what quantum physicists are suggesting. If that is the case, then psychology is essential to understanding the physical nature of reality. By understanding psychology, if it is true that reality and the mind are related, you can better understand reality. Psychology is influenced by chemistry. Doctors think that the brain is influenced by neurotransmitters which are chemicals in the brain, and hormones which are chemicals in the body. Biologists need to understand psychology because the brain and the mind control organisms.
I am also going to talk about the possible fifth field of science sociology. The fourth always encompasses the previous three, and it points to what comes after it. Psycholgy encompasses physics, chemistry, and biology, and it points to sociology. Sociology is the study of psychology in groups.
Let's start with physics. Let's start with Aristotle, who was one of the first physicists. Aristotle believed that there were four elements that comprised everything. Aristotle thought that these elements were comprised of four qualities. These qualities are hot and cold and wet and dry.
This model corresponds to the personality model. Hot corresponds to abstract. Hot things rise. Hot things are weird. Abstract people are weird. Cold corresponds to concrete. Cold things sink. Cold things are normal. So is concrete people.
Wet corresponds with cooperative. Wet things fill their containers. Cooperative people try to fit in and in a sense fill their containers/environments.
Dry corresponds with utilitarian. Dry things are individuals. They are solid and do their own things. Utilitarian people are individuals who do what thy want and aren't too influenced by others.
These four qualites yield four elements.
Square 1: wind. Wind is hot and wet. This corresponds to the idealist who is abstract and cooperative. Wind is hot in that it is weird and it rises. It is wet in that it fills its container
Square 2: water. Water is cold and wet. This corresponds to the guardian who is concrete and cooperative. Water is cold in that it is normal and sinks. It is wet in that it fills its container. The second square is homestasis. Water is healing and cleans you.
Square 3: earth. Earth is cold and dry. This corresponds t the artisan who is concrete and utilitarian. Earth is cold in that it is normal and sinks. It is dry in that it is an individual. It does its own thing and it is solid. The third square is always the most solid. Earth is solid and hard.
Square 4: fire. Fire is hot and dry. This corresponds to the rational who is abstract and utilitarian. Fire is hot in that fire is weird and it rises. Fire is utilitarian in that it is an individual and seems solid and to do its own thing, as opposed to filling its container. Square 4 is separate from the previous three squares, but also always seems different from them. The fourth square always has a quality of being like pure energy. Air is kind of like wind, water, and earth because it is ephemeral like the wind, it flows like water, and it seems solid like Earth.
Square 5. Aristotle said that there is a possible fifth element called the aether. He related this element with the divine. The fifth is always related to the divine. The fifth is God. Aristotle said that nothing existed without the aether and the aether was in the stars. the fourth is always transcendent. But the fifth is always ultra transcendent.
Aristotle thought ha everything was composed of varying amounts of these elements. Various cultures throughout thee world also had a four/five element system. Some of the cultures had the fifth element as life, or the void. It is interesting tht one sounds like wind, two, sounds like water and has the t and w in it like water. three sounds like earth and has the erth in it. And four sounds like fire. Five louds like life, which is considered in some cultures to be the fifth element.
These four elements relate to the four phases of matter.
Square 1 is gas. This corresponds to wind.
Square 2 is liquid. This corresponds to water
Square 3 is solid. This corresponds to earth.
Square 4 is plasma. This corresponds to fire.P lasmas are electrically conductive, creat magnetic fields and electric currents, and reeact a lot to electromagnetic forces. Positively charged nuclei swim in a "sea" of freely-moving disassociated electrons, and it is a lot like the way such charges exist in conductive metal, and an electron "sea" that allows matter in the plasma state to conduct electricity. In fact, fire is a plasma. Stars are plasma. The fourth, plasma, seems a lot different from the previous three states of matter. The fourth always seems not to belong. But the fourth is very imporant.
It is important to note that these are distinct phase shifts. Things are either a gas, liquid, solid or plasma. There is a possible fifth state of matter called the Einstein Bose condensate. Sometimes this is called the fifth state of matter. Again, this is transcendent like God. The fifth is always like God.
The quadrant Model is based on this first example by Aristotle. There is usually a two dyad and the dyads creates four possiblities. In the case of the Myers Briggs there is four dyads and they create 16 types. The Quadrant Model is based on the 16 squares within the four quadrants.

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